
How To Install Os Through Ilo 5


The RESTful Interface Tool (iLOREST) is a command-line interface that allows you to manage Hewlett Packard Enterprise products that take advantage of RESTful APIs. For this release of the tool, you can manage HPE Gen10 servers running iLO 5 version 2.10 or later and Gen9 servers running iLO 4 version 2.10 or later through iLO RESTful APIs. You can install the tool on your computer for remote use or you can install the tool locally on a server with a Windows OS or Linux OS. In addition to using the tool manually to execute individual commands, you can create scripts to automate tasks.

iLOREST can display and set parameters for the following:

  • HPE BIOS/UEFI (including secure boot)
  • HPE iLO 4/iLO 5
  • HPE iLO Repository
  • Smart Array support

Change Log

Version 3.3.0


  • Fixed issues in uniqueoverride option for SerialNumber and ProductId in set and load commands.
  • Fixed issues related to Save and Load commands.
  • Fixed incorrect json outputs for Smartarray commands to help in automation scripts.
  • Fixed issues with Uploadcomp w.r.t FWPKG files.
  • Fixed issues with showabsent option in serverinfo command.
  • Fixed issue with taskqueue command output as json format.
  • Fixed issue of rawget command involving session id param.


  • Added Virtual NIC login option along with Chif for local login.
  • Added Certificate login options using user-based certificates in iLO.
  • Added enable_vnic and disable_vnic options in ethernet command.
  • Added NVMe drive type for smartarray commands
  • New error code RIS_ILO_CHIF_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR(66) is returned if iLO denies Chif Access.
  • New error codes RIS_CREATE_AND_PREPARE_CHANNEL_ERROR(67) or RIS_ILO_CHIF_PACKET_EXCHANGE_ERROR(71) is returned if there is any Chif Channel errors.
  • New error code RIS_ILO_CHIF_NO_DRIVER_ERROR(69) is returned if Chif driver not found.

Version 3.2.2


  • Help command missing issue.
  • Command outputs in Json format when used with -j or --json option.
  • Key Error issue when saving Bios using save command.
  • Multiple keys get/set related issues w.r.t. FcPorts.
  • Console error issue when –logdir option used.
  • Multiple help text related issues.


  • New Error code 84 (ILO_RIS_CORRUPTION_ERROR) is returned if RIS is found to corrupted.
  • New Error code 46 (USERNAME_PASSWORD_REQUIRED_ERROR) is returned if username and password not passed when iLO is in High Security Mode
  • Partition Mounting Error return text enhanced to reflect actual error.

Version 3.2.1

What's New:

  • Codebase migrated to Python3 from Python2.
  • Upgraded OpenSSL version to 1.0.2r.
  • Setpassword able to set empty password.
  • Introduced Ethernet command. The Ethernet command handles the Ethernet related set and get parameters like IP, DNS, and so on. This also has save and load features.
  • Serverclone options –silent and –quiet replaced with –auto.


  • Enhanced smartarray functionalities for creating, deleting and clearing logical drives.
  • Addressed drivesanitize not formatting the drive.
  • Serverclone save and load related issues.
  • Bootorder and iscsiconfig related fixes
  • Persistent memory related bug fixes.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes in rawpatch, get, set and flashfwpkg commands.

Version 3.1.1

What's New:

  • Provided an option to input session_key for the REDfishClient class.
  • The iloaccounts command now provides the output in JSON format.
  • The createlogicaldrive quickdrive command now successfully runs.
  • BIOS and the poweron passwords can now be set without any password.


  • AHS data failing to download sometimes.
  • An issue with downloading AHS when iLOREST is running locally on a server.
  • The privilege modification of an iLO user account that was incorrectly applied on another user.
  • The body of the onebuttonerase command, so that it could POST successfully.

Version 3.1.0

  • Argument Parsing utilized for command line help functionality
  • All commands utilize '-h' in interactive or scriptable modes. iLORest -h can be utilized to query global help.
  • Optional arguments can be supplied in any order as applicable to the relevant command or subcommand.
  • iLO firmware component update command timeout increased from 420 seconds to 1200 seconds.
  • Serverclone command fixes:
    1. Optional argument change:
      • silentcopy (--auto) -> automatic copy (--autocopy)
    2. iLO Federation Groups
      • Privilege changes are now performed regardless of add or modify password operations. If something happens an exception is thrown and logged.
  • FWPKG TypeC packages upload only .ZIP archive.
  • Results command updated to utilize revised response handler from python ilorest library (response handler changes incorporated in 3.0.0).



The requirements for the server, which you will manage with the tool, are as follows:

  • Local management: Gen9 or greater server with a Windows OS or Linux OS (64‑bit) installed.
    Note: On a fresh windows installation, Chif driver need to be installed which will be available in Service Pack for ProLiant(SPP).
  • Operating System: Windows 2019, 2016, 2012R2, RHEL 7.x, 8.x, SUSE 15SPx, 12SP3, MAC, Debian 9, 10
  • Remote management: Gen9 or greater server with or without an OS installed.
  • iLO 5: 2.10 or later
  • iLO 4: 2.10 or later
  • Before you run the tool on a Linux system, the /tmp folder must be configured to allow code to execute. If the /tmp folder is set to no-execution, the tool will not run. You can work around this by exporting an environment variable to point to another location. $ export TMPDIR=/some/other/location You can assign a new location to any of the following environment variables: TMPDIR, TEMP, TMP.

Updating the JSON schemas used by the RESTful Interface Tool

Latest Schemas are automatically updated when using iLO 2.10 or later and the RESTful Interface Tool 2.4.0 or later.
Note: When using an earlier version of iLO or an earlier version of the RESTful Interface Tool, you must manually get the latest JSON schemas from the SPP located in the hp_restful_api directory. Copy the schema files to the appropriate directory:

Installing the RESTful Interface Tool

Perform the following steps to install the tool in a Windows OS or Linux OS.
Note: Debian, Ubuntu and Mac Versions are available from Github Releases URL.

  1. Download the RESTful Interface Tool for your operating system from iLO Restful API Ecosystem or directly from Github Releases
  2. Install the installation package on the server you prefer to manage for local management. For remote management, install the package on a laptop or server that has access to the managed server network.
  3. (Linux only) Most operating systems have /tmp mounted with noexec by default. Before running the RESTful Interface Tool, the file systems table must be configured so that /tmp is mounted with exec: mount -o remount,exec /tmp

Starting the RESTful Interface Tool


  1. Click the Start menu.
  2. Click Hewlett Packard Enterprise > RESTful Interface Tool.
  3. Right-click the RESTful Interface Tool prompt, and then click Run as Administrator.


  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command as an administrator to start interactive mode: /usr/sbin/ilorest

The RESTful Interface Tool has three modes of operation. By default, the interactive mode is utilized when you start the RESTful Interface Tool. With scriptable mode, you can use a script that gives commands to the RESTful Interface Tool. The file-based mode allows you to use a script that gives commands to the RESTful Interface Tool and uses a file to load and save settings.

Interactive Mode

Interactive mode is started when you run the RESTful Interface Tool without any command-line parameters. The ilorest > prompt is displayed and you can enter commands one at a time. Interactive mode provides immediate feedback for an entered command. You can also use this mode to validate a script.

To start an interactive session:

  • On Windows systems, double-click ilorest.exe. You must be an administrator to run ilorest.exe.
  • On Linux systems, enter the following command as administrator: /usr/sbin/ilorest

You can exit the interactive mode by entering the exit command at the prompt.

Interactive Mode

Tab complete

Tab complete is available for interactive mode in multiple capacities. See the features below.


Tab complete is available for viewing and completing commands.

Tab complete commands


Each Redfish resource is associated to a data type. To view or modify a resource, you must first select its type. NOTE: Types descriptions are available in the iLO5 API reference

Tab complete is available for viewing and completing types.

  • You must be logged in

Tab complete types

Properties and sub-properties

Tab complete is available for viewing and completing properties.

  • You must be logged in and have a type selected
  • Also available for set and list

Tab complete props

Schema information for properties

Tab complete can also show schema information for properties.

  • You must be logged in and have a type selected
  • Also available for set and list

Tab complete schema

Scriptable Mode

The following script retrieves information regarding the Bios type:

:: This is a batch file that logs into a remote server, :: selects the Bios type, and gets the BootMode value  :: Usage :: :: selectget.bat [URI] [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] @echo off  set argC=0 for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1 if %argC% LSS 3 goto :failCondition goto :main  :failCondition @echo Usage: @echo selectget.bat [URI] [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] goto :EOF  :main @echo ***************************************** @echo ************* Logging in... ************* @echo ***************************************** ilorest.exe login %1 -u %2 -p %3 @echo ***************************************** @echo ******* selecting Bios type... ******** @echo ***************************************** ilorest.exe select Bios. @echo ***************************************** @echo ********** getting BootMode... ********** @echo ***************************************** ilorest.exe get BootMode pause        

You can use the scriptable mode to script all the commands using an external input file. The script contains a list of the RESTful Interface Tool command lines that let users get and set properties of server objects.

In this example, first the Bios type is selected, and then the get command is used to retrieve information about the BootMode property of Bios.

File-based mode

The following script allows you to save, edit, and load a file to the server.

            :: This a file-based edit mode helper for RESTful Interface Tool :: 1. Run to download selected type to a file called ilorest.json :: 2. Edit the ilorest.json file to make changes. :: 3. Press any key running batch program to continue with program, ::    uploading the newly edited program to the server.  :: Usage :: :: saveload.bat [SELECTOR] [FILENAME] :: Specify a type with the SELECTOR tag, and :: save to a file called FILENAME @echo off set argC=0 for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1 if %argC% LSS 2 goto :failCondition goto :main  :failCondition @echo Usage: @echo saveload.bat [SELECTOR] [FILENAME] @echo specify a type with the SELECTOR tag, and @echo save to a file called FILENAME goto :EOF  :main ilorest.exe login ilorest.exe save --selector=%1 --json -f %2 @echo Edit the file, then: pause ilorest.exe load -f %2                      

File-based mode allows you to save and load settings from a file. This is similar to the conrep.dat files used by CONREP. File-based mode supports the JSON format.

When the example script is run, the following result is produced:

File Mode example

Here, the Bios type is saved to a file called ilorest1.json. Then, after you modify any properties, the load command is used to make these changes on the server.

The properties of Bios can be edited here, and then loaded on the server. When the file is loaded on the server, changes to read-only values are not reflected. The full list in this example is truncated to save space.

After saving this configuration, the ilorest1.json file looks like this:

            {     {         "Comments":{             "Manufacturer": "HP",             "Model": "ProLiant DL360 Gen9",             "BIOSFamily": "P89",             "BIOSDate": "05/03/2015"         }     },     {         "HpBios.1.2.0": {             "/rest/v1/systems/1/bios/Settings": {                 "AcpiRootBridgePxm": "Enabled",                 "AcpiSlit": "Enabled",                 "AdminName": "Jean Kranz",                 ...                 "WakeOnLan": "Enabled"             }         }     } }                      

Executing commands in parallel

Run the following command to start iLOREST sessions in 10 different iLO based servers:

            clush -R exec -w 'server[1-10]' ilorest --cache-dir=%h login ilo-%h -u username -p password                      

When you run the example command, clush issues the following 10 commands in batch and background mode. For each command, iLOREST saves cached data in a different location: server1 data is cached in directory server1, server2 data is cached in directory server2....

            ilorest --cache-dir=server1 login ilo-server1 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server2 login ilo-server2 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server3 login ilo-server3 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server4 login ilo-server4 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server5 login ilo-server5 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server6 login ilo-server6 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server7 login ilo-server7 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server8 login ilo-server8 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server9 login ilo-server9 -u username -p password  ilorest --cache-dir=server10 login ilo-server10 -u username -p password                      

Now that an iLOREST session is created on each iLO, you can select, set, or get information from them.

The -R exec part of the example finds and locally executes the iLOREST executable. The -w server[1-10] part of the example replaces the string %h in the rest of the command with 1, 2, … 10.

            clush -R exec --cache-dir=server[1-10] ilorest <select, list, get or set> <Type or property>.                      

iLOREST uses a caching method to locally save servers' data. To send iLOREST commands to many different systems at once remotely, you will need to specify a different cache directory for each of them. The following example uses the ClusterShell(clush), but any method of parallel scripting will work as long as you are specifying different cache directories.

Running iLOREST against multiple managed systems can also be done using automation tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Puppet.

Configuration file (Redfish.conf)

Windows default configuration file

            [ilorest] #iLOrest reads the following environment variables, and applies them at runtime.   #Note that they can be overridden by command line switches.  #####          Log Settings          ##### ########################################## # directory where iLOrest writes its log file # logdir = .\ilorest_logs  #####         Cache Settings         ##### ########################################## # option to disable caching of all data # cache = False  #####       Credential Settings      ##### ########################################## # option to use the provided url to login # url =  # option to use the provided username to login # username = admin  # option to use the provided password to login # password = password  # option to use the provided SSL certificate or certificate bundle for HTTPS validation #sslcert = .\  #####         Commit Settings        ##### ########################################## # flag to commit in all places where applicable # commit = True  #####    Output Default Settings     ##### ########################################## # flag to change output format in all places where applicable # format = json  #####    Schema Default Settings     ##### ########################################## # directory where iLOrest will look for ilo schemas # iloschemadir = .\  # directory where iLOrest will look for bios schemas # biosschemadir = .\  #####  Default Save/Load Settings    ##### ########################################## # option to set default save output file # savefile = ilorest.json  # option to set default load input file # loadfile = ilorest.json                      

Linux default configuration file

            [iLOrest] #iLOrest reads the following environment variables, and applies them at runtime.   #Note that they can be overridden by command line switches.  #####          Log Settings          ##### ########################################## # directory where iLOrest writes its log file # logdir = /var/log/ilorest/  #####         Cache Settings         ##### ########################################## # option to disable caching of all data # cache = False  #####       Credential Settings      ##### ########################################## # option to use the provided url to login # url =  # option to use the provided username to login # username = admin  # option to use the provided password to login # password = password  # option to use the provided SSL certificate or certificate bundle for HTTPS validation #sslcert = ./  #####         Commit Settings        ##### ########################################## # flag to commit in all places where applicable # commit = True  #####    Output Default Settings     ##### ########################################## # flag to change output format in all places where applicable # format = json  #####    Schema Default Settings     ##### ########################################## # directory where iLOrest will look for ilo schemas # iloschemadir = /usr/share/ilorest/  # directory where iLOrest will look for bios schemas # biosschemadir = /usr/share/ilorest/  #####  Default Save/Load Settings    ##### ########################################## # option to set default save output file # savefile = ilorest.json  # option to set default load input file # loadfile = ilorest.json                      

The configuration file contains the default settings for the tool. You can use a text editor to change the behavior of the tool such as adding a server IP address, username, and password. The settings that you add or update in the configuration file are automatically loaded each time you start the tool.

Configuration file locations:

  • Windows OS: The same location as the executable file that starts the tool.
  • Linux OS: /etc/ilorest/Redfish.conf

Higher Security Modes

This section describes how to set higher security modes and how to use the RESTful Interface Tool in these modes. For more information about the higher security modes in iLO 5, see the Security State topic in the iLO 5 API documentation.

Setting iLO Higher Security Modes

To set security modes in RESTful Interface Tool, select the "HpeSecurityService." type, and then set the "SecurityState" property to one of the allowed values and commit. Set Security 1

Using RESTful Interface Tool in iLO Higher Security Modes

RESTful Interface Tool in remote mode continues to function normally in higher security modes. To use RESTful Interface Tool locally in higher security modes, you must pass credentials along with your commands.

RESTful Interface Tool functions normally with higher security settings in remote mode. Set Security 2 To use RESTful Interface Tool locally in higher security modes, you must pass credentials to your commands. Set Security 3 If you do not pass the proper credentials in local mode, you receive a similar error. Set Security 4

A note on OS FIPS modes

RESTful Interface Tool 2.2 and greater have OS FIPS support. If an OS is set to enforce FIPS, RESTful Interface Tool uses a FIPS version of OpenSSL.

For users running from source that would like FIPS support, please see this link for information on including this feature.


Global Optional Arguments

This section lists all global options available. These options apply to ilorest as a whole and are either passed when invoking for interactive mode or can be passed at every instance for scriptable mode.

-h, --help

Including the help flag will display general help for the tool.

-c, --config=CONFIGFILE

Use the provided configuration file instead of the default.


Use the provided directory as the location to cache data instead of the default.


Display verbose information. The --verbose option provides a brief response message from iLO.


The second level or "very verbose" option provides further details regarding iLO response information.

HTTP Response Code: [400] MessageId: iLO.2.8.PropertyNotWritableOrUnknown Description: The request included a value for a  read-only or unknown property. Message: The property "NTPServers" is a read-only property and cannot be assigned a value, or not valid for this resource. Resolution: If the operation did not complete, remove the property from the request body and resubmit the request.        

The extended verbosity option provides the following additional information for iLO HTTP and the iLO Channel Interface Driver response messages: * An error response message id ("MessageId"), iLO response error message code identification. * An error response message description ("Description"), essentially a quick synopsis of the issue. * An error response message ("Message") describing the reason for the error in greater detail. The offending properties are embedded as per the relevant error response resource. * An error response resolution ("Resolution") describing steps to correct the error.

The following example shows extended verbosity:

-d, --debug

The debug option provides a timestamp of all transmit and response activity with iLO to a file called iLOrest.log. This files is saved in the same path where you launched the tool.

The following example shows the contents of the iLOrest.log file:

2020-06-05 14:20:39,266 INFO    : Not using CA certificate. 2020-06-05 14:20:39,267 INFO    : Initializing no proxy. 2020-06-05 14:20:39,267 DEBUG : HTTP REQUEST: GET             PATH: /redfish/v1/             HEADERS: {'OData-Version': '4.0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'}             BODY: None 2020-06-05 14:20:39,269 DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2020-06-05 14:20:39,884 DEBUG : "GET /redfish/v1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2020-06-05 14:20:39,885 INFO    : Response Time to /redfish/v1/: 0.615999937057 seconds. 2020-06-05 14:20:39,887 DEBUG : HTTP RESPONSE for /redfish/v1/: Code:200 OK Headers:             Transfer-Encoding: chunked             ETag: W/"16CA421D"             Link: </redfish/v1/SchemaStore/en/ServiceRoot.json/>; rel=describedby             Allow: GET, HEAD             Cache-Control: no-cache             Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2020 19:21:15 GMT             OData-Version: 4.0             X-Frame-Options: sameorigin             Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  Body Response of /redfish/v1/: {"@odata.context":"/redfish/v1/$metadata#ServiceRoot.ServiceRoot","@odata.etag":"W/\"16CA421D\"","":"/redfish/v1/","@odata.type":"#ServiceRoot.v1_5_1.ServiceRoot","Id":"RootService","AccountService":{"":"/redfish/v1/AccountService/"},"Chassis":{"":"/redfish/v1/Chassis/"},"EventService":{"":"/redfish/v1/EventService/"},"JsonSchemas":{"":"/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/"},"Links":{"Sessions":{"":"/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/"}},"Managers":{"":"/redfish/v1/Managers/"},"Name":"HPE RESTful Root Service","Oem":{"Hpe":{"@odata.context":"/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOServiceExt.HpeiLOServiceExt","@odata.type":"#HpeiLOServiceExt.v2_3_0.HpeiLOServiceExt","Links":{"ResourceDirectory":{"":"/redfish/v1/ResourceDirectory/"}},"Manager":[{"DefaultLanguage":"en","FQDN":"","HostName":"ILOMXQ849018N","Languages":[{"Language":"en","TranslationName":"English","Version":"2.10"}],"ManagerFirmwareVersion":"2.10","ManagerType":"iLO 5","Status":{"Health":"OK"}}],"Moniker":{"ADVLIC":"iLO Advanced","BMC":"iLO","BSYS":"BladeSystem","CLASS":"Baseboard Management Controller","FEDGRP":"DEFAULT","IPROV":"Intelligent Provisioning","PRODABR":"iLO","PRODFAM":"Integrated Lights-Out","PRODGEN":"iLO 5","PRODNAM":"Integrated Lights-Out 5","PRODTAG":"HPE iLO 5","STDLIC":"iLO Standard","SUMABR":"SUM","SUMGR":"Smart Update Manager","SYSFAM":"ProLiant","VENDABR":"HPE","VENDNAM":"Hewlett Packard Enterprise","WWW":"","WWWAHSV":"","WWWBMC":"","WWWDOC":"","WWWERS":"","WWWGLIS":"reserved for liconf URI","WWWIOL":"","WWWLIC":"","WWWLML":"","WWWPASS":"","WWWPRV":"","WWWQSPEC":"","WWWRESTDOC":"","WWWSUP":"","WWWSWLIC":""},"Sessions":{"CertCommonName":"","CertificateLoginEnabled":false,"KerberosEnabled":false,"LDAPAuthLicenced":true,"LDAPEnabled":false,"LocalLoginEnabled":true,"LoginFailureDelay":0,"LoginHint":{"Hint":"POST to /Sessions to login using the following JSON object:","HintPOSTData":{"Password":"password","UserName":"username"}},"SecurityOverride":false,"ServerName":""},"System":[{"Status":{"Health":"OK"}}],"Time":"2020-06-05T19:21:15Z"}},"Product":"ProLiant DL360 Gen10","ProtocolFeaturesSupported":{"ExpandQuery":{"ExpandAll":false,"Levels":true,"Links":false,"MaxLevels":1,"NoLinks":true},"FilterQuery":true,"OnlyMemberQuery":true,"SelectQuery":false},"RedfishVersion":"1.6.0","Registries":{"":"/redfish/v1/Registries/"},"SessionService":{"":"/redfish/v1/SessionService/"},"Systems":{"":"/redfish/v1/Systems/"},"Tasks":{"":"/redfish/v1/TaskService/"},"TelemetryService":{"":"/redfish/v1/TelemetryService/"},"UUID":"d3372204-1b09-54ea-9aa0-88940c369d59","UpdateService":{"":"/redfish/v1/UpdateService/"},"Vendor":"HPE"}        

Display debug information.


Use the provided directory as the location for the log file instead of the default.


During execution the application will temporarily store data only in memory.


Include to block copyright and logo.


Include to block bottom status bar.


Use the provided proxy for communication.


Use this flag if you wish to enable Redfish only compliance. It is enabled by default in systems with iLO 5 and above.


Optionally use the latest schema files instead of the default present in iLO.

Global Commands

This section includes commands as well as their usage and examples of general commands in the RESTful Interface Tool. They include commands used to do things such as listing help for using commands, viewing, retrieving, modifying, and committing changes to server properties, authenticating and logging in and out of the server.

Help Command

Help example commands: Entering help will list the global options and all available commands for iLOREST.

iLOrest >          help          usage: iLOrest [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [COMMAND ARGUMENTS] [COMMAND OPTIONS]  iLOrest is a command-line or interactive interface that allows users to manage Hewlett Packard Enterprise products that take advantage of RESTful APIs.  In order to view or manage a system you must first login. You can login using the login command or during execution of any other command. From here you can run any other commands. To learn more about specific commands, run iLOrest COMMAND -h.  optional arguments:   -h, --help            show this help message and exit   -c FILE, --config FILE                         Use the provided configuration file instead of the default one.   --cache-dir PATH      Use the provided directory as the location to cache data (default location: C:\Users\kallur\AppData\Roaming\.iLOrest)   -v, --verbose         Display verbose information (with increasing level). '-v': Level 1, Logging, Stdout, Stderr. '-vv': Level 2, Extends Level 1 with slightly                         elaborated iLO and HTTP response message. '-vvv': Level3, Extends Level 2 with message id, validation class, message text with embedded args,                         and possible resolution/mitigation for iLO responses. High detailed HTTP responses. **NOTE 1**: Some responses may only contain limited                         information from the source.**NOTE 4**: Default level is 0.   -d, --debug           Display debug information.   --logdir PATH         Use the provided directory as the location for log file.   --nocache             During execution the application will temporarily store data only in memory.   --nologo              Include to block copyright and logo.   --toolbar             Show toolbar at the bottom.   --redfish             Use this flag if you wish to to enable Redfish only compliance. It is enabled by default in systems with iLO5 and above.   --latestschema        Optionally use the latest schema instead of the one requested by the file. Note: May cause errors in some data retrieval due to difference in                         schema versions.   --redirectconsole [REDIRECT CONSOLE]                         Optionally include this flag to redirect stdout/stderr console.  BIOS COMMANDS biosdefaults              - Set the currently logged in server to default BIOS settings. bootorder                 - Displays and sets the current boot order. iscsiconfig               - Displays and configures the current iscsi settings. setpassword               - Sets the admin password and power-on password  COMMANDS commit                    - Applies all the changes made during the current session. get                       - Displays the current value(s) of a property(ies) within a selected type. info                      - Displays detailed information about a property within a selected type. list                      - Displays the current value(s) of a property(ies) within a selected type including reserved properties. load                      - Loads the server configuration settings from a file. login                     - Connects to a server, establishes a secure session, and discovers data from iLO. logout                    - Ends the current session and disconnects from the server. pending                   - Show the pending changes that will be applied on reboot. results                   - Show the results of changes which require a server reboot. save                      - Saves the selected type's settings to a file. select                    - Selects the object type to be used. set                       - Changes the value of a property within the currently selected type. status                    - Displays all pending changes within a selected type that need to be committed. types                     - Displays all selectable types within the currently logged in server. exit                      - Exits from the interactive shell. help                      - Displays command line syntax and help menus for individual commands. Example: help login  PERSISTENT MEMORY COMMANDS provisionpmm              - Applies specified configuration to PMM. applypmmconfig            - Applies a pre-defined configuration to PMM. clearpmmpendingconfig     - Clear pending config tasks pmmsecuritystate          - Displaying the Security state of dimms. showpmm                   - Display information about Persistent Memory modules. showpmmpendingconfig      - Shows the pending configuration for PMM. showrecommendedpmmconfig  - Show Recommended Configuration  RAW COMMANDS rawdelete                 - Raw form of the DELETE command. rawget                    - Raw form of the GET command. rawhead                   - Raw form of the HEAD command. rawpatch                  - Raw form of the PATCH command. rawpost                   - Raw form of the POST command. rawput                    - Raw form of the PUT command.  SMART ARRAY COMMANDS clearcontrollerconfig     - Clears smart array controller configuration. createlogicaldrive        - Creates a new logical drive on the selected controller. deletelogicaldrive        - Deletes logical drives from the selected controller. drivesanitize             - Erase/Sanitize physical drive(s) factoryresetcontroller    - Factory resets a controller by index or location. smartarray                - Discovers all storage controllers installed in the server and managed by the SmartStorage.  iLO COMMANDS certificate               - Command for importing both iLO and login authorization certificates as well as generating iLO certificate signing requests (CSR) clearrestapistate         - Clears the persistent state of the REST API. Some portions of the API may not be available until after the server reboots. directory                 - Update directory settings, add/delete directory roles, and test directory settings on the currently logged in server. disableilofunctionality   - disables iLO's accessibility via the network and resets iLO. WARNING: This should be used with caution as it will render iLO unable to respond to further network operations (including REST operations) until iLO is re-enabled using the RBSU menu. eskm                      - Command for all ESKM available actions. ethernet                  - Command for configuring Ethernet Management Controller Interfaces and associated properties factorydefaults           - Resets iLO to factory defaults. WARNING: user data will be removed use with caution. fwintegritycheck          - Perform a firmware integrity check on the currently logged in server. firmwareupdate            - Perform a firmware update on the currently logged in server. iloaccounts               - Views/Adds/deletes/modifies an iLO account on the currently logged in server. backuprestore             - Backup and restore iLO to a server using a .bak file. ilofederation             - Adds / deletes an iLO federation group on the currently logged in server. ilolicense                - Adds an iLO license key to the currently logged in server. iloreset                  - Reset iLO on the current logged in server. ipprofiles                - This is used to manage hpeipprofile data store. onebuttonerase            - Performs One Button Erase on a system. reboot                    - Reboot operations for the current logged in server. sendtest                  - Command for sending various tests to iLO. serverclone               - Creates a JSON formatted clone file of a system's iLO, Bios, and SSA configuration which can be duplicated onto other systems. User editable JSON file can be manipulated to modify settings before being loaded onto another machine. serverinfo                - Shows aggregate health status and details of the currently logged in server. serverlogs                - Download and perform log operations. serverstate               - Returns the current state of the server. sigrecompute              - Command to recalculate the signature of the computer's configuration. singlesignon              - Command for all single sign on available actions. virtualmedia              - Command for inserting and removing virtual media.  iLO REPOSITORY COMMANDS deletecomp                - Deletes components/binaries from the iLO Repository. downloadcomp              - Downloads components/binaries from the iLO Repository. flashfwpkg                - Flashes fwpkg components using the iLO repository. installset                - Manages install sets for iLO. listcomp                  - Lists components/binaries from the iLO Repository. maintenancewindow         - Manages the maintenance windows for iLO. makeinstallset            - Creates install sets for iLO. taskqueue                 - Manages the update task queue for iLO. uploadcomp                - Upload components/binary to the iLO Repository.        

The syntax to get help details for specific command is '<command> -h or --help'

iLOrest >          login -h          usage: login [-h] [--url URL] [--sessionid SESSIONID] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--biospassword BIOSPASSWORD] [--https HTTPS_CERT]              [--includelogs] [--path PATH] [--force-vnic] [--logout]              [--selector SELECTOR]  To login remotely run using iLO url and iLO credentials         example: login <iLO url/hostname> -u <iLO username> -p <iLO password>          To login on a local server run without arguments         example: login          NOTE: A [URL] can be specified with an IPv4, IPv6, or hostname address.  optional arguments:   -h, --help            show this help message and exit   --selector SELECTOR   Optionally include this flag to select a type to run the current command on. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.  LOGIN OPTIONS:   Options for logging in to a system.    --url URL             Use the provided iLO URL to login.   --sessionid SESSIONID                         Use the provided sessionid to login.   -u USER, --user USER  If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the                         password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.   -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD                         Use the provided iLO password to log in.   --biospassword BIOSPASSWORD                         Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this                         flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.                         This option is only used on Gen 9 systems.   --https HTTPS_CERT    Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to                         connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.   --includelogs         Optionally include logs in the data retrieval process.   --path PATH           Optionally set a starting point for data collection during login.                         If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be /redfish/v1/.                         Note: The path flag can only be specified at the time of login.                         Warning: Only for advanced users, and generally not needed for normal operations.     --logout              Logout after the completion of the command.        

help [command] [optional parameters]

Displays command-line syntax and help menus for individual commands. Use this command if you want to know more about a command or need help using a command. Alternatively, you can use the help command without specifying a particular command if you wish to see all the available commands and options.

  • Command

Supplying a command to help will display the help message corresponding to the given command, as well as the options relating to that particular command.

  • -h, --help

Running the help command with the ‑h or ‑‑help parameter displays information on how to use the help command.

  • -c FILE, --config=FILE

Use the provided configuration file instead of the default one.

  • --cache-dir=PATH

Use the provided directory as the location to cache data (default location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.ilorest).



Login Command

To login remotely, with basic authentication, supply the URL, username, and password for the server.

iLOrest >          login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password          Discovering data...Done        

To login remotely, with Certificate, supply the URL, user certificate, user key and user passphrase to the server.

iLOrest >          login xx.xx.xx.xx --usercert cert.pem --userkey userkey.pem --userpassphrase password          Discovering data...Done        

Here the selector option has been included so that the Bios type is selected once the user is logged in. You can prove that the Bios type has indeed been selected when we enter the select command.

iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password          --select Bios.          Discovering data...Done iLOrest > select Current selection: Bios.v1_0_0        

An IPv4, IPv6, or hostname can be specified. IPv6 should use the following format.

iLOrest >          login [xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx] -u username -p password          Discovering data...Done        

Here a SSL certificate was included so iLOrest validates the HTTPS connection

iLOrest > login -u username -p password          --https \path\to\SSLcert.crt          Discovering data...Done        

Here the URL, username, and password information are not specified here or in the configuration file, and the server was logged in to locally.

iLOrest >          login          Discovering data...Done        

For Virtual NIC local login, use --force_vnic and username and password options.

iLOrest >          login --force_vnic -u username -p password          Discovering data...Done        

login [URL] [Optional Parameters]

Connects to a server, establishes a secure session, and discovers data from iLO. If you are logging in to a local server, run the command without arguments. If you are not logging in to a local server, supply the URL argument along with the user and password options.

Login using certificate authentication has following requirements:

  • iLO 5 v2.40
  • Set NTP Server on iLO and verify accurate time
  • "iLO Advanced Premium Security Edition" license
  • X509 SSL certificate signed with root CA key
  • CAC/Smartcard Authentication Enabled
  • Add root CA certificate to iLO
  • Map user CA certificate to target iLO management user.

Login remotely with basic authentication as part of other commands by including the --url, (-u, --user), and (-p, --password) flags. Optionally include the --https flag to validate the SSL certificate when logging in. Locally you will be logged in automatically unless running in higher security modes (see Higher Security Modes).

  • URL

Connect to the server located at the provided URL.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -u User

Connect to the server as the provided user.

  • -p Password

Connect to the server with the password corresponding to the given user.

  • --usercert UserCertificate

Specify a user certificate file path for certificate based authentication with iLO.

  • --userkey UserCertKey

Specify a user private key file path for certificate based authentication with iLO

  • --userpassphrase UserPassphrase

Optionally specify a user key file password for a password protected user key.

  • --force_vnic
  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --selector=SELECTOR

Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be /rest/v1.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

Types Command

Types example commands:

This command will list all the available types that you can select. The full list has been truncated for space.

iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password Discovering data...Done iLOrest >          types          Type options: AccountService.v1_3_0 Bios.v1_0_0 CertificateCollection Chassis.v1_6_0 ChassisCollection ComputerSystem.v1_4_0 ComputerSystemCollection EthernetInterface.v1_4_1 EthernetInterfaceCollection EventDestinationCollection EventService.v1_0_8 HostInterface.v1_1_1 HostInterfaceCollection HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0 HpeBaseNetworkAdapter.v2_0_0 HpeBaseNetworkAdapterCollection HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0 HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0 HpeCertificate.v1_0_0 HpeCertificateCollection HpeComponent.v1_0_1 HpeComponentCollection HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_0_3 HpeComponentInstallSetCollection HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0 HpeESKM.v2_0_0 ...        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL with the provided username and password, and list all the available types that you can select. The full list has been truncated here for space.

iLOrest >          types --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password          Discovering data...Done Type options: AccountService.v1_3_0 Bios.v1_0_0 CertificateCollection Chassis.v1_6_0 ChassisCollection ComputerSystem.v1_4_0 ComputerSystemCollection EthernetInterface.v1_4_1 EthernetInterfaceCollection EventDestinationCollection EventService.v1_0_8 HostInterface.v1_1_1 HostInterfaceCollection HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0 HpeBaseNetworkAdapter.v2_0_0 HpeBaseNetworkAdapterCollection HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0 HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0 HpeCertificate.v1_0_0 HpeCertificateCollection HpeComponent.v1_0_1 HpeComponentCollection HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_0_3 HpeComponentInstallSetCollection HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0 HpeESKM.v2_0_0 ...        

Adding the fulltypes option will return the full type name instead of the default simplified versions. This is only available on Redfish systems.

iLOrest >          types --fulltypes          Type options: #AccountService.v1_3_0.AccountService #Bios.v1_0_0.Bios #CertificateCollection.CertificateCollection #Chassis.v1_6_0.Chassis #ChassisCollection.ChassisCollection #ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem #ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection #EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface #EthernetInterfaceCollection.EthernetInterfaceCollection #EventDestinationCollection.EventDestinationCollection #EventService.v1_0_8.EventService #HostInterface.v1_1_1.HostInterface #HostInterfaceCollection.HostInterfaceCollection #HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0.HpeBaseConfigs #HpeBaseNetworkAdapter.v2_0_0.HpeBaseNetworkAdapter #HpeBaseNetworkAdapterCollection.HpeBaseNetworkAdapterCollection #HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping #HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0.HpeCertAuth #HpeCertificate.v1_0_0.HpeCertificate #HpeCertificateCollection.HpeCertificateCollection #HpeComponent.v1_0_1.HpeComponent #HpeComponentCollection.HpeComponentCollection #HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_0_3.HpeComponentInstallSet #HpeComponentInstallSetCollection.HpeComponentInstallSetCollection #HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection.HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection #HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0.HpeDirectoryTest #HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM ...        

types [Optional Parameters]

Each Redfish resource is associated to a data type. The types command displays all selectable types available within the currently logged in server. Types include a name as well as version information. Types represent the schema used for the resource and indicate the version of the schema. Version information is major.minor.errata (for example: SystemRoot.0.9.5). Major versions are not backwards compatible, but everything else is.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --fulltypes

Optionally include this flag if you would prefer to return the full type name instead of the simplified versions.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).



Select Command

Select example commands:

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), and selects the ComputerSystem. type.

iLOrest >          select ComputerSystem. --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password          Discovering data...Done iLOrest > select Current selection: ComputerSystem.v1_4_0        

Running the select command with no argument will return the current selection.

iLOrest >          select          Error: No type currently selected. Please use the 'types' command to get a list of types, or pass your type by using the '--selector' flag. iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest >          select          Current selection: Bios.v1_0_0        

Adding a period after the type selected, Bios, limits the selection, preventing accidentally also selecting anything else starting with Bios. This also removes the need to include the version.

iLOrest > select Bios iLOrest > select Current selection: HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0, Bios.v1_0_0 iLOrest >          select Bios.          iLOrest > select Current selection: Bios.v1_0_0        

iLOrest caches data once a type has been selected for the first time. To refresh a type with the most up to date information use the --refresh option.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest > get Oem/Hpe/PowerOnMinutes Oem=      Hpe=           PowerOnMinutes=814088 iLOrest >          select ComputerSystem. --refresh          iLOrest > get Oem/Hpe/PowerOnMinutes Oem=      Hpe=           PowerOnMinutes=814089        

select [Type] [Optional Parameters]

Use select to choose a specific type to work with. Eligible types for selection are those listed by the types command. Because commands are entered individually in the RESTful Interface Tool, working with specific types requires that you highlight or select the particular type you are working with. Use the select command to highlight a type so that you can work with it.

Select a type from another command by including the (--select, --selector) option flag followed by the type to select. Not all commands have the select flag, run help on the command to see available options.

  • Type

Specify the type you want to select. Omitting a type to select will cause select to display the currently selected type.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).



List Command

List command examples:

With a Type selected, run the command without arguments to list all properties within the selected type, including reserved properties. The full list has been truncated here for space.

iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest >          list          @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#Bios.Bios @odata.etag=W/"02E13BA89B606F6F6F02950EB3CA676D" @odata.type=#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios AcpiHpet=Enabled AcpiRootBridgePxm=Enabled AcpiSlit=Enabled AdjSecPrefetch=Enabled AdminEmail="" AdminName="" AdminOtherInfo="" AdminPhone="" AdvCrashDumpMode=Disabled AdvancedMemProtection=AdvancedEcc AsrStatus=Enabled AsrTimeoutMinutes=Timeout10 AssetTagProtection=Unlocked AttributeRegistry=BiosAttributeRegistryU32.v1_2_10 AutoPowerOn=RestoreLastState BootMode=Uefi ...        

Including the -j,--json option preserves the JSON structure of the type's information. The full list has been truncated here for space.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest >          list --json          {   "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystem.ComputerSystem",   "@odata.etag": "W/\"9D48B4B7\"",   "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/",   "@odata.type": "#ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem",   "Actions": {     "#ComputerSystem.Reset": {       "ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [         "On",         "ForceOff",         "ForceRestart",         "Nmi",         "PushPowerButton"       ],       "target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset/"     }   },   "AssetTag": "",   "Bios": {     "": "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/"   },   "BiosVersion": "U32 v2.10 (12/14/2018)",   "Boot": {     "BootSourceOverrideTarget": "None",     "BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues": [       "None",       "Cd",       "Hdd", ...        

To return specific properties or sub-properties include them as arguments. If the property you want to return is a sub-property add them in the form Property/Sub-property.

iLOrest >          list Boot/BootSourceOverrideMode AssetTag AssetTag="" Boot=       BootSourceOverrideMode=UEFI        

list [Property(s)] [Optional Parameters]

Displays the current values of the properties of a selected type including reserved properties in human-readable and optionally JSON formats. Optionally include arguments to only return the values of those properties.

  • Property(s)

Supplying a property or multiple properties will cause list to display the current value for that particular property or properties. Otherwise, if you wish to retrieve all the properties, run without arguments. Use this command only after a type has already been selected. If the value you are looking up is not available, it will return with no contents found for that property entry.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.


Optionally set a filter value for a filter attribute. This uses the provided filter for the currently selected type. (see Filter Option for more information).

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure can make the information easier to parse.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.



Info Command

Info command examples:

Omitting a property when using the info command causes info to list all available options, given that you have already selected a type. The full list has been truncated for space.

iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest >          info          Info options: AcpiHpet AcpiRootBridgePxm AcpiSlit AdjSecPrefetch AdminEmail AdminName AdminOtherInfo AdminPhone        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), selects the Power. type, and displays the PowerSupplies information.

iLOrest >          info PowerSupplies -u username -p password --url xx.xx.xx.xx --select Power.          Discovering data...Done  NAME     PowerSupplies   DESCRIPTION     Details of the power supplies associated with this system or     device   TYPE     array   READ-ONLY     True   SUB-PROPERTIES     Redundancy, Name, SerialNumber, MemberId,,     PowerCapacityWatts, Model, PartNumber, Status,     LastPowerOutputWatts, SparePartNumber, RelatedItem,     LineInputVoltageType, Oem, PowerSupplyType, LineInputVoltage,     FirmwareVersion, Manufacturer        

Multiple properties under the VirtualMedia type are specified. By passing multiple properties, it returns the information on all of the properties passed.

iLOrest > select VirtualMedia. iLOrest >          info Image WriteProtected          NAME     Image   DESCRIPTION     The valid URI indicating the image that is mounted on this server.     A null value indicates that no image exists.   TYPE     string     null   READ-ONLY     False   **************************************************  NAME     WriteProtected   DESCRIPTION     Indicates whether the virtual media is protected against write     operations.   TYPE     boolean     null   READ-ONLY     False   POSSIBLE VALUES     True or False        

Any Sub-Properties shown in an info response can be queried in the same form as set, list, and get: Property/Sub-property.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest > info Boot  NAME     Boot   DESCRIPTION     The boot information for the current resource.   TYPE     object   READ-ONLY     False   SUB-PROPERTIES     BootSourceOverrideTarget,     BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues,     BootSourceOverrideEnabled, BootSourceOverrideMode,     UefiTargetBootSourceOverride@Redfish.AllowableValues,     UefiTargetBootSourceOverride iLOrest >          info Boot/BootSourceOverrideTarget          NAME     BootSourceOverrideTarget   DESCRIPTION     The current boot source to be used at next boot instead of the     normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled is true.   TYPE     string     null   READ-ONLY     False        

info [Property(s)] [Optional Parameters]

Displays detailed information about a property within a selected type. Information displayed includes the data type of the value, if the property is read-only or not, a brief description, possible values, and any sub-properties associated with the property.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --latestschema

Optionally use the latest schema files instead of the default present in iLO.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to read.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.



Get Command

Get example commands:

Using get without any property specified shows the properties of the selected type. The full list is truncated for space.

iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest >          get          AcpiHpet=Enabled AcpiRootBridgePxm=Enabled AcpiSlit=Enabled AdjSecPrefetch=Enabled AdminEmail="" AdminName=Michael L AdminOtherInfo="" AdminPhone="" ...        

Using get with a specific property lists the current value of that property, given that a type has already been selected.

iLOrest >          get AdminName          AdminName=Jason E        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), selects the Bios. type, and the get command is used to retrieve the BootOrderPolicy property of Bios.

iLOrest >          get BootOrderPolicy --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --select Bios.          Discovering data...Done BootOrderPolicy=RetryIndefinitely        

Because the logout flag was included, the user is logged out of the server after the get command is performed.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest >          get AssetTag --logout          AssetTag="" Logging session out.        

Any Sub-Properties shown can be queried in the same form as set, list, and info: Property/Sub-property. You can also specify multiple properties to get simultaneously.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest > get MemorySummary MemorySummary=                Status=                        HealthRollup=OK                TotalSystemPersistentMemoryGiB=0                TotalSystemMemoryGiB=32 iLOrest >          get MemorySummary/Status MemorySummary/TotalSystemMemoryGiB AssetTag          AssetTag="" MemorySummary=                Status=                        HealthRollup=OK                TotalSystemMemoryGiB=32        

You can use the noreadonly flag to narrow down your results to only properties that can be changed.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest > get AssetTag="" BiosVersion=U32 v2.10 (12/14/2018) Boot=       BootSourceOverrideTarget=None       BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues=None                                                         Cd                                                         Hdd                                                         Usb                                                         SDCard                                                         Utilities                                                         Diags                                                         BiosSetup                                                         Pxe                                                         UefiShell                                                         UefiHttp                                                         UefiTarget       BootSourceOverrideEnabled=Disabled ... iLOrest >          get --noreadonly          AssetTag="" Boot=       BootSourceOverrideTarget=None       BootSourceOverrideEnabled=Disabled       BootSourceOverrideMode=Legacy       UefiTargetBootSourceOverride=None HostName=ahostname IndicatorLED=Unknown Oem=      Hpe=           EndOfPostDelaySeconds=None           PowerOnDelay=Minimum           ServerFQDN=""           PowerAutoOn=RemainOff           PostMode=None           ProcessorJitterControl=                                   Mode=Auto           PostDiscoveryMode=None           PowerRegulatorMode=OSControl        

get [Property(s)] [Optional Parameters]

Displays the current value of a property of the currently selected type. Use this command only after a type has already been selected. If the value you are looking up is not available, it will return with no contents found for that property entry.

  • Property(s)

Supplying a property or multiple properties will cause get to display the current value for that particular property or properties. Otherwise, if you wish to retrieve all the properties, run without arguments. This is still assuming you have a type already selected.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.


Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this command to select a type without entering another command, or to work with a type that is different from the one currently selected.


Optionally set a filter value for a filter attribute. This uses the provided filter for the currently selected type. (see Filter Option for more information).

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to read.

  • --noreadonly

Optionally include this flag to display properties that are not read-only. This is useful to see what is configurable with the selected type(s).

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.



Set Command

Set example commands:

You can set multiple properties from the same type simultaneously. Add quotes around the property and value to add spaces in the value.

iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest > get AdminName ServiceName AdminName="" ServiceName="" iLOrest >          set "AdminName=Jason E" ServiceName=ExampleService          iLOrest > get AdminName ServiceName AdminName=Jason E ServiceName=ExampleService        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), and then selects the Bios. type. The set command is used to set the AdminName property to Jason E, and the commit flag has been added to apply the changes to the server.

iLOrest >          set "AdminName=Jason E" --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --select Bios. --commit          Discovering data...Done Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

To revert your changes on a type you can use the refresh flag.

iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest > get AdminName AdminName=Jason E iLOrest > set AdminName=JohnDoe iLOrest > get AdminName AdminName=JohnDoe iLOrest >          select Bios. --refresh          iLOrest > get AdminName AdminName=Jason E        

Changes the value of a property in a currently selected type. Multiple properties can be set simultaneously.

set [Property=Value] [Path] [Optional Parameters]

  • set AdminName=John

Correct syntax. This sets the AdminName to John.

  • set "AdminName=John Doe"

Correct syntax. If the property has a space in it, use quotes around the entire property/value pair. Here the AdminName has been set to John Doe.

  • set AdminName=""

Correct syntax. Use this syntax, only quotes with no value, to remove the AdminName property value.

  • set AdminName=''

Correct syntax. This is an alternate syntax that also removes the AdminName property and sets it to nothing. Use single quotes with nothing between them.

  • set AdminName='"'

Correct syntax. This deletes the AdminName value.

  • set AdminName="John Doe"

This is incorrect syntax, and will not be correctly reflected on the server.

  • Property(s)

Supplying a property and a value will stage an update to that property with the supplied value.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --selector=SELECTOR

Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.


Optionally set a filter value for a filter attribute. This uses the provided filter for the currently selected type. (see Filter Option for more information).

  • --latestschema

Optionally use the latest schema files instead of the default present in iLO.

  • --commit

Use this flag when you are ready to commit all pending changes. Some changes made in this way will be updated instantly, while others will be reflected the next time the server is started.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.

  • --uniqueoverride

Override the measures stopping the tool from writing over items that are System-unique.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.



Save Command

Save example commands:

Here, the server is logged into, Bios is selected, and the corresponding JSON file is saved to a local directory as the file ilorest.json. The ilorest.json file holds all the information regarding the selected type. Here, the save function was performed on the Bios type, so the ilorest.json file that was saved holds the information about Bios. The file holding that information looks like the following.

iLOrest >          save --select Bios. --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password          Discovering data...Done Saving configuration... Configuration saved to: ilorest.json        

Example json file:

                          [                                          {                                          "Comments"              :                                          {                                          "Manufacturer"              :                                          "HPE"              ,                                          "Model"              :                                          "ProLiant DL360 Gen10"              ,                                          "BIOSFamily"              :                                          "U32"              ,                                          "BIOSDate"              :                                          "12/14/2018"              ,                                          "SerialNumber"              :                                          "Kappa"              ,                                          "iLOVersion"              :                                          "iLO 5 v1.40"                                          }                                          },                                          {                                          "#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios"              :                                          {                                          "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/"              :                                          {                                          "@odata.context"              :                                          "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Bios.Bios"              ,                                          "@odata.etag"              :                                          "W/              \"              02E13BA89B606F6F6F02950EB3CA676D              \"              "              ,                                          ""              :                                          "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/"              ,                                          "AttributeRegistry"              :                                          "BiosAttributeRegistryU32.v1_2_10"              ,                                          "Attributes"              :                                          {                                          "MemFastTraining"              :                                          "Enabled"              ,                                          "PowerRegulator"              :                                          "DynamicPowerSavings"              ,                                          "EmbeddedDiagnostics"              :                                          "Enabled"              ,                                          "Ipv6Address"              :                                          "::"              ,                                          "PersistentMemBackupPowerPolicy"              :                                          "UseExternalBackupPower"              ,                                          "ServiceEmail"              :                                          ""              ,                                          "FlexLom1Aspm"              :                                          "Disabled"              ,                                          "UrlBootFile"              :                                          ""              ,                                          "DcuStreamPrefetcher"              :                                          "Enabled"              ,                                          "IntelNicDmaChannels"              :                                          "Enabled"              ,                                          "..."              :                                          "..."                                          },                                          "Id"              :                                          "settings"              ,                                          "Name"              :                                          "BIOS Pending Settings"                                          }                                          }                                          }                                          ]                                                  

Use the multisave option to specify multiple types to save in a single file. This file can be sent to load in order to load multiple types with a single command. All type strings are delimited by a ','.

iLOrest >          save --multisave Bios.,ComputerSystem.          Discovering data...Done Saving configuration... Configuration saved to: ilorest.json        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), selects the Bios. type, saves the JSON response to a file called BiosInfo.json in a local directory, and then logs out.

iLOrest >          save --select Bios. --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password -f BiosInfo.json --logout          Discovering data...Done Saving configuration... Configuration saved to: BiosInfo.json Logging session out.        

save [Optional Parameters]

Saves the JSON information of a selected type to a local file. Use this command along with the load command when you want to modify properties of a selected type through file editing. Using this command saves a local copy of your selected type's JSON information.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename than the default one. The default filename is ilorest.json.

  • --selector=SELECTOR

Optionally including the selector flag allows you to select a type to run while running the current command. Use this flag when you wish to select a type without entering another command, or if you wish to work with a type that is different from the one you currently have selected.

  • --multisave=MULTISAVE

Optionally include this flag to save multiple types of single file. Override the currently selected type.


Optionally set a filter value for a filter attribute. This uses the provided filter for the currently selected type. (see Filter Option for more information).

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to read.

  • --encryption=ENCRYPTION

Optionally include this flag to encrypt a file using the key provided.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --path=PATH

Optionally set a starting point for data collection. If you do not specify a starting point, the default path will be/redfish/v1/. (see Path Option for more information).

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.


JSON file

Save a selected type to a file in JSON format. You can edit the values in the file, and then use the load command to upload the changes to the server.

Load Command

Load example commands:

If no filename is supplied with the (-f, --filename) option, save looks for a file named ilorest.json in the current working directory. Save will automatically select the required type to make changes.

iLOrest >          load          Loading configuration... Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p) and load a file from the current working directory called biosconfig.json.

iLOrest >          load --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password -f biosconfig.json          Discovering data...Done Loading configuration... Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

This is the multi-server configuration setup. You must pass in a multi-server file in the following format.

iLOrest >          load -m mpfilename.txt -f biosconfig.json          Discovering data...Done Loading configuration for multiple servers... Logging session out. Checking given server information... Create multiple processes to load configuration concurrently to all servers... Loading Configuration for xx.xx.xx.xx : SUCCESS Loading Configuration for xx.xx.xx.xy : SUCCESS All servers have been successfully configured.        

All servers are configured concurrently. Because the filename tag is included, it searches for the file called biosconfig.json and loads that information to the servers. If no values have changed, the load process is complete. If any property values have changed, the changes are committed and the user is logged out of the server. Logs of the entire process are then stored in the same location as the iLOrest logs.

--url -u username -p password --url -u username -p password --url -u username -p password --url -u username -p password        

load [Optional Parameters]

Loads the server configuration from a file. Run this command without parameters to use the configuration found in the file called ilorest.json. Otherwise, you can point this command to use any file you specify. Use this function to change the properties of a type to new values. This command uploads the new values of the type's properties to the server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename than the default one. The default filename is ilorest.json.

  • --latestschema

Optionally use the latest schema files instead of the default present in iLO.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --uniqueoverride

Override the measures stopping the tool from writing over items that are System-unique.

  • -m MPFILENAME, --multiprocessing=MPFILENAME

Optionally supply a filename to a multi-processing file to load concurrently on multiple servers.

  • -o OUTDIRECTORY, --outputdirectory=OUTDIRECTORY

Use the provided directory to output data for a multiple server configuration.

  • --encryption=ENCRYPTION

Optionally include this flag to decrypt a file using the key provided.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. You need to be logged in to use this flag.

JSON Object

Input a JSON object to load from a custom configuration file, otherwise the configuration will default to looking for a file called ilorest.json.


Status Command

Status example commands:

The status command shows changes to be committed. The status command shows all pending changes, including changes for different types.

iLOrest >          status          Current changes found: Bios.v1_0_0(/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/) (Currently selected)         Attributes/ServiceName=simpleservice ComputerSystem.v1_4_0(/redfish/v1/Systems/1/)         AssetTag=newtag        

Once changes are committed they no longer show in status.

iLOrest >          status          Current changes found: Bios.v1_0_0(/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/) (Currently selected)         Attributes/ServiceName=simpleservice ComputerSystem.v1_4_0(/redfish/v1/Systems/1/)         AssetTag=newtag iLOrest > commit Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > status No changes found        

status [Optional Parameters]

Displays all pending changes, regardless of which type is currently selected. All the changes that have not been committed yet will be shown.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.



Commit Command

Commit example commands:

Commit all pending changes made by set by running the commit command.

iLOrest > select ComputerSystem. iLOrest > set AssetTag=newtag iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest > set servicename=simpleservice iLOrest >          commit          Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. The operation completed successfully.        

If you do not commit before logging out changes will be lost.

iLOrest > select Bios. iLOrest > get AdminName AdminName=Chelsea K iLOrest > set AdminName=newname iLOrest > get AdminName AdminName=newname iLOrest > logout Logging session out. iLOrest > get AdminName --select Bios. Discovering data...Done AdminName=Chelsea K        

Commit after running other commands by using the --commit option. This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u, --user) and password (-p, --password), selects the ComputerSystem. type, sets AssetTag to "", commits the change, and logs-out.

iLOrest >          set AssetTag="" --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --selector ComputerSystem. --commit --logout          Discovering data...Done Committing changes... The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

commit [Optional Parameters]

Applies all changes made during the current session. After you have changed one or more values for the property of a type, you need to commit those changes in order for those changes to be reflected on the server.

To commit at the end of a command, include the --commit option. Not all commands have the commit flag, run help on the command to see available options.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.



Logout Command

Logout example commands:

Use the logout command to end the session and disconnect from the server.

iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password Discovering data...Done iLOrest >          logout          Logging session out.        

Logout from another command using the --logout option.

iLOrest > get AssetTag --select ComputerSystem.          --logout          AssetTag="" Logging session out.        

logout [Optional Parameters]

Use the logout command to exit your session and to disconnect from the server.

To log out at the end of a command, include the --logout option. Not all commands have the logout flag, run help on the command to see available options.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.



Exit Command

Exit example commands

This command exits the interactive shell.

iLOrest >          exit          Logging session out. Bye for now        

exit [Optional Parameters]

Use the exit command if you wish to exit from the interactive shell. Using exit will also log you out and disconnect you from the server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.



BIOS commands

This section details usage and examples of RESTful Interface Tool commands related to configuring BIOS settings. These commands do things such as view and change the boot order, reset the BIOS configuration to the default settings, and configure iSCSI settings.

BiosDefaults command

BiosDefaults example commands:

To set the bios back to factory defaults, run the command without arguments

iLOrest >          biosdefaults          Resetting the currently logged in server's BIOS settings to defaults. One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

To set the bios back to user defaults, include the --userdefaults flag.

iLOrest > biosdefaults          --userdefaults          Resetting the currently logged in server's BIOS settings to defaults. One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

This command simultaneously logs in to the server at the provided URL (--url) with the provided username (-u) and password (-p), sets the bios back to default settings, then reboots (--reboot) the server to apply the changes. Using the reboot option automatically logs-out of the server.

iLOrest >          biosdefaults --url xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password --reboot=ForceRestart          Discovering data...Done Resetting the currently logged in server's BIOS settings to defaults. One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.  After the server is rebooted the session will be terminated. Please wait for the server to boot completely to login again. Rebooting server in 3 seconds... The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

biosdefaults [Optional Parameters]

Sets the BIOS settings of the currently logged in server back to the default settings.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.

  • --userdefaults

Sets bios to user defaults instead of factory defaults.

  • --manufacturingdefaults

Sets bios to manufacturer defaults instead of factory defaults.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --https

Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.



Bootorder command

Bootorder example commands:

Run without arguments to view the current persistent boot order, continuous and one time boot options, and continuous and one time boot UEFI options.

root > ./ilorest bootorder Current Persistent Boot Order: 1. HD.EmbRAID.1.3 (ubuntu) 2. CD.RearUSB.4.2 (Rear USB 4 : AVOCENT HP KVM CNSL USB2 VM, CAC) 3. Generic.USB.1.1 (Generic USB Boot) 4. HD.SD.1.2 (Internal SD Card 1 : Generic USB3.0-CRW) 5. HD.EmbRAID.1.2 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:1.7 TiB Port:P1I Bay:1 Box:3) 6. NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.Httpv4 (Embedded FlexibleLOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adapter - NIC (HTTP(S) IPv4)) 7. NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.IPv4 (Embedded FlexibleLOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adapter - NIC (PXE IPv4)) 8. NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.Httpv6 (Embedded FlexibleLOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adapter - NIC (HTTP(S) IPv6)) 9. NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.IPv6 (Embedded FlexibleLOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331FLR Adapter - NIC (PXE IPv6))  Continuous and one time boot options: 1. None 2. Cd 3. Hdd 4. Usb 5. SDCard 6. Utilities 7. Diags 8. BiosSetup 9. Pxe 10. UefiShell 11. UefiHttp 12. UefiTarget  Continuous and one time boot uefi options: 1. HD.EmbRAID.1.3 (ubuntu) 2. CD.RearUSB.4.2 (Rear USB 4 : AVOCENT HP KVM CNSL USB2 VM, CAC) 3. Generic.USB.1.1 (Generic USB Boot) 4. HD.SD.1.2 (Internal SD Card 1 : Generic USB3.0-CRW) 5. HD.EmbRAID.1.2 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:1.7 TiB Port:P1I Bay:1 Box:3)        

List numbers associated with the Current Persistent Boot Order list to set a new boot order. Any numbers left off of the new list will be added to the end. Using the previous examples Current Persistent Boot Order, this command will place Generic.USB.1.1, HD.SD.1.2, and HD.EmbRAID.1.8 at the top in that order. The commit flag will commit the changes, otherwise changes are not saved.

iLOrest >          bootorder [11,6,3] --commit          Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. iLOrest > bootorder  Current Persistent Boot Order: 1. Generic.USB.1.1 (Generic USB Boot) 2. HD.SD.1.2 (Internal SD Card 1 : Generic USB3.0-CRW) 3. HD.EmbRAID.1.8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 4. HD.EmbRAID.1.6 (sles-secureboot) 5. HD.EmbRAID.1.7 (Windows Boot Manager) 6. NIC.LOM.1.1.IPv4 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (PXE IPv4)) 7. NIC.LOM.1.1.Httpv4 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (HTTP(S) IPv4)) 8. HD.EmbRAID.1.2 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:1 Box:1) 9. HD.EmbRAID.1.3 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:2 Box:1) 10. HD.EmbRAID.1.4 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:3 Box:1) 11. HD.EmbRAID.1.5 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:4 Box:1) 12. NIC.LOM.1.1.Httpv6 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (HTTP(S) IPv6)) 13. NIC.LOM.1.1.IPv6 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (PXE IPv6)) ...        

Use partial string matching to set a boot order independent of the current boot order. All boot options not listed will be added to the end of the boot order. This command will set All v4 NICs first, followed by all hard drives, followed by Generic.USB.1.1, then committing the results.

iLOrest >          bootorder NIC.*v4 HD* Generic.USB.1.1          iLOrest > bootorder  Current Persistent Boot Order: 1. NIC.LOM.1.1.IPv4 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (PXE IPv4)) 2. NIC.LOM.1.1.Httpv4 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (HTTP(S) IPv4)) 3. HD.SD.1.2 (Internal SD Card 1 : Generic USB3.0-CRW) 4. HD.EmbRAID.1.8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 5. HD.EmbRAID.1.6 (sles-secureboot) 6. HD.EmbRAID.1.7 (Windows Boot Manager) 7. HD.EmbRAID.1.2 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:1 Box:1) 8. HD.EmbRAID.1.3 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:2 Box:1) 9. HD.EmbRAID.1.4 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:3 Box:1) 10. HD.EmbRAID.1.5 (Embedded RAID 1 : HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 - Size:279.3 GiB Port:1I Bay:4 Box:1) 11. Generic.USB.1.1 (Generic USB Boot) 12. NIC.LOM.1.1.Httpv6 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (HTTP(S) IPv6)) 13. NIC.LOM.1.1.IPv6 (Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC (PXE IPv6)) ...        

Change the one time boot order using the --onetimeboot option. Specify a option to boot to from the Continuous and one time boot options list.

iLOrest > bootorder          --onetimeboot=Hdd          --commit Committing changes... The operation completed successfully.        

Change the continuous boot order using the --continuousboot option. Specify a option to boot to from the Continuous and one time boot options list.

iLOrest > bootorder          --continuousboot=Cd          --commit Committing changes... The operation completed successfully.        

To turn off any continuous or one-time boot options that have been configured, use the --disablebootflag option.

iLOrest > bootorder          --disablebootflag          --commit Committing changes... The operation completed successfully.        

bootorder [Boot Order] [Optional Parameters]

This command prints a list of entries when no arguments are provided. Run this command with arguments to change the bootorder and set continuous and one-time boot settings. Arguments for the bootorder command include entries as a list, which is enumerated in the order of the default command. Entries provided are rotated, in order, to the top of the boot queue; missing entries are appended to the end of the new queue, in order. Changes do not take effect until a reboot. To perform a one-time boot, continuous boot, or disable continuous boot or one-time boot, use the respective options.

  • Boot Order

The boot order can be specified as a list of numbers or as a list of partial strings for matching. If omitted, displays the current boot order. See examples for usage and syntax.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --commit

Use this flag when you are ready to commit all pending changes. Some changes made in this way will be updated instantly, while others will be reflected the next time the server is started.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.

  • --onetimeboot=ONETIMEBOOT

Use this flag to configure a one-time boot option. Using this flag will prioritize the provided boot source only on the very next time the server is booted.

  • --continuousboot=CONTINUOUSBOOT

Use this flag to enable a continuous boot option. Using this flag will cause the system to boot to the selected device every time the system boots.

  • --disablebootflag

Use this to disable either continuous or one-time boot modes.

  • --securebootkeys=SECUREBOOT

Use this flag to perform actions on secure boot keys. Possible values include defaultkeys: resets all keys to default, deletekeys: deletes all keys, deletepk: deletes all product keys.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --https

Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.



iSCSIConfig command

iSCSIConfig example commands:

Using the iscsiconfig command without any options will display the current ISCSI configuration, including ISCSI initiator name and currently configured boot entries.

iLOrest >          iscsiconfig          Iscsi Initiator Name: ""  Available iSCSI Boot Network Interfaces: [1] Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC [2] Embedded LOM 1 Port 2 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC [3] Embedded LOM 1 Port 3 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC [4] Embedded LOM 1 Port 4 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC        

Use the list flag to retrieve the current configured iscsi boot attempts. If none are configured, then all sections will have a message stating Not Added.

iLOrest > iscsiconfig          --list          Current iSCSI Attempts: [   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   } ]        

To add an iSCSI boot attempt use the --add option, specifying which iSCSI Network Interface to attempt a boot from. This command will add a boot attempt from option [2] in the Available iSCSI Boot Network Interfaces list.

iLOrest > iscsiconfig          --add [2]          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. iLOrest > iscsiconfig --list Current iSCSI Attempts: [   {     "Embedded LOM 1 Port 2 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC": {       "Attempt 1": {         "iSCSILUN": "0",         "iSCSIAttemptName": "1",         "iSCSIConnectTimeoutMS": 20000,         "iSCSIChapUsername": "",         "iSCSIChapSecret": "",         "iSCSIInitiatorGateway": "",         "iSCSINicSource": "NicBoot2",         "iSCSIConnection": "Disabled",         "iSCSIInitiatorNetmask": "",         "iSCSITargetName": "",         "iSCSIReverseChapUsername": "",         "iSCSIInitiatorInfoViaDHCP": true,         "iSCSIAttemptInstance": 1,         "iSCSITargetTcpPort": 3260,         "iSCSIConnectRetry": 3,         "StructuredBootString": null,         "iSCSIReverseChapSecret": "",         "iSCSIInitiatorIpAddress": "",         "iSCSIAuthenticationMethod": "None",         "iSCSITargetInfoViaDHCP": true,         "iSCSIChapType": "OneWay",         "iSCSITargetIpAddress": "",         "iSCSIIpAddressType": "IPv4",         "UEFIDevicePath": null       }     }   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   } ]        

Modify properties for boot attempts by outputting them to a file, editing the file, then apply the changes with the --modify option. You must include the --list option with the -f option to write to a file.

iLOrest > iscsiconfig          --list -f output.txt          Results written out to 'output.txt' iLOrest > iscsiconfig          --modify output.txt          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

To delete an iSCSI attempt use the --delete option, specifying which attempt to delete.

iLOrest > iscsiconfig --list Current iSCSI Attempts: [   {     "Embedded LOM 1 Port 2 : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC": {       "Attempt 1": {         "iSCSILUN": "0",         "iSCSIAttemptName": "1",         "iSCSIConnectTimeoutMS": 20000,         "iSCSIChapUsername": "blah",         "iSCSIChapSecret": "",         "iSCSIInitiatorGateway": "",         "iSCSINicSource": "NicBoot2",         "iSCSIConnection": "Disabled",         "iSCSIInitiatorNetmask": "",         "iSCSITargetName": "",         "iSCSIReverseChapUsername": "",         "iSCSIInitiatorInfoViaDHCP": true,         "iSCSIAttemptInstance": 1,         "iSCSITargetTcpPort": 3260,         "iSCSIConnectRetry": 3,         "StructuredBootString": null,         "iSCSIReverseChapSecret": "",         "iSCSIInitiatorIpAddress": "",         "iSCSIAuthenticationMethod": "None",         "iSCSITargetInfoViaDHCP": true,         "iSCSIChapType": "OneWay",         "iSCSITargetIpAddress": "",         "iSCSIIpAddressType": "IPv4",         "UEFIDevicePath": null       }     }   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   } ]  iLOrest > iscsiconfig          --delete 1          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. iLOrest > iscsiconfig --list Current iSCSI Attempts: [   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   },   {     "Not Added": {}   } ]        

iscsiconfig [iSCSI Configuration] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to view the current iSCSI configuration, save the current iSCSI configuration to a file, load an iSCSI configuration from a file, or view available NIC resources for iSCSI configuration.

  • --add=ADD

Use this iSCSI configuration option to add an iSCSI configuration option.

  • --delete=DELETE

Use this iSCSI configuration option to delete an iSCSI configuration option.

  • --modifiy=MODIFY

Use this iSCSI configuration option to modify an iSCSI configuration option.

  • --list

Use this iSCSI configuration option to list the details of the different iSCSI configurations.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Optionally include this flag to use the provided filename instead of the default ilorest.json file.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --https

Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.



Pending command

Pending example commands:

Run pending with no arguments to show current changes that have been committed to the server and are awaiting a reboot. In this example, no changes have been found.

iLOrest >          pending          Current Pending Changes:  SmartStorageConfig.v2_0_1: No pending changes found.  HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeScalablePmem.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  Bios.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.        

After committing a change to AdminName the pending command shows the change to AdminName that will take effect on reboot.

iLOrest > select bios. iLOrest > set AdminName=newname --commit Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. iLOrest >          pending          Current Pending Changes:  SmartStorageConfig.v2_0_1: No pending changes found.  HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeScalablePmem.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeKmsConfig.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  HpeServerConfigLock.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.  Bios.v1_0_0: Attributes=             AdminName=                        Current=""                        Pending=newname  HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0: No pending changes found.        

pending [Optional Parameters]

Displays pending committed changes that will be applied after a reboot.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --https

Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.



Results command

Results example commands:

Run the command without any parameters to gather the results of any changes which occurred on the last reboot.

iLOrest >          results          Results of the previous reboot changes:  Bios: The operation completed successfully. SmartArray: Request successfully completed Boot: The operation completed successfully. Iscsi: The operation completed successfully.        

results [optional parameters]

Show the results of any changes, which require a system reboot to take effect.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --https

Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.



Setpassword command

Setpassword example commands:

To set a new password, include the new password and the current password. When setting a bios or power on password with no previous password set, OLD_PASSWORD must be set to None signifying no password.

iLOrest >          setpassword --newpassword newpassword --currentpassword None          setpassword --newpassword newpass1 --currentpassword The operation completed successfully.        

When setting a bios or power on password back to nothing, NEW_PASSWORD must be set to "".

iLOrest >          setpassword --newpassword None --currentpassword oldpassword          setpassword --newpassword None --currentpassword newpass1 The operation completed successfully.        

To set the power on password, include the --poweron option.

iLOrest > setpassword --newpassword newpassword --currentpassword None          --poweron          The operation completed successfully.        

Setpassword –-newpassword --currentpassword

Sets the BIOS admin password and power on password.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --poweron

Use this flag to set power on password instead of the BIOS admin password.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. 'REBOOT' is replaceable parameter that can have multiple values. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --https

Use the provided CA bundle or SSL certificate with your login to connect securely to the system in remote mode. This flag has no effect in local mode.



iLO Commands

This section includes advanced functions for manipulating iLO using the RESTful Interface Tool. These commands include operations such as turning the server hardware on and off, resetting iLO, and updating firmware.

iLO commands that are supported for a specific HPE server generation:

  • certificate: Gen10 with limited functionality for Gen9
  • fwintegritycheck: Gen10
  • iloclone: Gen10
  • sigrecompute: Gen9

Backuprestore Command

To create a backup (.bak) file run the command with the backup argument.

iLOrest >          backuprestore backup          Downloading backup file HPE_Kappa_20190203_0012.bak...Download complete.        

To restore a server using the .bak file run the command with the restore argument. By default the command will search for a (.bak) file in the current working directory. Specify a (.bak) file using the (-f, --filename) option.

iLOrest >          backuprestore restore          Restore in progress. iLO while be unresponsive while the restore completes. Your session will be terminated. Logging session out.        

backuprestore [OPTIONS]

Backup and restore iLO to a server using a .bak file.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use this command to specify the which backup file to restore. By default, the command will try to find a .bak file in the current working directory.

  • --filepass=FPASS

Use the provided password when creating the backup file. The same password must be used for restoring.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Certificate Command

Certificate example commands:

To Generate an https certificate signing request use the csr argument along with the following information Organization Name, Organization Unit, Common Name, Country, State, City. Use quotes to include parameters which contain whitespace.

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done iLOrest >          certificate csr "Hewlet Packard Enterprice" "ILORestGroup" "iLORest" "US" "Texas" "Houston"                    iLO is creating a new certificate signing request This process can take up to 10 minutes. X509 Certificate is being generated and the process might take up to 10 minutes.        

To retrieve the certificate signing request use the getcsr argument. The default filename is certificate.txt, saved to the current working directory. Including the (-f, --filename) option will change the default name.

iLOrest >          certificate getcsr          Discovering data...Done Certificate saved to: certificate.txt        

To import a CA certificate use the ca argument followed by a file containing the certificate.

iLOrest >          certificate ca certfile.txt          The operation completed successfully.        

To import a CRL certificate use the crl argument followed by a URI to the certificate file.

iLOrest >          certificate crl https://hostname/location/to/cert.txt          The operation completed successfully.        

To import a TLS certificate use the tls argument followed by a file containing the certificate.

iLOrest >          certificate tls certfile.txt          The operation completed successfully.        

certificate [Optional Parameters]

Command for importing both iLO and login authorization certificates as well as generating iLO certificate signing requests.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename for the certificate signing request. The default filename is certificate.txt.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Clearrestapistate Command

Clearrestapistate example commands:

To Clear the persistent RESTful API state run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          clearrestapistate          The operation completed successfully.        

clearrestapistate [Optional Parameters]

Clears the persistent RESTful API state. Generally not needed and shouldn't be done unless there are issues viewing info, setting, or committing data.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Directory Command

To view current LDAP or kerberos settings run the command with the ldap or kerberos arguments.

iLOrest >          directory ldap          Discovering data...Done LDAP settings: -------------------------------- Enabled: False Service Address: Not Set Local Account Authorization: Enabled Port: 55 Authentication Mode: Disabled Search Settings:         Search 1: blah Remote Role Mapping(s):         Local Role: dirgroupb3d8954f6ebbe735764e9f7c         Remote Group: Administrators         Local Role: dirgroup9d4546a03a03bb977c03086a         Remote Group: Authenticated Users:S-1-5-11 iLOrest >          directory kerberos          Kerberos settings: -------------------------------- Enabled: False Service Address: Not Set Local Account Authorization: Enabled Port: 1337 Realm: Not Set Remote Role Mapping(s):         Local Role: dirgroupb3d8954f6ebbe735764e9f7c         Remote Group: Administrators         Local Role: dirgroup9d4546a03a03bb977c03086a         Remote Group: Authenticated Users:S-1-5-11        

To add credentials to a service specify the service with the ldap or kerberos argument followed by the USERNAME and PASSWORD of the directory. The --enable flag was passed because previously the directory was disabled.

iLOrest >          directory ldap USERNAME PASSWORD --enable          Changing settings... The operation completed successfully.        

To specify the service address (--serviceaddress), port (--port), authentication schema (--authentication), and/or search strings (--addsearch/--removesearch) specify their respective options. Authentication schema and search strings can only be used with the LDAP directory.

iLOrest >          directory ldap --serviceaddress x.x.y.z --addsearch string3,string4 --authentication=ExtendedSchema --port 199          Changing settings... The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > directory ldap LDAP settings: -------------------------------- Enabled: True Service Address: x.x.y.z Local Account Authorization: Enabled Port: 199 Authentication Mode: ExtendedSchema Search Settings:         Search 1: blah         Search 2: string3         Search 3: string4 Remote Role Mapping(s):         Local Role: dirgroupb3d8954f6ebbe735764e9f7c         Remote Group: Administrators         Local Role: dirgroup9d4546a03a03bb977c03086a         Remote Group: Authenticated Users:S-1-5-11        

To specify the realm (--realm) and/or key tab (--keytab) specify their respective options. Realm and key tab can only be used with the Kerberos directory.

iLOrest >          directory kerberos --realm Forgotten --keytab https://location/to/keytab.txt          Changing settings... The operation completed successfully. Adding keytab... The operation completed successfully.        

To add directory role maps include the ldap argument with the --addrolemap option with the form LocalRole:RemoteRoleGroup:OptionalSID. Available roles can be found in the help text.

iLOrest > directory ldap          --addrolemap "Administrator:Owners,ReadOnly:Reading Users:S-1-7-23"          Changing settings... The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > directory ldap LDAP settings: -------------------------------- Enabled: True Service Address: x.x.y.z:199 Local Account Authorization: Enabled Port: 199 Authentication Mode: ExtendedSchema Search Settings:         Search 1: blah         Search 2: string3         Search 3: string4 Remote Role Mapping(s):         Local Role: dirgroupb3d8954f6ebbe735764e9f7c         Remote Group: Administrators         Local Role: dirgroup9d4546a03a03bb977c03086a         Remote Group: Authenticated Users:S-1-5-11         Local Role: dirgroupb3b74668da9b6b0bc6864223         Remote Group: Owners         Local Role: dirgroup8e167f4006abce0ae22977d4         Remote Group: Reading Users:S-1-7-23        

To add custom local role maps include the ldap argument with the --addrolemap option with the form PrivNum1;PrivNum2;...:RemoteRoleGroup:OptionalSID. Numbers of privileges can be found in the help text.

iLOrest > directory ldap --addrolemap "1;2;3:remoterole,10;2;3:Another remote role:S-1-7-23" Changing settings... The operation completed successfully. Updating privileges of created role maps... The operation completed successfully. Updated privileges for ANOTHERETSTT The operation completed successfully. Updated privileges for A TESTTT:S-1-7-23        

To remove directory role maps include the ldap argument with the --removerolemap option specifying the LocalRole of the role map to remove. Multiple role maps can be removed by separating them with commas.

iLOrest > directory ldap          --removerole dirgroupb3b74668da9b6b0bc6864223,dirgroup8e167f4006abce0ae22977d4          Changing settings... The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > directory ldap LDAP settings: -------------------------------- Enabled: True Service Address: x.x.y.z:199 Local Account Authorization: Enabled Port: 199 Authentication Mode: ExtendedSchema Search Settings:         Search 1: blah         Search 2: string3         Search 3: string4 Remote Role Mapping(s):         Local Role: dirgroupb3d8954f6ebbe735764e9f7c         Remote Group: Administrators         Local Role: dirgroup9d4546a03a03bb977c03086a         Remote Group: Authenticated Users:S-1-5-11        

To perform directory tests use the test argument followed by start to start the directory test, stop to stop the directory test, or viewresults to view the results of the last directory test.

iLOrest >          directory test start          Starting the directory test. Monitor results with command: directory viewresults [200] The operation completed successfully. iLOrest >          directory test stop          Stopping the directory test. [200] The operation completed successfully. iLOrest >          directory test viewresults          Test: Directory Server DNS Name ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes: Unable to resolve host name x.x.y.z:199  Test: Ping Directory Server ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes:  Test: Connect to Directory Server ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes: Unable to connect to the directory server LDAP port within timeout. Verify directory server address. Use this to ensure iLO can correctly connect and use the directory server.  Test: Connect using SSL ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes: Unable to connect to directory server within timeout.  Test: Bind to Directory Server ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: Directory Administrator login ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: User Authentication ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: User Authorization ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes:  Test: Directory User Contexts ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: LOM Object exists ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:        

When creating custom local roles use the following numbers to specify privileges.

LOCAL PRIVILEGES: 1. Login 2. Remote Console 3. User Config 4. iLO (Manager) Config 5. Virtual Media 6. Virtual Power and Reset 7. Host NIC Config 8. Host Bios Config 9. Host Storage Config 10. System Recovery Config 11. Self Password Change 12. Configure Components

LOCAL ROLES: - ReadOnly - Operator - Administrator

directory [kerberos/ldap/test] [OPTIONS]

This command will view/update Kerberos or LDAP directory settings, add/delete directory roles, and test directory settings.

  • ldap

Use this parameter to update or view LDAP settings.

  • kerberos

Use this parameter to update or view Kerberos (Active Directory) settings.

  • test

Use this parameter to perform directory tests.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --enable, --disable

Use this command to enable or disable the LDAP or Kerberos services.

  • --serviceaddress=SERVICEADDRESS

Use this command to set the service address of the LDAP or Kerberos Services.

  • --port=PORT

Use this command to set the port of the LDAP or Kerberos services.

  • --realm=REALM

Use this command to set the Kerberos realm.

  • --keytab=KEYTAB

Use this command to import a Kerberos Keytab by its URI location.

  • --enablelocalauth, --disablelocalauth

Use this command to enable or disable the authentication for local accounts.

  • --authentication=AUTHMODE

Use this command to choose a LDAP authentication mode. The available modes are DefaultSchema (Directory Default Schema or Schema- free) and ExtendedSchema (HPE Extended Schema).

  • --addsearch=SEARCH, --removesearch=SEARCH

Use this command to add or remove search strings for generic LDAP services.

  • --addrolemap=ROLES, --removerolemap=ROLES

Use this command to add or remove Role Mapping(s) for the LDAP and Kerberos services.

  • -j, --json

Use this command to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

- --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Disableilofunctionality Command

Disableilofunctionality example commands:

To Disable iLO functionality run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          disableilofunctionality          The operation completed successfully. Disabling iLO functionality. iLO will be unavailable on the logged in server until it is re-enabled manually. [200] The operation completed successfully.        

disableilofunctionality [Optional Parameters]

Disable iLO functionality on the current logged in server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --force

Ignore any critical task checking and force disable iLO.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Eskm Command

Eskm example commands:

To clear the ESKM logs use the clearlog argument.

iLOrest >          eskm clearlog          The operation completed successfully.        

To test the ESKM connections use the testconnections argument. The response will indicate if the system can connect properly or if there is an issue.

iLOrest >          eskm testconnections          Enterprise Secure Key Manager Servers are not configured.        

eskm [Command] [Optional Parameters]

Command for testing connections to the Enterprise Secure Key Manager system and clearing the Enterprise Secure Key Manager logs.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Ethernet command

Ethernet example commands:

To enable Virtual NIC use the --enable_vnic argument.

iLOrest >          ethernet --enable_vnic          Enabling Virtual NIC... [200] The operation completed successfully. Warning: Resetting iLO... Warning: After iLO resets, the session will be terminated. Please wait for iLO to initialize completely before logging in again. This process may take up to 3 minutes to complete.  A management processor reset is in progress. You will need to re-login to access this system... iLOrest return code: 0        

To enable proxy use the --proxy <proxyserver_withport> argument.

iLOrest >          ethernet --proxy          Enabling Proxy configuration... [200] The operation completed successfully. iLOrest return code: 0        

To clear proxy use the --proxy None argument.

iLOrest >          ethernet --proxy None          Clearing Proxy configuration... [200] The operation completed successfully. iLOrest return code: 0        

ethernet [Command] [Optional Parameters]

Command for configuring Ethernet Management Controller Interfaces and associated properties.

  • default

Obtain iLO management networking interface details and configure basic properties such as enablement/disablement, domain name servers, ipv4 and ipv6 networking configuration.

  • Save

Save a network configuration.

  • Load

Load a network cofiguration.

Optional parameters

  • -h, --help
    Show the help message and exit.

  • --encryption ENCRYPTION
    Optionally include this flag to encrypt/decrypt a file using the key provided.

    Optionally specify a JSON file to store or load ethernet configuration data.

  • --enable_vnic
    Enable virtual network interface of management network.

  • --disable_vnic
    Disable virtual network interface of management network.

  • --proxy
    Configure Proxy Settings. Provide a proxy server and port

  • --proxy None
    Clear Proxy Settings.

  • --enable_nic 1,2,3
    Enable network interfaces by listing each interface to be enabled. Note: Non-existent interfaces will be omitted from configuration.

  • --disable_nic 1,2,3
    Disable network interfaces by listing each interface to be disabled. Note: Non-existent interfaces will be omitted from configuration.

  • --nameservers, OR ethernet --nameservers,
    Configure Domain Name Servers (DNS) in a list:

  • --network_ipv4 , , .
    Configure Static IPv4 Settings. Provide a list of network settings

Factorydefaults Command

Factorydefaults example commands:

To reset iLO to factory defaults in the current logged in server run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          factorydefaults          Resetting iLO to factory default settings Current session will be terminated. The operation completed successfully.        

factorydefaults [Optional Parameters]

Reset iLO to factory defaults in the current logged in server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Firmwareupdate Command

Firmware update example commands:

To update firmware specify the URI location of the firmware. iLO will then gather the file and flash it. The user will be logged out after firmware update completes successfully.

iLOrest >          firmwareupdate https://firmwarehost/path/to/firmware/file.bin          Starting upgrading process...  iLO is uploading the necessary files. Please wait...  Updating: \  Firmware update has completed and iLO may reset. If iLO resets the session will be terminated. Please wait for iLO to initialize completely before logging in again. A reboot may be required for firmware changes to take effect. Logging session out.        

Firmwareupdate [URI] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to update the firmware via URI. iLO must be able to access the URI for update to complete successfully. This command only supports firmware with a .bin extension.

  • URI

Point the firmwareupdate command towards the .bin file that holds the file for the firmware update.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --tpmenabled

Use this flag if the server you are currently logged into has a TPM chip installed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


Input a URI pointing to a .bin file to perform the firmwareupdate command. The .bin file should hold the file needed to perform the firmware update.


Fwintegritycheck Command

Fwintegritycheck example commands:

To perform a firmware integrity check run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          fwintegritycheck          The operation completed successfully.        

To perform a firmware integrity check and return results of the check include the --results option.

iLOrest > fwintegritycheck          --results          The operation completed successfully. Awaiting results of firmware integrity check.... Scan Result: OK        

fwintegritycheck [Optional Parameters]

Perform a firmware integrity check on the current logged in server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --results

Optionally include this flag to show results of firmware integrity check.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Iloaccounts Command

Iloaccounts example commands:

To list the current iLO accounts on the system and their information, run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          iloaccounts          Discovering data...Done iLO Account info: [Id] UserName (LoginName): Privileges ----------------- [1] Administrator (Administrator): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=True RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=True UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=True VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=True        

To add an iLO account include the add argument with the new account USERNAME, LOGINNAME, and PASSWORD. To optionally specify privileges at creation, use the --addprivs option with numbers from the privilege list.

iLOrest >          iloaccounts add USERNAME ACCOUNTNAME PASSWORD --addprivs 1,4,7          [201] The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > iloaccounts iLO Account info: [Id] UserName (LoginName): Privileges ----------------- [1] Administrator (Administrator): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=True RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=True UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=True VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=True  [3] USERNAME (ACCOUNTNAME): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

To modify an iLO account's privileges include the modify argument, the Id or the Username of the account to modify, and include the --addprivs and/or --removeprivs options with numbers from the privilege list.

iLOrest > iloaccounts ... [3] USERNAME (ACCOUNTNAME): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  iLOrest >          iloaccounts modify USERNAME --addprivs 2,3 --removeprivs 7          The account was modified successfully. iLOrest > iloaccounts ... [3] USERNAME (ACCOUNTNAME): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

To change the password of an account run the command with the changepass argument, specifying the Id or the Username of the account to modify and the new password.

iLOrest >          iloaccounts changepass 3 newpassword          The account was modified successfully.        

To delete an iLO account run the command with the delete argument, specifying the Id or the Username of the account for deletion.

iLOrest >          iloaccounts delete USERNAME          The account was removed successfully.        

To add a certificate to an account run the command with the addcert argument, specifying the Id or Username of the account followed by the path to an x.509 certificate.

iLOrest >          iloaccounts addcert 3 C:\Temp\cert.txt          The account was modified successfully.        

To delete a certificate from an account run the command with the deletecert argument, specifying either the Id or Username of the account.

iLOrest >          iloaccounts deletecert 3          The account was modified successfully.        

To verify the certificate run a rawget

iLOrest >          rawget "/redfish/v1/AccountService/UserCertificateMapping/?$expand=."          [200] The operation completed successfully. {     ... Truncated...     "Members": [     {           "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap",           "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/UserCertificateMapping/1/",           "@odata.type": "#HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.v1_0_1.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap",           "Fingerprint": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",           "FingerprintDigestAlgorithm": "SHA256",           "Id": "1",           "UserName": "Administrator"     },     {           "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap",           "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/UserCertificateMapping/9/",           "@odata.type": "#HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap.v1_0_1.HpeiLOAccountCertificateMap",           "Fingerprint": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",           "FingerprintDigestAlgorithm": "SHA256",           "Id": "3",           "UserName": "USERNAME"     }     ] }        

When applying privileges directly use the following numbers to specify privileges.


  1. Login
  2. Remote Console
  3. User Config
  4. iLO Config
  5. Virtual Media
  6. Virtual Power and Reset

iLO 5 added privileges:

  1. Host NIC Config
  2. Host Bios Config
  3. Host Storage Config
  4. System Recovery Config

iloaccounts [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]

Adds/deletes an iLO account on the currently logged in server and modifies iLO account privileges.

  • LOGINNAME: The account name, not used to login.
  • USERNAME: The account username name, used to login.
  • PASSWORD: The account password, used to login.
  • Id: The number associated with an iLO user account.

    • 1: Login
    • 2: Remote Console
    • 3: User Config
    • 4: iLO Config
    • 5: Virtual Media
    • 6: Virtual Power and Reset
  • iLO 5 added privileges:

    • 7: Host NIC Config
    • 8: Host Bios Config
    • 9: Host Storage Config
    • 10: System Recovery Config
  • Roles:

    • Administrator
    • ReadOnly
    • Operator
  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --addprivs=OPTPRIVS

Optionally include this flag if you wish to specify which privileges you want added to the iLO account. Pick privileges from the privilege list in the above help text. Example: --addprivs=1,2,4

  • --removeprivs=OPTPRIVS

Optionally include this flag if you wish to specify which privileges you want removed from the iLO account. Pick privileges from the privilege list in the above help text. Example: --removeprivs=1,2,4

  • --role=ROLE

Optionally include this flag if you would like to specify Privileges by role. Valid choices are: Administrator, ReadOnly, and Operator.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Ilofederation Command

Ilofederation example commands:

To add an iLO federation group to the current logged in server include the add argument with the new federation name and federation key. To optionally specify privileges at creation, use the --addprivs option with numbers from the privilege list.

iLOrest > ilofederation iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False iLOrest >          ilofederation add newfedname 8charfedkey --addprivs 1,3,5          The resource has been created successfully. iLOrest > ilofederation iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  Name=newfedname: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=True UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

To list the current iLO federations and their information run the command with no arguments.

            iLOrest >          ilofederation          iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

To change the key of an iLO federation group include the changekey argument with the federation name and the new key.

iLOrest >          ilofederation changekey newfedname newfedkey          The operation completed successfully.        

To delete an iLO federation group include the delete argument with the federation name to delete.

iLOrest > ilofederation iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  Name=newfedname: HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=True RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=True UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=True VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=True iLOrest >          ilofederation delete newfedname          The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > ilofederation iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

To modify an iLO federation group include the modify argument with the federation name you'd like to update.

iLOrest >          ilofederation modify newfederation 8charfedkey --addprivs 1,2,3,4          The resource has been created successfully. iLOrest > ilofederation iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  Name=newfederation HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False iLOrest >          ilofederation modify newfederation --removeprivs 1,2,3          The operation completed successfully iLOrest > ilofederation Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  Name=newfederation HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=False SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

When applying privileges directly use the following numbers to specify privileges.


  1. Login
  2. Remote Console
  3. User Config
  4. iLO Config
  5. Virtual Media
  6. Virtual Power and Reset

iLO 5 added privileges:

  1. Host NIC Config
  2. Host Bios Config
  3. Host Storage Config
  4. System Recovery Config


Adds, deletes, or modifies an iLO federation group on the currently logged in server.

  • FEDERATIONNAME: The name (Id) of the federation group.
  • KEY: The key required to join the federation.
  • Id: The number associated with an iLO federation.


    • 1: Login
    • 2: Remote Console
    • 3: User Config
    • 4: iLO Config
    • 5: Virtual Media
    • 6: Virtual Power and Reset
  • iLO 5 added privileges:

    • 7: Host NIC Config
    • 8: Host Bios Config
    • 9: Host Storage Config
    • 10: System Recovery Config
  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --addprivs=PRIVS

Optionally include this flag if you wish to specify which privileges you want added to the iLO federation. This overrides the default of duplicating privileges of the currently logged in federation on the new federation. Pick privileges from the privilege list in the above help text.

Example: --addprivs=1,2,4

  • --removeprivs=PRIVS

Optionally include this flag if you wish to specify which privileges you want removed from the iLO federation. This overrides the default of duplicating privileges of the currently logged in federation on the new federation. Pick privileges from the privilege list in the above help text.

Example: --removeprivs=1,2,4

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Ilolicense Command

Ilolicense example commands:

To Apply an iLO license on the current logged in server run the command with the license key as an argument.

iLOrest >          ilolicense XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX          The resource has been created successfully.        

ilolicense [LICENSE_KEY] [OPTIONS]

Applies an iLO license on the currently logged in server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



iLOReset Command

iLOReset example commands:

To reset iLO run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          iloreset          After iLO resets the session will be terminated. Please wait for iLO to initialize completely before logging in again. This process may take up to 3 minutes.  A management processor reset is in progress.        

iloreset [Optional Parameters]

Run this command to reset iLO on the currently logged in server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Ipprofiles Command

Ipprofiles example commands:

To list the current profiles on the server, run the command without arguments..

iLOrest >          ipprofiles          {   "@odata.type": "#HpeIpProfiles.v1_0_0.HpeIpProfiles",   "1540504034216": "{profile: data}" }        

To upload an ipprofile, input a valid JSON file path as an argument.

iLOrest >          ipprofiles profile.json          The operation completed successfully.        

To remove a profile, use the unique key contained in the profile with the (-d, --delete) option.

iLOrest > ipprofiles          -d 1540504034216          The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > ipprofiles {   "@odata.type": "#HpeIpProfiles.v1_0_0.HpeIpProfiles",   "1549567973200": "{\"profile\": {}}" } iLOrest > ipprofiles -d 1549567973200 The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > ipprofiles {   "@odata.type": "#HpeIpProfiles.v1_0_0.HpeIpProfiles" }        

ipprofiles [Optional Parameters]

Run this command to manage the hpeipprofile data store.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Write results to the specified file.

  • -d DEL_KEY, --delete=DEL_KEY

Look for the key or keys in the ipprofile manager and delete.

  • -s START_IP, --start=START_IP

Copies the specified IP profile into the job queue and starts it.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



One Button Erase Command

To initiate One Button Erase and erase all iLO settings, BIOS settings, User Data, and iLO Repository data run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          onebuttonerase          Please type "erase" to begin erase process. Any other input will cancel the operation. If you wish to skip this prompt add the --confirm flag: erase One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. The operation completed successfully.         One Button Erase Status ========================================================== Elapsed time in Minutes: 0 Elapsed Remaining Time in Minutes: 0 Bios Settings Erase: Idle iLO Settings Erase: Idle User Data Erase: Initiated /        

To optionally skip the confirmation before initiating One Button Erase include the --confirm option.

iLOrest >          onebuttonerase --confirm          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. The operation completed successfully.         One Button Erase Status ========================================================== Elapsed time in Minutes: 0 Elapsed Remaining Time in Minutes: 0 Bios Settings Erase: Idle iLO Settings Erase: Idle User Data Erase: Initiated \        

onebuttonerase [OPTIONS]

Performs One Button Erase on a system. Erases all iLO settings, Bios settings, User Data, and iLO Repository data.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --nomonitor

Use this command to skip monitoring of the one button erase process and simply trigger the operation.

  • --confirm

Use this command to skip the confirmation prompt before starting One Button Erase and begin the operation.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Reboot Command

Reboot example commands:

If no arguments are supplied the default operation is ForceRestart.

iLOrest >          reboot          After the server is rebooted the session will be terminated. Please wait for the server to boot completely to login again. Rebooting server in 3 seconds... The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

To perform a power function supply one of the reboot type parameters as an argument.

iLOrest >          reboot ForceOff          Server is powering off the session will be terminated. Please wait for the server to boot completely to login again. Powering off the server in 3 seconds... The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

If the current power state does not allow for an operation to complete an error will be returned.

iLOrest >          reboot On          Session will now be terminated. Please wait for the server to boot completely to login again. Turning on the server in 3 seconds... iLO response with code [400]: The operation was not successful due to the current power state (for example, attempting to turn the power off when it is already off).        

reboot [Reboot Type] [Optional Parameters]

Run this command to turn the system on, perform an immediate non-graceful shutdown, perform an immediate non-graceful shutdown followed by a restart of the system, generate a non-maskable interrupt and cause an immediate system halt, or simulate the pressing of the physical power button on the system.

  • On

Use this reboot type to turn the system on. If the system is already on, this has no effect.

  • ForceOff

Use this reboot type to cause the system to perform an immediate non-graceful shutdown.

  • ForceRestart

Use this reboot type to perform an immediate non-graceful shutdown followed by a restart of the system.

  • Nmi

Use this reboot type to generate a non-maskable interrupt to cause an immediate system halt.

  • PushPowerButton

Use this reboot type to simulate the pressing of the physical power button on this system.

  • Press

Simulates the pressing of the physical power button on this system.

  • PressAndHold

Simulates pressing and holding of the power button on this systems.

  • ColdBoot

Immediately removes power from the server, followed by a restart of the system.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --confirm

Optionally include to request user confirmation for reboot.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --includelogs

You can optionally choose to set the includelogs flag. Doing so will include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Results Command

results [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to retrieve a Redfish response messages. The results command provides feedback after an iLO state change as a list of attributes that have been modified and a short message log that contains details regarding the state change. The results captured are limited to Redfish response messages for these groups: BIOS, iSCSI, and Smart Array.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Sendtest Command

Sendtest example commands:

Send syslog test to the current logged in server.

iLOrest >          sendtest syslog          The operation completed successfully.        

Send alert mail test to the current logged in server.

iLOrest >          sendtest alertmail          The operation completed successfully.        

Send SNMP test alert to the current logged in server.

iLOrest >          sendtest snmpalert          The operation completed successfully.        

sendtest [Test Type] [Optional Parameters]

Command for triggering various tests to iLO.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Serverclone Command

To save an iLO and Bios config run the command with the save argument. You can specify a filename using the (-f, --filename) option, if this option is not used the command will search for ilorest_clone.json.

iLOrest >          serverclone save          Saving properties of type: AccountService, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/ Saving properties of type: Bios, path: /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/ Saving properties of type: ComputerSystem, path: /redfish/v1/Systems/1/ Saving properties of type: EthernetInterface, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1/ Saving properties of type: EthernetInterface, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/2/ Saving properties of type: HpeESKM, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/ Saving properties of type: HpeServerBootSettings, path: /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/boot/settings/ Saving properties of type: HpeiLODateTime, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/DateTime/ Please input the federation key for Federation user: DEFAULT Password: password Please re-enter the federation key for Federation user: DEFAULT Password: password Saving properties of type: HpeiLOFederationGroup, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/FederationGroups/DEFAULT/ License Key Found ending in XXXXX: Remember to edit your License Key... Saving properties of type: HpeiLOLicense, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LicenseService/1/ Saving properties of type: HpeiLOSSO, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/SSO/ Saving properties of type: HpeiLOSnmpService, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SnmpService/ Saving properties of type: Manager, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/ Password: Please input the desired password for user: Administrator password Please re-enter the desired password for user: Administrator Password: password Saving properties of type: ManagerAccount, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/7/ Please input the desired password for user: tiQiR2 Password: Using a placeholder password of '<pass>' in ilorest_clone.json file. Saving properties of type: ManagerAccount, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/8/ Saving properties of type: ManagerNetworkProtocol, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol/ Saving properties of type: SecureBoot, path: /redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot/ Saving properties of type: SmartStorageConfig, path: /redfish/v1/systems/1/smartstorageconfig/settings/ Saving of clonefile to 'ilorest_clone.json' is complete.        

To save an iLO and Bios config while providing a placeholder value for all user inputs run the command with the save argument and include the (--auto) option. This option can be used to problematically create a file without user input and then use a script to fill in the settings.

iLOrest > serverclone save          --auto          Saving properties of type: AccountService, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/ Saving properties of type: Bios, path: /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/settings/ Saving properties of type: ComputerSystem, path: /redfish/v1/Systems/1/ Saving properties of type: EthernetInterface, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1/ Saving properties of type: EthernetInterface, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/2/ Saving properties of type: HpeESKM, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/ESKM/ Saving properties of type: HpeSNMPAlertDestination, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SnmpService/SNMPAlertDestinations/1/ Saving properties of type: HpeServerBootSettings, path: /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/boot/settings/ Saving properties of type: HpeiLODateTime, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/DateTime/ Remember to edit the Federation key for acct: 'DEFAULT'. Saving properties of type: HpeiLOFederationGroup, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/FederationGroups/DEFAULT/ Remember to edit the Federation key for acct: 'fed1'. Saving properties of type: HpeiLOFederationGroup, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/FederationGroups/f250jenkins/ Remember to edit the Federation key for acct: '9P0Rn2'. Saving properties of type: HpeiLOFederationGroup, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/FederationGroups/9P0Rn2/ License Key Found ending in: XXXXX Remember to verify your License Key... Saving properties of type: HpeiLOLicense, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LicenseService/1/ Saving properties of type: HpeiLOSSO, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SecurityService/SSO/ Saving properties of type: HpeiLOSnmpService, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SnmpService/ Saving properties of type: Manager, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/ Remember to edit password for user: 'Administrator', login name: 'Administrator'. Saving properties of type: ManagerAccount, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/1/ Remember to edit password for user: 'username', login name: 'username'. Saving properties of type: ManagerAccount, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/2/ Remember to edit password for user: 'admin', login name: 'admin'. Saving properties of type: ManagerAccount, path: /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/120/ Saving properties of type: ManagerNetworkProtocol, path: /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol/ Saving properties of type: SecureBoot, path: /redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot/ Saving properties of type: SmartStorageConfig, path: /redfish/v1/systems/1/smartstorageconfig/settings/ Saving of clonefile to 'ilorest_clone.json' is complete.        

To load a clone file run the command with the load argument. You can specify a filename using the (-f, --filename) option, if this option is not used the command will search for ilorest_clone.json.

iLOrest >          serverclone load -f ilorest_clone.json          A configuration file 'ilorest_clone.json' containing configuration changes will be applied to this iLO server resulting in system setting changes for BIOS, ethernet controllers, disk controllers, deletion and rearrangement of logical disks...etc. Please confirm you acknowledge and would like to perform this operation now? (y/n)  Proceeding with ServerClone Load Operation... This system has BIOS Version U32. BIOS Versions are different. Suggest to have 'U30' in place before upgrading. This system has has iLO 5 with firmware revision 1.40. iLO Versions are compatible. iLO Firmware Revisions are compatible. Would you like to continue with migration of iLO configuration from 'ProLiant DL380 Gen10' to 'ProLiant DL360 Gen10'? (y/n)  Attempting Clone from a 'ProLiant DL380 Gen10' to a 'ProLiant DL360 Gen10'. The contents of type: '#HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings' should be compatible with '#HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings', on this system. The contents of type: '#SecureBoot.v1_0_0.SecureBoot' should be compatible with '#SecureBoot.v1_0_0.SecureBoot', on this system. The contents of type: '#Manager.v1_3_3.Manager' should be compatible with '#Manager.v1_3_3.Manager', on this system. The contents of type: '#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios' should be compatible with '#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOSnmpService' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOSnmpService', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup', on this system. Adding 'DEFAULT' to iLO Federation. This account already exists on this system: 'DEFAULT' Changing Federation account: 'DEFAULT's' key. Privileges will not be altered. The operation completed successfully. The contents of type: '#HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime' should be compatible with '#HpeiLODateTime.v2_0_0.HpeiLODateTime', on this system. The contents of type: '#ManagerAccount.v1_1_3.ManagerAccount' should be compatible with '#ManagerAccount.v1_1_3.ManagerAccount', on this system. Adding user 'Ldpksh' to iLO Accounts. The account name 'Ldpksh' already exists on this system. Checking for and implementing account modification. Changing account password for 'Ldpksh'. The account was modified successfully. Changing privileges for 'Ldpksh'. The account was modified successfully. The contents of type: '#ManagerAccount.v1_1_3.ManagerAccount' should be compatible with '#ManagerAccount.v1_1_3.ManagerAccount', on this system. Adding user 'Administrator' to iLO Accounts. An error occurred: Privilege SystemRecoveryConfigPriv is not available on this iLO version.. Check the ServerClone Error logfile for further info: clone_error_logfile.log Logging error to 'clone_error_logfile.log'. The contents of type: '#AccountService.v1_3_0.AccountService' should be compatible with '#AccountService.v1_3_0.AccountService', on this system. The contents of type: '#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol' should be compatible with '#ManagerNetworkProtocol.v1_0_0.ManagerNetworkProtocol', on this system. The contents of type: '#EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface' should be compatible with '#EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface', on this system. iLO response with code [400]: The value for the property is the correct type, but this value is incompatible with the current value of another property. This machine may not have a reconfigurable MACAddress...Retrying without patching MACAddress. The operation has been completed successfully. The contents of type: '#EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface' should be compatible with '#EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface', on this system. The operation completed successfully. NIC Interface Disabled. The contents of type: '#ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem' should be compatible with '#ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem', on this system. The contents of type: '#SmartStorageConfig.v2_0_0.SmartStorageConfig' should be compatible with '#SmartStorageConfig.v2_0_0.SmartStorageConfig', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOLicense.v2_1_1.HpeiLOLicense' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOLicense.v2_1_1.HpeiLOLicense', on this system. Attempting to load a license key to the server. The resource has been created successfully. The type: '#HpeESKM.v2_0_0.HpeESKM' was not found on this system. Associated properties can not be applied...Skipping Loading configuration... Committing changes... The property you are trying to change has been updated. Please check entry again before manipulating it. The system is ready to be reset. Perform a reset now? (y/n)  Resetting iLO...  After iLO resets the session will be terminated. Please wait for iLO to initialize completely before logging in again. This process may take up to 3 minutes.  A management processor reset is in progress. Sleeping 120 seconds for iLO reset... Logging session out. Discovering data...Done Resetting System... System already Powered Off: PowerOff Loading of clonefile 'ilorest_clone.json' to server is complete. Review the changelog file 'changelog.log'.        

To load a clone file with SSO and/or TLS certificates run the command with the load argument and include the --tlscert and/or --ssocert arguments followed by certificate files.

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done iLOrest > serverclone load                      --auto --tlscert sso_certificate.txt --ssocert certificate.txt          This system has BIOS Version U32. BIOS Versions are different. Suggest to have 'U30' in place before upgrading. This system has has iLO 5 with firmware revision 1.40. iLO Versions are compatible. iLO Firmware Revisions are compatible. Attempting Clone from a 'ProLiant DL380 Gen10' to a 'ProLiant DL360 Gen10'.          Uploading SSO Certificate... The operation completed successfully. Uploading TLS Certificate... The operation completed successfully.          The contents of type: '#HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings' should be compatible with '#HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings', on this system. The contents of type: '#SecureBoot.v1_0_0.SecureBoot' should be compatible with '#SecureBoot.v1_0_0.SecureBoot', on this system. The contents of type: '#Manager.v1_3_3.Manager' should be compatible with '#Manager.v1_3_3.Manager', on this system. The contents of type: '#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios' should be compatible with '#Bios.v1_0_0.Bios', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOSSO.v2_0_0.HpeiLOSSO', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOSnmpService' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOSnmpService.v2_2_0.HpeiLOSnmpService', on this system. The contents of type: '#HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup' should be compatible with '#HpeiLOFederationGroup.v2_0_0.HpeiLOFederationGroup', on this system. ...        

An example of simultaneously deleting one account and adding another within a JSON file. For new accounts, the path is simply a placeholder, iLO will determine the URI to be used.

Clone file snippet to be modified; the element to be removed is highlighted.

{   ...   "#ManagerAccount.v1_1_3.ManagerAccount": {     "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/1/": {       "Privileges": {         "HostNICConfigPriv": true,         "HostStorageConfigPriv": true,         "RemoteConsolePriv": true,         "iLOConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualMediaPriv": true,         "UserConfigPriv": true,         "HostBIOSConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualPowerAndResetPriv": true,         "LoginPriv": true,         "SystemRecoveryConfigPriv": true       },       "Password": "password",       "User_Name": "Administrator",       "Login_Name": "Administrator",       "AccountType": "User Account"     },                      "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/16/": {       "Privileges": {         "HostNICConfigPriv": true,         "HostStorageConfigPriv": true,         "RemoteConsolePriv": true,         "iLOConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualMediaPriv": true,         "UserConfigPriv": true,         "HostBIOSConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualPowerAndResetPriv": true,         "LoginPriv": true,         "SystemRecoveryConfigPriv": false       },       "Password": "strongestavenger",       "User_Name": "thor",       "Login_Name": "Thor",       "AccountType": "User Account"     }                    }   ... }        

New version of clone file. The new element added is highlighted.

{   ...   "#ManagerAccount.v1_1_3.ManagerAccount": {     "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/1/": {       "Privileges": {         "HostNICConfigPriv": true,         "HostStorageConfigPriv": true,         "RemoteConsolePriv": true,         "iLOConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualMediaPriv": true,         "UserConfigPriv": true,         "HostBIOSConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualPowerAndResetPriv": true,         "LoginPriv": true,         "SystemRecoveryConfigPriv": true       },       "Password": "password",       "User_Name": "Administrator",       "Login_Name": "Administrator",       "AccountType": "User Account"     }                      "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/4/": {       "Privileges": {         "HostNICConfigPriv": true,         "HostStorageConfigPriv": true,         "RemoteConsolePriv": true,         "iLOConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualMediaPriv": true,         "UserConfigPriv": true,         "HostBIOSConfigPriv": true,         "VirtualPowerAndResetPriv": true,         "LoginPriv": true,         "SystemRecoveryConfigPriv": false       },       "Password": "godofmischief",       "User_Name": "loki",       "Login_Name": "Loki",       "AccountType": "User Account"     }                    }   ... }        

serverclone [save/load] [OPTIONS]

Creates a JSON formatted clone file (named ilorest_clone.json) of a system's iLO and bios configuration by default. You have the option to include Smart Storage Array configurations, as well as Single Sign-On and TLS certificates.

  • save

Used to save a clone file.

  • load

Used to load a clone file.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --encryption=ENCRYPTION

Use this command optionally to encrypt/decrypt a file using the key provided.

  • --ssocert=SSOCERT

Use this command during 'load' to include an SSO certificate. This should be properly formatted in a simple text file.

  • --tlscert=TLSCERT

Use this command during 'load' to include a TLS certificate. This should be properly formatted in a simple text file.


This is an optional command used to rename the default clone file 'ilorest_clone.json'.

  • --errarch=ARCHIVE, --archive=ARCHIVE

Allow for save to automatically archive the clone file and error log file. Use with load will archive the clone file, temporary patch file, error log file and changelog file.

  • --uniqueoverride

Use this command to override the measures stopping the tool from writing over items that are system unique.

  • auto

This optional command provides preset credentials. The preset value of

is used as the password for the iLO account manager accounts and the iLO federation group keys. Warning and confirmation messages are suppressed including those used to alert the user of mismatches and system reboots/iLO resets.

  • --ilossa

This is an optional command used to include configuration of iLO Smart Array Devices during save or load processes.

  • --nobios

This is an optional command used to remove Bios configuration during save or load processes.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Serverinfo Command

Serverinfo example commands:

Use option --firmware to list the FW and its versions.

iLOrest >          serverinfo --firmware          ------------------------------------------------ Firmware Information ------------------------------------------------ iLO 5 : 2.55 Sep 12 2021 System ROM : U32 v2.30 (02/11/2020) Intelligent Platform Abstraction Data : 11.0.0 Build 15 System Programmable Logic Device : 0x2A Power Management Controller Firmware : 1.0.7 Power Supply Firmware : 1.00 Innovation Engine (IE) Firmware : Server Platform Services (SPS) Firmware : Server Platform Services (SPS) Descriptor : 1.2 0 Redundant System ROM : U32 v2.30 (02/11/2020) Intelligent Provisioning : 3.40.147 Power Management Controller FW Bootloader : 1.1 HPE Smart Storage Energy Pack 1 Firmware : 0.60 TPM Firmware : 73.0 HPE Eth 10/25Gb 2p 621SFP28 Adptr : 08.50.22 HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter - NIC : 20.14.62 HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 : 2.59-18 Embedded Video Controller : 2.5 Drive : HPD1        

Use option --proxy to view proxy settings. You can output the information to json file using --json or -j option.

iLOrest > serverinfo          --proxy          ------------------------------------------------ Proxy Information ------------------------------------------------ ProxyPassword : None ProxyPort : 8080 ProxyServer : ProxyUserName :        

serverinfo [Optional Parameters]

Command for viewing server information like firmware, software and other useful info.

  • --firmware

Use this to view firware versions.

  • --software

Use this view software/driver versions.

  • --proxy

Use this to view proxy server settings.

  • --thermals

Use this to view thermal settings.

  • --fans

Use this to view Fan settings.

  • --memory

Use this to view Memory or RAM settings.

  • --processors

Use this to view Processor settings.

  • --power

Use this to view Power settings.

  • --system

Use this to view System settings.

  • --all

Use this to view all the server settings (everything from above)

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename than the default one. The default filename is ilorest.json.

  • --filter=FILTER

Optionally set a filter value and a filter attribute to filter logs.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Serverlogs Command

Serverlogs example commands:

Select AHS to download AHS logs from a server to a file. The filename is pre-generated from the server serial number and date and time the AHS log was gathered.

iLOrest >          serverlogs --selectlog=AHS        

To view logs select a log using the --selectlog option. You can output logs to a file with the (-f, --filename) option.

iLOrest > serverlogs          --selectlog=IML          @odata.type=#LogEntry.v1_0_0.LogEntry Name=Integrated Management Log Created=2019-02-02T22:02:40Z @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#LogEntry.LogEntry Id=1 Oem=      Hpe=           @odata.type=#HpeLogEntry.v2_1_0.HpeLogEntry           Count=1           Updated=2019-02-02T22:02:40Z           Code=1           EventNumber=2054           @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeLogEntry.HpeLogEntry           Class=33           Categories=Maintenance                       Administration OemRecordFormat=Hpe-IML Message=IML Cleared (iLO 5 user: admin) EntryType=Oem Severity=OK        

To filter logs you can use the --filter option.

iLOrest > serverlogs --selectlog=IML          --filter Id=1          @odata.type=#LogEntry.v1_0_0.LogEntry Name=Integrated Management Log Created=2019-02-02T22:02:40Z @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#LogEntry.LogEntry Id=1 Oem=      Hpe=           @odata.type=#HpeLogEntry.v2_1_0.HpeLogEntry           Count=1           Updated=2019-02-02T22:02:40Z           Code=1           EventNumber=2054           @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeLogEntry.HpeLogEntry           Class=33           Categories=Maintenance                       Administration OemRecordFormat=Hpe-IML Message=IML Cleared (iLO 5 user: admin) EntryType=Oem Severity=OK        

Use the --customiseAHS with a string to customize AHS results. This is only available for downloading remote AHS logs. This command will only download AHS logs from January 26th 2019 to February 1st 2019.

serverlogs --selectlog=AHS          --customiseAHS "from=2019-01-26&&to=2019-02-01"        

Clear logs by selecting a log with --selectlog and including the (-c, --clearlog) option. This command will clear the AHS logs.

iLOrest > serverlogs --selectlog=AHS          --clearlog          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until the device is reset and system is rebooted        

To insert an IML log use the (-m, --maintenancemessage) flag. This is only available with IML logs.

iLOrest > serverlogs --selectlog=IML          -m "Text message for maintenance"          [201] The operation completed successfully.        

To set an IML log as repaired use the (-r, --repair) option. Specify the Id of a log to mark as repaired. You can only repair entries with severities of Critical or Warning.

iLOrest > serverlogs --selectlog=IML --filter Severity=Critical  @odata.type=#LogEntry.v1_0_0.LogEntry Name=Integrated Management Log Created=2019-02-02T22:08:32Z @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#LogEntry.LogEntry Id=3 Oem=      Hpe=           @odata.type=#HpeLogEntry.v2_1_0.HpeLogEntry           Count=2           Updated=2019-02-02T22:10:05Z           Code=1043           EventNumber=2057           @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeLogEntry.HpeLogEntry           RecommendedAction=Update the Innovation Engine Firmware.           LearnMoreLink=           Repaired=False           Class=50           Categories=Security OemRecordFormat=Hpe-IML Message=Innovation Engine Image Authentication Error. The Innovation Engine image could not be authenticated. EntryType=Oem Severity=Critical iLOrest > serverlogs --selectlog=IML          -r 3          The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > serverlogs --selectlog=IML --filter Id=3  @odata.type=#LogEntry.v1_0_0.LogEntry Name=Integrated Management Log Created=2019-02-02T22:08:32Z @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#LogEntry.LogEntry Id=3 Oem=      Hpe=           @odata.type=#HpeLogEntry.v2_1_0.HpeLogEntry           Count=3           Updated=2019-02-02T22:12:20Z           Code=1043           EventNumber=2057           @odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#HpeLogEntry.HpeLogEntry           RecommendedAction=Update the Innovation Engine Firmware.           LearnMoreLink=           Repaired=True           Class=50           Categories=Security OemRecordFormat=Hpe-IML Message=Innovation Engine Image Authentication Error. The Innovation Engine image could not be authenticated. EntryType=Oem Severity=OK        

serverlogs --selectlog=[Log_Selection] [Optional Parameters]

Command for downloading and performing log operations.

  • AHS

Use this with the --selectlog option to perform operations on the AHS logs.

  • IEL

Use this with the --selectlog option to perform operations on the IEL logs.

  • IML

Use this with the --selectlog option to perform operations on the IML logs.

  • SA

Use this with the --selectlog option to perfrom opertation on the Security logs.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use this flag if you wish to use a different filename than the default one. The default filename is ilorest.json.

  • --filter=FILTER

Optionally set a filter value and a filter attribute to filter logs.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --selectlog=SERVICE

Read log from the given log service. Options: IML, IEL or AHS.

  • -c, --clearlog

Clears the logs for the selected option.

  • --customiseAHS=CUSTOMISEAHS

Allows customized AHS log data to be downloaded.

  • --downloadallahs

Allows complete AHS log data to be downloaded.

  • --directorypath=DIRECTORYPATH

Directory path for the ahs file.

  • -m MAINMES, --maintenancemessage=MAINMES

Maintenance message to be inserted into the log. (IML LOGS ONLY FEATURE)

  • --mpfile=MPFILENAME

Use the provided filename to obtain server information.

  • -o OUTDIRECTORY, --outputdirectory=OUTDIRECTORY

Use the provided directory to output data for multiple server downloads.

  • --mplog=MPLOG

Used to indicate the logs to be downloaded on multiple servers. Allowable values: IEL, IML, AHS, all or combination of any two.

  • -r REPIML, --repair=REPIML

Repair the IML log with the given ID.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Serverstate Command

Serverstate example commands:

To return the serverstate run the command without arguments. Possible values include: None, Unknown, Reset, PowerOff, InPost, InPostDiscoveryComplete, FinishedPost.

iLOrest >          serverstate          The server is currently in state: FinishedPost        

serverstate [Optional Parameter]

Returns the current state of the server.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Sigrecompute Command

Sigrecompute example commands:

To Recalculate the signature on the systems configuration run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          sigrecompute          The operation completed successfully.        

sigrecompute [OPTIONS]

Recalculate the signature on the systems configuration.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Singlesignon Command

Singlesignon example commands:

To delete a specific SSO record by running the command with the deleterecord argument and specify it by number.

iLOrest >          singlesignon deleterecord 1          The operation completed successfully.        

To delete a specific SSO record by running the command with the deleterecord argument followed by the all keyword.

iLOrest >          singlesignon deleterecord all          The operation completed successfully.        

To import a SSO DNS name run the command with the dnsname argument followed by the DNS to import.

iLOrest >          singlesignon importdns dnsname          The operation completed successfully.        

To import a SSO certificate from a file run the command with the importcert argument followed by the certificate file to import. You can also import the certificate by URI, by specifying a URI path to the certificate instead.

iLOrest >          singlesignon importcert certfile.txt          The operation completed successfully.        

Singlesignon [OPTIONS]

Command for all single sign on available actions.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Unified Certificate Command

unifiedcertificate example commands:

To Generate an https certificate signing request use the gen_csr argument along with the following information Organization Name, Organization Unit, Common Name, Country, State, City. Use quotes to include parameters which contain whitespace.

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done iLOrest >          unifiedcertificate gen_csr "Hewlet Packard Enterprice" "ILORestGroup" "iLORest" "US" "Texas" "Houston"                    iLO is creating a new certificate signing request This process can take up to 10 minutes. X509 Certificate is being generated and the process might take up to 10 minutes.        

To retrieve the certificate signing request use the getcsr argument. The default filename is certificate.txt, saved to the current working directory. Including the (-f, --filename) option will change the default name.

iLOrest >          unifiedcertificate get_csr          Discovering data...Done Certificate saved to: certificate.txt        

To import a CA certificate use the import argument followed by a file containing the certificate.

iLOrest >          unifiedcertificate import -f certfile.txt          The operation completed successfully.        

To export a certificate use the export argument.

iLOrest >          unifiedcertificate export -f cert.txt                  

unifiedcertificatecommand [IMPORT/EXPORT/GEN_CSR/GET_CSR] [OPTIONS]

Command for importing or exporting X.509 formatted certificates including SSL/TLS, SSO and Platform certificates. Certificate signing requests can also be generated and exported for SSL/TLS and Platform certificates.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • import

Use this subcommand in association with a valid optional argument to perform an import of TLS/SSL, SSO and Platform certificates. See IMPORT ARGUMENTS for a list of valid optional args.

  • export

Use this subcommand in association with a valid optional argument to perform an export of TLS/SSL, SSO and Platform certificates. See EXPORT ARGUMENTS for a list of valid optional args.

  • gen_csr

Generate a certificate signing request. Provide a valid, associated optional argument to generate a CSR for a TLS/SSL or platform certificate. See GEN_CSR ARGUMENTS for a list of valid optional args.

  • get_csr

Retrieve a certificate signing request. Provide a valid, associated optional argument to retrieve a CSR for a TLS/SSL or platform certificate. See GET_CSR ARGUMENTS for a list of valid optional args.

Import Arguments

  • --USERCA

Declare the import is an X.509 formatted user CA certificate.

  • --ROOTCA

Declare the import is a X.509 formatted root CA certificate.

  • --TLS_CERT

Declare the import is a X.509 formatted TLS/SSL certificate.

  • --from_url

Specify a URL as the source of the import.

  • -f File, --filename File

Sepcify the filename/filepath for the resulting certificate to be read from.

Export Arguments

  • --IDEVID

Declare the export is an X.509 formatted IDevID certificate.

  • --LDEVID

Declare the export is an X.509 formatted LDevID certificate.


Declare the export is an X.509 formatted SystemIAK certificate.


Declare the export is an X.509 formatted SystemIDevID certificate.


Declare the export is an X.509 formatted Platform certificate.

  • --USERCA

Declare the export is an X.509 formatted User CA certificate.

  • --ROOTCA

Declare the export is an X.509 formatted Root CA certificate.

  • --TLS_CERT

Declare the export is an X.509 formatted TLS/SSL certificate.

  • --id

Specify the id of the certificate to retrieve from the collection. Requires a certificate type selection.

  • -f File, --filename File

Sepcify the filename/filepath for the resulting certificate to be saved to. By default, the certificate is printed to the console.

Gen_CSR Arguments

  • --csr_orgname

Specify the organization name for the certificate signing request (CSR).

  • --csr_orgunit

Specify the organization unit for the certificate signing request (CSR).

  • --csr_commonname

Specify the organization commonname for the certificate signing request (CSR).

  • --csr_country

Specify the organization country for the certificate signing request (CSR).

  • --csr_state

Specify the organization state for the certificate signing request (CSR).

  • --csr_city

Specify the organization city for the certificate signing request (CSR).

  • --TLS_CERT

Declare creation of an X.509 formatted TLS/SSL certificate signing request (CSR).


Declare creation of an X.509 formatted Platform certificate signing request (CSR).

Get_CSR Arguments

  • --TLS_CERT

Declare retrieval of an X.509 formatted TLS/SSL certificate signing request (CSR).


Declare retrieval of an X.509 formatted Platform certificate signing request (CSR).

  • -f File, --filename File

Sepcify the filename/filepath for the resulting certificate signing request (CSR) to be saved to. By default, the CSR is printed to the console.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Virtualmedia Command

Virtualmedia example commands:

To view current virtual media run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          virtualmedia          Available Virtual Media Options: [1] Media Types Available: Floppy USBStick  Image Inserted: None [2] Media Types Available: CD DVD  Image Inserted: None        

To insert virtual media specify the type of virtual media by Id number followed by the URI location to the image. You can specify the media to boot next reset by including the --bootnextreset option.

iLOrest >          virtualmedia 2 https://xx.xx.xx.xx/path/to/vm.iso --bootnextreset          The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > virtualmedia Available Virtual Media Options: [1] Media Types Available: Floppy USBStick  Image Inserted: None [2] Media Types Available: CD DVD  Image Inserted: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/path/to/vm.iso        

To remove an inserted media specify the type of virtual media by Id number and include the --remove option.

iLOrest >          virtualmedia 2 --remove          The operation completed successfully. iLOrest > virtualmedia Available Virtual Media Options: [1] Media Types Available: Floppy USBStick  Image Inserted: None [2] Media Types Available: CD DVD  Image Inserted: None        

virtualmedia [ID] [URI] [OPTIONS]

Command for inserting and removing virtual media.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --reboot=REBOOT

Use this flag to perform a reboot command function after completion of operations. For help with parameters and descriptions regarding the reboot flag, run help reboot.

  • --remove

Use this flag to remove the media from the selection.

  • --bootnextreset

Use this flag if you wish to boot from the image on next server reboot.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



iLO Repository Commands

Deletecomp Command

Deletecomp example commands:

To delete firmware by file name run the command with the file name as an argument. You can also delete multiple files by file name.

iLOrest >          deletecomp ilo5_137.bin          The operation completed successfully. Deleted ilo5_137.bin        

To delete firmware by Id run the command with the file Ids as arguments. You can also delete a single file by Id.

iLOrest >          deletecomp 30d2d7fa b5a00edc          The operation completed successfully. Deleted 30d2d7fa The operation completed successfully. Deleted b5a00edc        

To delete all firmware on the iLO repository run the command and include the --all option.

iLOrest >          deletecomp --all          The operation completed successfully.        

deletecomp [ID/Name(s)] [Optional Parameters]

Deletes firmware from the iLO repository.

  • ID/Name(s)

The name or Id(s) of the components for deletion. Multiple components should be specified by a comma separated list without spaces.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -a, --all

Delete all firmware.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Downloadcomp Command

Downloadcomp example commands:

To download a file run this command specifying the file path of the firmware.

iLOrest >          downloadcomp /fwrepo/ilo5_137.bin          Downloading component, this may take a while... [200] The operation completed successfully. Download complete 0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 36 second(s)        

downloadcomp [File Path] [Optional Parameters]

Downloads firmware from the iLO repository.

-File Path

The path to the firmware to download.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • outdir=OUTDIR

output directory for saving the file.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to log into a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --sessionid=SESSIONID

Optionally include this flag if you would prefer to connect using a session id instead of a normal login.

  • --includelogs

Optionally include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Flashfwpkg Command

flashfwpkg example commands:

To upload firmware and flash (or stage for a flash) run the command with the .fwpkg file.

iLOrest >          fwpkg U32_1.46_10_02_2018.fwpkg          Uploading firmware: U32_1.46_10_02_2018.signed.flash [200] The operation completed successfully. Component U32_1.46_10_02_2018.signed.flash uploaded successfully Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component 0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 28 second(s) Firmware has successfully been flashed and a reboot is required for this firmware to take effect.        

To skip checks for something blocking firmware updates also include the --ignorechecks option.

iLOrest > fwpkg ilo5_137.fwpkg          --ignorechecks          Uploading firmware: ilo5_137.bin [200] The operation completed successfully. Component ilo5_137.bin uploaded successfully Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 55 second(s) Firmware has successfully been flashed. iLO will reboot to complete flashing. Session will be terminated. Logging session out.        

flashfwpkg [FWPKG PATH] [Optional Parameters]

Run to upload and flash fwpkg components using the iLO repository.


The path to the (.fwpkg) file for flashing or the (.fwpkg) file itself if it is in the current working directory.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --forceupload

Include this flag to force upload firmware with the same name already on the repository.

  • --ignorechecks

Include this flag to ignore all checks to the taskqueue before attempting to process the .fwpkg file.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Installset Command

Installset example commands:

To list current install sets run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          installset          Install Sets:  basic_update:         command1: ApplyUpdate ilo5_137.bin        

To add an install set run the command with the add argument followed by the install set json file. If using sequence type json file (see below) the --name option must be included.

iLOrest >          installset add myinstallset.json          [201] The operation completed successfully.        

To invoke an install set and have it start performing tasks run the command with the invoke argument followed by the -n, --name option specifying the name of the install set to invoke.

iLOrest >          installset invoke --name basic_update          Invoking install set:basic_update The operation completed successfully.        

To delete an install set run the command with the delete argument followed by the --name specifying the name of the install set to delete.

iLOrest >          installset delete --name basic_update          Deleting install set: basic_update... The operation completed successfully.        

To remove all install sets run the command with the --removeall option.

LOrest > installset          --removeall          Deleting all install sets... Deleting install set: basic_update The operation completed successfully.        

Install sets can be added by either the complete JSON structure...

                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "installset name"              ,                                          "Description"              :                                          "installset description"              ,                                          "Sequence"              :                                          [{                                          "Name"              :                                          "Wait"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "Wait"              ,                                          "WaitTimeSeconds"              :                                          60                                          },                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "uniqueName"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "ApplyUpdate"              ,                                          "Filename"              :                                          "filename.exe"                                          },                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "uniqueName2"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "Bmc"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "ApplyUpdate"              ,                                          "WaitTimeSeconds"              :                                          0              ,                                          "Filename"              :                                          "filename2.hex"                                          },                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "uniqueName3"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "Uefi"              ,                                          "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "ApplyUpdate"              ,                                          "WaitTimeSeconds"              :                                          0              ,                                          "Filename"              :                                          "filename3.x86_64.rpm"                                          },                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "Reboot"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "ResetServer"                                          }                                          ],                                          "IsRecovery"              :                                          false                                          }                                                  

Or a list of sequences.

                          [                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "Wait"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "Wait"              ,                                          "WaitTimeSeconds"              :                                          60                                          },                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "uniqueName"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "ApplyUpdate"              ,                                          "Filename"              :                                          "filename.exe"                                          },                                          {                                          "Name"              :                                          "Reboot"              ,                                          "UpdatableBy"              :                                          [              "RuntimeAgent"              ],                                          "Command"              :                                          "ResetServer"                                          }                                          ]                                                  

installset [Optional Parameters]

Command to perform operations on install sets.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -n NAME, --name=NAME

Install set name to create, remove, or invoke.

  • -r, --removeall

Remove all install sets.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --expire=EXAFTER

Optionally include this flag to set the expiry time for installset. ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string to be written after which iLO will automatically change state to Expired.

  • --startafter=SAFTER

Optionally include this flag to set the earliest execution time for installset. ISO 8601 Redfish-style time string to be used.

  • --tpmover

Use this flag if the server you are currently logged into has a TPM chip installed.

  • --updaterecoveryset

If set then the components in the flash operations are used to replace matching contents in the Recovery Set.

  • --cleartaskqueue

This option clears previous items in the task queue before the Install Set is invoked.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Listcomp Command

Listcomp example commands:

To list the firmware on the iLO repository of the currently logged in system run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          listcomp          Id: ca3bcc4b Name: iLO 5 Version: 1.30 Locked:Yes Component Uri:/fwrepo/ilo5_130.bin File Path: ilo5_130.bin SizeBytes: 33556520  Id: 30d2d7fa Name: iLO 5 Version: 1.37 Locked:No Component Uri:/fwrepo/ilo5_137.bin File Path: ilo5_137.bin SizeBytes: 33556520        

listcomp [Optional Parameters]

Command to list the firmware on the iLO repository of the currently logged in system.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --usercert User Certificate

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Maintenancewindow Command

maintenancewindow example commands:

To list the current maintenancewindows on the system run the command without arguments.

iLOrest >          maintenancewindow          MW-147746:         Description: No description.         Start After: 2015-11-21T00:00:00Z         Expires at: No expire time set.        

To Create a new maintenance window run the command with the add keyword followed by the time the maintenance window should start. If you do not supply a name for your maintenance window one will be randomly generated for you.

iLOrest >          maintenancewindow add 2018-11-21T00:00:00          [201] The operation completed successfully.        

To optionally specify an expire time (--expire), maintenance window name (--name), and/or description (--description) include their respective options.

iLOrest > maintenancewindow add 2019-11-21T00:00:00          --expire=2019-11-22T00:00:00 --name=MyMaintenanceWindow --description "My maintenance window description."          [201] The operation completed successfully.        

To delete a maintenance window run the command with the delete keyword followed by the name or id of the maintenance window you wish to delete.

iLOrest >          maintenancewindow delete MyMaintenanceWindow          Deleting MyMaintenanceWindow The operation completed successfully.        

maintenancewindow [Optional Parameters]

Command to add, remove, or delete maintenance windows from the iLO repository.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • -description=DESCRIPTION

Optionally include this flag to add a description to the maintenance window created by you.

  • --name=NAME

Optionally include this flag to name the maintenance window created by you. If a name is not specified, system will add a unique name.

  • --expire=EXPIRE

Optionally include this flag to add the time a maintenance window expires.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Makeinstallset Command

Makeinstallset example commands:

Run without logging in for basic guidance on making an install set.

iLOrest >          makeinstallset          Warning: This command will run in interactive mode. Entering new shell, type quit to leave! Running in basic guidance mode. Enter a name for this command: command1  Possible Commands: ApplyUpdate, ResetServer, ResetBmc, Wait Enter Command for command1: ApplyUpdate  Unique filename of component on iLO repository Enter Filename for command1: ilo5_130.bin  Possible Update parameter(s): Bmc: Updatable by iLO Uefi: Updatable by Uefi RuntimeAgent: Updatable by runtime agent such as SUM/SUT Enter UpdatableBy for command1: Bmc  Enter a name for this command: quit Is this a recovery installset? no Enter installset name: basic_update Enter description for the installset: {   "Sequence": [     {       "UpdatableBy": [         "Bmc"       ],       "Command": "ApplyUpdate",       "Name": "command1",       "Filename": "ilo5_130.bin"     }   ],   "IsRecovery": false,   "Name": "basic_update",   "Description": "" } installset saved to myinstallset.json        

Run while logged into a system for guidance based on the current components on that system.

iLOrest >          makeinstallset          Warning: This command will run in interactive mode. Entering new shell, type quit to leave! Running in logged in mode. Enter a name for this command: update iLO  Possible Commands: ApplyUpdate, ResetServer, ResetBmc, Wait Enter Command for update iLO: ApplyUpdate  Unique filename of component on iLO repository Components currently in the repository that have not been added to the installset: [1] iLO 5 [2] HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Windows x64 E... [3] System BIOS - U30 Select the number of the component you want to add to the install set: 1  Enter a name for this command: update bios  Possible Commands: ApplyUpdate, ResetServer, ResetBmc, Wait Enter Command for update bios: ApplyUpdate  Unique filename of component on iLO repository Components currently in the repository that have not been added to the installset: [1] HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Windows x64 E... [2] System BIOS - U30 Select the number of the component you want to add to the install set: 2  Enter a name for this command: quit Is this a recovery installset? no Enter installset name: update fw Enter description for the installset: {   "Sequence": [     {       "UpdatableBy": [         "Bmc"       ],       "Command": "ApplyUpdate",       "Name": "update iLO",       "Filename": "ilo5_137.bin"     },     {       "UpdatableBy": [         "Bmc"       ],       "Command": "ApplyUpdate",       "Name": "update bios",       "Filename": "U30_1.46_10_02_2018.signed.flash"     }   ],   "IsRecovery": false,   "Name": "update fw",   "Description": "" } installset saved to myinstallset.json        

makeinstallset [Optional Parameters]

Run to make installsets for iLO. If not logged into the server, the command will provide basic guidance on making an installset. If logged into the server, the command will provide guidance based on the current components on the system.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag on this command will display help.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Include this flag to use a different filename than the default one. The default filename is myinstallset.json

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Taskqueue Command

Taskqueue example commands:

To create new wait task queue task include the create keyword followed by the amount of time to wait.

iLOrest >          taskqueue create 60          [200] The operation completed successfully. Creating task: "Wait-703879 60 seconds" [201] The operation completed successfully.        

To create a new firmware task queue task include the create keyword followed by the name of a firmware file that is already in the iLO repository.

iLOrest >          taskqueue create ilo5_137.bin          [200] The operation completed successfully. Creating task: "Update-740856 iLO 5" [201] The operation completed successfully.        

To view the current update task queue runt the command with no arguments.

iLOrest >          taskqueue          Current Update Task Queue:  Task Wait-703879 60 seconds:         Command: Wait 60 seconds         State:Pending  Task Update-740856 iLO 5:         Command: ApplyUpdate         Filename: ilo5_137.bin         State:Pending        

To delete all tasks from the update task queue run the command with the --resetqueue option.

iLOrest >          taskqueue --resetqueue          Deleting all update tasks... Deleting: Wait-703879 60 seconds The operation completed successfully. Deleting: Update-740856 iLO 5 The operation completed successfully.        

taskqueue [Optional Parameters]

Command to add or remove tasks from the task queue. Added tasks are appended to the end of the queue.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -r, --resetqueue

Remove all update tasks in the queue.

  • -c, --cleanqueue

Clean up all finished or errored tasks - leave pending.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --tpmover

Include this flag when updating firmware if you have a TPM installed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Uploadcomp Command

Uploadcomp example commands:

To upload firmware to the iLO repository run the command with the --component option specifying the firmware file to upload.

iLOrest >          uploadcomp --component ilo5_137.bin          [200] The operation completed successfully. Component ilo5_137.bin uploaded successfully Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component 0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 43 second(s)        

By default the firmware is uploaded to the iLO Repository. For firmware iLO is capable of flashing you can instead directly flash it. To do this you need to include the --update_repository flag to not include the firmware in the iLO repository and the --update_target flag to trigger iLO to flash.

iLOrest > uploadcomp --component ilo5_140.bin          --update_repository --update_target          [200] The operation completed successfully. Component ilo5_140.bin uploaded successfully Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component 0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 56 second(s)        

uploadcomp [Optional Parameters]

Command to upload firmware on to iLO repository.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --includelogs

Optionally include logs in the data retrieval process.

  • -j, --json

Optionally include this flag if you wish to change the displayed output to JSON format. Preserving the JSON data structure makes the information easier to parse.

  • --component=COMPONENT

Component or binary file path to upload to the update service.

  • --compsig=COMPONENTSIG

Component signature file path needed by iLO to authenticate the component file. If not provided, the command will try to find the signature file from component file path.

  • --forceupload

Add this flag to force upload components with the same name already on the repository.

  • --update_repository

If true, uploads the component/binary on to the Repository. The default is set to True.

  • --update_target

If true, the uploaded component/binary will be flashed. The default is set to False.

  • --update_srs

The component uploaded will become a part of the system recovery set (srs).
Note: --update_target also need to passed along with --update_srs for component to be valid for that server.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Smart Array Commands

The Smart Array commands are designed for use with HPE Gen10 servers.

Clearcontrollerconfig Command

Clearcontrollerconfig example commands:

To clear a controller configuration run the command including the --controller option specifying the controller to clear.

ilorest >          clearcontrollerconfig --controller=1          One or more properties were changed an will not take effect until system is reset.        

clearcontrollerconfig [Optional Parameters]

Clears smart array controller configuration.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --controller=CONTROLLER

Use this flag to select the corresponding controller.

  • --all

Use this flag to sanitize all physical drives on a controller.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Createlogicaldrive Command

Createlogicaldrive example commands:

To create a quick logical drive run the command with the following arguments: The type of creation as quickdrive, the raid level, the number of drives to use, the type of drive to use, the drive interface type, and the drive location. Also include the --controller option selecting the controller the drive will be created on. See the options list for possible values of these and more.

            ilorest >          createlogicaldrive quickdrive Raid0 1E:1:2 HDD SATA Internal --controller=1          One or more properties were changed an will not take effect until system is reset.        

To create a custom logical drive run the command with the following arguments: The type of creation as customdrive, the raid level, and the physicaldrive drive location. Also include the --controller option selecting the controller the drive will be created on. See the options list for possible values of these and more.

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done  ilorest >          createlogicaldrive customdrive Raid5 1E:1:2 --controller=1 --name=ANewLogicalDrive --spare-drives=2 --capacityGiB=100 --legacy-boot=Primary --accelerator-type=ControllerCache --sparetye=Dedicated          One or more properties were changed an will not take effect until system is reset.        

createlogicaldrive [Optional Parameters]

Creates a new logical drive on the selected controller.

Options: - raid-level: Raid0, Raid1, Raid1ADM, Raid10, Raid10ADM, Raid5, Raid50, Raid6, Raid60 - media-type: SSD,HDD - interface-type: SAS, SATA, NVMe - drive-location: Internal, External - --spare-type: Dedicated, Roaming - --accelerator-type: ControllerCache, IOBypass, None - --paritytype: Default, Rapid

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --controller=CONTROLLER

Use this flag to select the corresponding controller.


Optionally include to set the drive name (usable in custom creation only).

  • --spare-drives=SPAREDRIVES

Optionally include to set the spare drives by the physical drive's drive Location (usable in custom creation only).

  • --capacityGiB=CAPACITYGIB

Optionally include to set the capacity of the drive in GiB (usable in custom creation only, use -1 for max size).

  • --spare-type=SPARETYPE

Optionally include to choose the spare drive type (usable in custom creation only).

  • --accelerator-type=ACCELERATORTYPE

Optionally include to choose the accelerator type.

  • --legacy-boot=LEGACYBOOT

Optionally include to choose the legacy boot priority (usable in custom creation only).

  • --capacityBlocks=CAPACITYBLOCKS

Optionally include to choose the capacity in blocks (use -1 for max size, usable in custom creation only).

  • --paritygroupcount=PARITYGROUP

Optionally include to include the number of parity groups to use (only valid for certain RAID levels).

  • --paritytype=PARITYTYPE

Optionally include to choose the parity initialization type (usable in custom creation only).

  • --block-size-bytes=BLOCKSIZE

Optionally include to choose the block size of the disk drive (usable in custom creation only).

  • --strip-size-bytes=STRIPSIZE

Optionally include to choose the strip size in bytes (usable in custom creation only).

  • --stripe-size-bytes=STRIPESIZE

Optionally include to choose the stripe size in bytes (usable in custom creation only).

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Deletelogicaldrive Command

Deletelogicaldrive example commands:

To delete multiple logical drives by drive location include the drive location of the drive you wish to delete. Also include the --controller option specifying the controller to use. You can specify multiple drives as well as a comma separated list.

ilorest >          deletelogicaldrive --controller=1 1          Are you sure you would like to continue deleting drive 004D56ABPEYHC0ARH951TK A39C? (y/n) Setting logical drive 004D56ABPEYHC0ARH951TK A39C for deletion One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

To delete all logical drives on a controller include the--controller option specifying the controller to perform the operation on and the --all option.

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done ilorest > deletelogicaldrive --controller=1          --all          [200] The operation completed successfully.        

deletelogicaldrive [Optional Parameters]

Deletes logical drives from the selected controller.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --controller=CONTROLLER

Use this flag to select the corresponding controller.

  • --all

Use this flag to delete all logical drives on a controller.

  • --force

Use this flag to override the "are you sure?" text when deleting a logical drive.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Drivesanitize Command

Drivesanitize example commands:

To sanitize a physical drive pass its drive location along with the --controller option to specify which controller to perform the operation on.

ilorest > drivesanitize --controller=1 1I:3:4 Setting physical drive 1I:3:4 for sanitization One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. Sanitization will occur on the next system reboot.        

To sanitize multiple physical drives pass the location as a comma separated list along with the --controller option to dpecify which controller to perform the operation on.

ilorest > drivesanitize --controller=1 1I:3:3,1I:3:2,1I:3:1          Setting physical drive 1I:3:3 for sanitization Setting physical drive 1I:3:2 for sanitization Setting physical drive 1I:3:1 for sanitization One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. Sanitization will occur on the next system reboot.        

drivesanitize [Optional Parameters]

Erase/Sanitizes physical drives.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --controller=CONTROLLER

Use this flag to select the corresponding controller.

  • --reboot

Include this flag to perform a coldboot command function after completion of operations and monitor sanitization.

  • --all

Use this flag to sanitize all physical drives on a controller.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Factoryresetcontroller Command

Factoryresetcontroller example commands:

To factory reset a controller run this command and specify it's index with the --controller option.

ilorest >          factoryresetcontroller --controller=1          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

To factory reset all controllers run this command and include the --all option.

ilorest > factoryresetcontroller          --all          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

factoryresetcontroller [Optional Parameters]

Restores a controller to factory defaults.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --controller=CONTROLLER

Use this flag to select the corresponding controller.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



SmartArray Command

To list all available smart array controllers run the command without arguments.

ilorest >          smartarray          [1]: Slot 0        

To list all Existing Volume Unique Identifier's for logical drives for all controllers run the command including the --logicaldrives option. Drives which are pending will instead show "Pending Drive" for the Volume Unique Identifier (this will be available after the system has been rebooted and the drive has been successfully created.). The information is presented such that the controller slot number is noted first, followed by all associated logical drives to that controller.

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done ilorest >          smartarray --logicaldrives          [1]: Slot 0 Logical Drives: [1]: 600508B1001C599DE361257397F69972 [2]: Pending drive [3]: Pending drive        

To list all physical drives for all available controllers, run the command with the --physicaldrives option. The controller will be provided first followed by drive information (as associated to that controller). Drive information is in the format, [Controller Port (Internal)]:[Box]:[Bay].

iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done ilorest >          smartarray --physicaldrives          [1]: Slot 0 Physical Drives: [1]: 1I:3:4 [2]: 1I:3:3 [3]: 1I:3:2 [4]: 1I:3:1 [5]: 2I:3:5 [6]: 2I:3:6        

To return a JSON formatted response including controller settings, as well as physical and logical drives information on the selected controller, include the --controller option followed by the number in brackets associated to the controller.

ilorest >          smartarray --controller=1          {   "CurrentParallelSurfaceScanCount": 1,   "DataGuard": "Disabled",   "DegradedPerformanceOptimization": "Disabled",   "DriveWriteCache": "Disabled",   "ElevatorSort": "Enabled",   "EncryptionConfiguration": "None",   "EncryptionEULA": null,   "ExpandPriority": "Medium",   "FlexibleLatencySchedulerSetting": "Default",   "InconsistencyRepairPolicy": "Disabled",   "Location": "Slot 0",   "LocationFormat": "PCISlot",   "LogicalDrives": [     {       "CapacityBlocks": 1172058032,       "ParityGroupCount": 0,       "SpareRebuildMode": null,       "Raid": "Raid0",       "LogicalDriveNumber": 1,       "Accelerator": "ControllerCache",       "BlockSizeBytes": 512,       "CapacityGiB": 558,       "SpareDrives": [],       "DriveLocationFormat": "ControllerPort:Box:Bay",       "LogicalDriveName": "004D56ABPEYHC0ARH951TK A39C",       "VolumeUniqueIdentifier": "600508B1001C599DE361257397F69972",       "StripeSizeBytes": 262144,       "StripSizeBytes": 262144,       "DataDrives": [         "1I:3:2"       ]   ...        

To return a JSON formatted response regarding the settings and attributes of the selected physical drive on the selected controller include the --controller option specifying the controller and the --pdrive option specifying the physical drive number in brackets.

ilorest >          smartarray --controller=1 --pdrive=1I:3:4          {   "BlockSizeBytes": 512,   "CapacityGB": 400,   "CapacityLogicalBlocks": 781422768,   "CapacityMiB": 381554,   "CarrierApplicationVersion": "11",   "CarrierAuthenticationStatus": "OK",   "CurrentTemperatureCelsius": 41,   "DiskDriveStatusReasons": [     "None"   ],   "DiskDriveUse": "Raw",   "EncryptedDrive": false,   "FirmwareVersion": {     "Current": {       "VersionString": "HPD3"     }   },   "InterfaceSpeedMbps": 12000,   "InterfaceType": "SAS",   "LegacyBootPriority": "Primary",   "Location": "1I:3:4",   "LocationFormat": "ControllerPort:Box:Bay",   "MaximumTemperatureCelsius": 46,   "MediaType": "SSD",   "Model": "MO0400JEFPA",   "PowerOnHours": 5943,   "SSDEnduranceUtilizationPercentage": 0,   "SerialNumber": "0QV2MS1A",   "Status": {     "State": "Enabled",     "Health": "OK"   },   "UncorrectedReadErrors": 0,   "UncorrectedWriteErrors": 0 }        

To return a JSON formatted response regarding the settings and attributes of the selected logical drive on the selected controller include the --controller option specifying the controller and the --ldrive option specifying the logical drive number in brackets.

iLOrest >          smartarray --controller=1 --ldrive=1          {   "Accelerator": "ControllerCache",   "BlockSizeBytes": 512,   "CapacityBlocks": 1172058032,   "CapacityGiB": 558,   "DataDrives": [     "1I:3:2"   ],   "DriveLocationFormat": "ControllerPort:Box:Bay",   "LegacyBootPriority": "None",   "LogicalDriveName": "004D56ABPEYHC0ARH951TK A39C",   "LogicalDriveNumber": 1,   "ParityGroupCount": 0,   "Raid": "Raid0",   "SpareDrives": [],   "SpareRebuildMode": null,   "StripSizeBytes": 262144,   "StripeSizeBytes": 262144,   "VolumeUniqueIdentifier": "600508B1001C599DE361257397F69972" }        

Smartarray [Optional Parameters]

Discovers all storage controllers installed in the server and managed by the SmartStorage.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --controller=CONTROLLER

Use this flag to select the corresponding controller.

  • --physicaldrives

Use this flag to return the physical drives for the controller selected.

  • --logicaldrives

Use this flag to return the logical drives for the controller selected.

  • --pdrive=PDRIVE_LOCATION

Use this flag to select the corresponding physical disk.

  • --ldrive=LDRIVE

Use this flag to select the corresponding logical disk.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, including this flag along with the password and URL flags can be used to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



Persistent Memory Commands

This section covers commands related to the discovery and configuration of HPE Persistent Memory.

Clear Pending Configuration Command

Example: Clear all pending persistent memory configuration tasks.

iLOrest >          clearpmmpendingconfig          Deleted Task #1948 Deleted Task #1949 Deleted Task #1950 Deleted Task #1951 Deleted Task #1952 Deleted Task #1953        


Clears all pending persistent memory configuration tasks.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

Persistent Memory Advanced Configuration Command

Example: Configure all persistent memory modules on processors 1 and 3 to 50% Volatile with no persistent interleave regions.

iLOrest >          provisionpmm -m 50 -i off -pid 1,3          ***WARNING: Configuration changes require reboot to take effect***  Operation    PmemSize    VolatileSize    DimmIds CREATE       63.19 GB    63.19 GB        1@1 CREATE       63.19 GB    63.19 GB        1@12 CREATE       63.19 GB    63.19 GB        3@1 CREATE       63.19 GB    63.19 GB        3@12        

Example: Configure all installed persistent memory modules to 25% Volatile with persistent interleave regions.

iLOrest >          provisionpmm -m 25 -i on          ***WARNING: Configuration changes require reboot to take effect***  Operation    PmemSize    VolatileSize    DimmIds DELETE       126.0 GB    126.76 GB       1@1, 1@12 DELETE       126.0 GB    126.76 GB       2@1, 2@12 CREATE       189.57 GB   63.19 GB        1@1, 1@12 CREATE       189.57 GB   63.19 GB        2@1, 2@12        

provisionpmm [-h | --help] [-m | --memory-mode=(0|%)] [-i | --pmem-interleave=(On|Off)] [-pid | --proc=(processorID)] [-f | --force]

Applies user specified configuration to persistent memory modules.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

  • -m, --memory-mode

Optionally allows user to specify the percentage of total capacity that should be configured as Volatile. Defaults to 0% Volatile. The remaining capacity will be configured as Persistent.

  • -i, --pmem-interleave

Indicates whether the persistent memory regions should be interleaved or not (Allowed values: "on", "off").

  • -p, --proc

Optionally allows user to specify the processors (comma separated list of ProcessorNumbers) on which the selected configuration would be applied. Defaults to all processors.

  • -f, --force

Allow the user to force the configuration by automatically accepting any prompts.

Persistent Memory Discovery Command

Example: Show information about the physical persistent memory modules.

iLOrest >          showpmm --device          Location        Capacity    Status    DIMMStatus    Life    FWVersion PROC 1 DIMM 1   126.38 GB   OK        GoodInUse     100% PROC 1 DIMM 12  126.38 GB   OK        GoodInUse     100% PROC 2 DIMM 1   126.38 GB   OK        GoodInUse     100% PROC 2 DIMM 12  126.38 GB   OK        GoodInUse     100%        

Example: Show current configuration of selected persistent memory modules.

iLOrest >          showpmm --pmmconfig --dimm=1@12,2@12          Location        VolatileSize    PmemSize    PmemInterleaved PROC 1 DIMM 12  126.38 GB       0.0 GB      N/A PROC 2 DIMM 12  126.38 GB       0.0 GB      N/A        

Example: Show the persistent interleave regions in JSON format.

iLOrest >          showpmm --logical --dimm=1@12,2@12          [ { 'DimmIds': '1@1, 1@12',     'PmemSize': { 'Units': 'GB',                   'Value': 252.0}},   { 'DimmIds': '2@1, 2@12',     'PmemSize': { 'Units': 'GB',                   'Value': 252.0}}]        

Example: Show a summary of the persistent memory resources.

iLOrest >          showpmm --summary          TotalCapacity:  505.52 GB TotalVolatileSize:  505.52 GB TotalPmemSize:  0.0 GB        

showpmm --device | -D [--dimm=(DIMM IDs) | -I] [--json | -j]

showpmm --pmmconfig | -C [--dimm=(DIMM IDs) | -I] [--json | -j]

showpmm --logical | -L [--json | -j]

showpmm --summary | -M [--json | -j]

Displays information about the installed persistent memory modules.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

  • -D, --device

Shows a physical overview of installed persistent memory modules.

  • -C, --pmmconfig

Shows the current configuration of installed persistent memory modules.

  • -L, --logical

Shows the persistent interleave sets (if present).

  • -M, --summary

Shows a summary of the installed persistent memory modules.

  • -I, --dimm

Optionally use this flag to filter output by DIMM IDs (ProcessorNumber@SlotNumber). Can be used in conjunction with the -D | --device or the -C | --pmmconfig flags.

  • -j, --json

Optionally use this flag to display output in JSON format.

Persistent Memory Guided Configuration Command

Example: Show a list of supported guided configurations.

iLOrest >          applypmmconfig --list          Available Configurations:  MemoryMode         Configure all PMMs to 100% Memory Mode. PmemInterleaved         Configure all PMMs to 100% Persistent. Interleave the Persistent memory regions within each processor. PmemNotInterleaved         Configure all PMMs to 100% Persistent. The Persistent memory regions are not interleaved.        

Example: Configure all installed persistent memory modules as 100% Volatile.

iLOrest >          applypmmconfig --pmmconfig MemoryMode          ***WARNING: Configuration changes require reboot to take effect***  Operation    PmemSize    VolatileSize    DimmIds CREATE       0.0 GB      252.76 GB       1@1, 1@12 CREATE       0.0 GB      252.76 GB       2@1, 2@12        

applypmmconfig -L | --list

applypmmconfig -C | --pmmconfig [-f | --force]

Apply a predefined configuration to installed persistent memory modules.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

  • -L, --list

Display a list of available predefined configIDs along with a brief description.

  • -C, --pmmconfig

Specify one of the predefined configIDs to apply to all persistent memory modules.

  • -f, --force

Allow the user to force the configuration by automatically accepting any prompts.

Show Pending Configuration Command

Example: Show persistent memory configuration changes pending a reboot.

iLOrest >          showpmmpendingconfig          Operation    PmemSize    VolatileSize    DimmIds DELETE       190.0 GB    62.76 GB        1@1, 1@12 DELETE       190.0 GB    62.76 GB        2@1, 2@12 CREATE       94.78 GB    31.59 GB        1@1 CREATE       94.78 GB    31.59 GB        1@12 CREATE       94.78 GB    31.59 GB        2@1 CREATE       94.78 GB    31.59 GB        2@12        

showpmmpendingconfig [-j | --json]

Shows the queued tasks pending a reboot for configuring persistent memory modules.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

  • -j, --json

Optionally use this flag to display output in JSON format.

Example: Show a list of recommended persistent memory configurations

iLOrest >          showrecommendedpmmconfig          MemoryModeTotalSize    PmemTotalSize    CacheRatio 0 GB                   505 GB           N/A 377 GB                 128 GB           1:2.9 505 GB                 0 GB             1:3.9        


Shows the recommended persistent memory configurations.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

Display Security State Command

Example: Displaying the Security state of dimms

iLOrest >          pmmsecuritystate          +-------------+----------+ | Location    | State    | |-------------+----------| | proc1dimm2  | Disabled | | proc1dimm5  | Disabled | | proc1dimm8  | Disabled | | proc1dimm11 | Disabled | | proc2dimm2  | Disabled | | proc2dimm5  | Disabled | | proc2dimm8  | Disabled | | proc2dimm11 | Disabled | +-------------+----------+        


Displaying the Security state of dimms.

  • -h, --help

Displays help on the usage of this command.

Raw commands

This section lists the raw HTTP RESTful operations that can be used through the RESTful Interface Tool. The commands in this section are the equivalents of HTTP RESTful PATCH, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD.

RawDelete Command

RawDelete example commands:

To directly delete a URI run the command specifying a URI to delete.

iLOrest >          rawdelete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/3/          The account was removed successfully.        

rawdelete [Path] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to perform an HTTP RESTful DELETE command. Run to delete data from the passed in path.

  • Path

Pass in the path to point the HTTP RESTful DELETE command.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --service

Use this flag to enable service mode and increase the function speed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



RawGet Command

RawGet example commands: To get the complete JSON response directly from the URI requested run the command specifying a URI to retrieve.

iLOrest >          rawget /redfish/v1/systems/1          [200] The operation completed successfully. {   "BiosVersion": "U32 v2.10 (12/14/2018)",   "SKU": "Kappa",   "PowerState": "On",   "Processors": {     "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors"   },   "SerialNumber": "Kappa",   "Boot": {     "BootSourceOverrideTarget": "Cd",     "BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues": [       "None",       "Cd",       "Hdd",       "Usb",       "SDCard",       "Utilities",       "Diags",       "BiosSetup",       "Pxe",       "UefiShell",       "UefiHttp",       "UefiTarget"     ],        

Specify a file to save the response to by including the -f, --filename option.

LOrest > rawget /redfish/v1/systems/1          -f system.json          [200] The operation completed successfully. Results written out to 'system.json'.        

Use the --expand flag to expand collection URIs to include the response of collection members. The full response has been truncated for space.

iLOrest > rawget /redfish/v1/systems/1 -f system.json [200] The operation completed successfully. Results written out to 'system.json'. iLOrest > rawget /redfish/v1/systems/ [200] The operation completed successfully. {   "@odata.type": "#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",   "Description": "Computer Systems view",   "Members@odata.count": 1,   "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/",   "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",   "Members": [     {       "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/"     }   ],   "@odata.etag": "W/\"AA6D42B0\"",   "Name": "Computer Systems" } iLOrest > rawget /redfish/v1/systems/          --expand          [200] The operation completed successfully. {   "@odata.type": "#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",   "Description": "Computer Systems view",   "Members@odata.count": 1,   "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/",   "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",   "Members": [     {       "BiosVersion": "U32 v2.10 (12/14/2018)",       "SKU": "Kappa",       "PowerState": "On",       "Processors": {         "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/"       },       "SerialNumber": "Kappa",       "Boot": {         "BootSourceOverrideTarget": "Cd",         "BootSourceOverrideTarget@Redfish.AllowableValues": [           "None",           "Cd",           "Hdd",           "Usb",           "SDCard",           "Utilities",           "Diags",           "BiosSetup",           "Pxe",           "UefiShell",           "UefiHttp",           "UefiTarget"         ],        

rawget [Path] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to perform an HTTP RESTful GET command. Run to retrieve data from the passed in path.

  • Path

Pass the path to the rawget command to point it at a location.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --response

Use this flag to return the iLO response body.

  • --getheaders

Use this flag to return the iLO response headers.

  • --headers=HEADERS

Use this flag to add extra headers to the request.


  • --silent

Use this flag to silence responses

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Write results to the specified file.

  • -b BINFILE, --writebin=BINFILE

Write the results to the specified file in binary.

  • --service

Use this flag to enable service mode and increase the function speed.

  • --expand

Use this flag to expand the path specified using the expand notation '?$expand=.'

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



If you include the filename flag, this command will return an output file of the information retrieved when the rawget command was executed.

RawHead Command

RawHead example commands:

To directly read the head values of a URI run the command specifying a URI query.

iLOrest >          rawhead /redfish/v1/Systems/1/          [200] The operation completed successfully. {   "Content-Length": "0",   "X_HP-CHRP-Service-Version": "1.0.3",   "ETag": "W/\"F24B9154\"",   "Link": "</redfish/v1/SchemaStore/en/ComputerSystem.json/>; rel=describedby",   "Allow": "GET, HEAD, POST, PATCH",   "Date": "Sun, 03 Feb 2019 22:33:10 GMT",   "OData-Version": "4.0",   "X-Frame-Options": "sameorigin" }        

rawhead [Path] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to perform an HTTP RESTful HEAD command. Run to retrieve header data from the passed in path.

  • Path

Pass in the path to point the HTTP RESTful HEAD command.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • -f, --filename=Filename

Include the filename to perform the current operation.

  • --silent

Use this flag to silence responses.

  • -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME

Use the provided filename to perform operations.

  • --service

Use this flag to enable service mode and increase the function speed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.



If you specify the filename flag, the rawhead command will output a file containing the information retrieved when performing the rawhead command.

RawPatch Command

RawPatch example commands:

To directly patch to a URI with JSON data run the command supplying a filename with a json payload.

iLOrest >          rawpatch rawpatch.json          The operation completed successfully.        

The following rawpatch.json file was used in the above example:

                          {                                          "/redfish/v1/systems/1"              :                                          {                                          "AssetTag"              :                                          "NewAssetTag"                                          }                                          }                                                  

rawpatch [Filename] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to perform an HTTP RESTful Patch command. Run to send a patch from the data in the input file.

Filename parameter example:

                          {                                          "path"              :{              "json"              :              "body"              },                                          "path2"              :                                          {              "json"              :                                          "body2"              },                                          "..."              :                                          "..."                                          }                                                  
  • Filename

Include the filename to use the data in the input file to send the patch(es). One or more patches can be passed in one input file. An JSON file template is shown on the side.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --silent

Use this flag to silence responses.

  • --response

Use this flag to return the iLO response body.

  • --getheaders

Use this flag to return the iLO response headers.

  • --headers=HEADERS

Use this flag to add extra headers to the request.


  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --service

Use this flag to enable service mode and increase the function speed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


Input the file containing the JSON information you wish to use for the HTTP RESTful PATCH command.


RawPost Command

RawPost example commands:

To directly post to a URI with JSON data run the command supplying a filename with a json payload.

iLOrest >          rawpost rawpost.json          The operation completed successfully.        

The following rawpost.json file is used in the example above:

                          {                                          "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset/"              :                                          {                                          "ResetType"              :                                          "ForceRestart"                                          }                                          }                                                  

rawpost [Filename] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to perform an HTTP RESTful POST command. Run to post the data from the passed in path.

Example Filename parameter JSON file below:

                          {                                          "path"              :{              "json"              :              "body"              },                                          "path2"              :                                          {              "json"              :                                          "body2"              },                                          "..."              :                                          "..."                                          }                                                  
  • Filename

Include the filename to send a post from the data included in this input file. One or more posts can be passed in one input file. An JSON file template is shown on the side.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --response

Use this flag to return the iLO response body.

  • --getheaders

Use this flag to return the iLO response headers.

  • --headers=HEADERS

Use this flag to add extra headers to the request.


  • --silent

Use this flag to silence responses.

  • --service

Use this flag to enable service mode and increase the function speed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


Input the file containing the JSON information you wish to use for the HTTP RESTful PUT command.


RawPut Command

RawPut example commands:

To directly put to a URI with JSON data run the command supplying a filename with a json payload.

iLOrest >          rawput put.json          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.        

This example uses the following put.json file:

                          {                                          "/redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/Settings/"              :                                          {                                          "Attributes"              :                                          {                                          "BaseConfig"              :                                          "default"                                          }                                          }                                          }                                                  

rawput [Filename] [Optional Parameters]

Use this command to perform an HTTP RESTful PUT command. Run to retrieve data from the passed in path.

Example input file below:

                          {                                          "path"              :{              "json"              :              "body"              },                                          "path2"              :                                          {              "json"              :                                          "body2"              },                                          "..."              :                                          "..."                                          }                                                  
  • Filename

Include the filename to send a PUT from the data included in this input file. One or more puts can be passed in one input file. An JSON file template is shown on the side.

  • -h, --help

Including the help flag will display help for the command.

  • --response

Use this flag to return the iLO response body.

  • --getheaders

Use this flag to return the iLO response headers.

  • --headers=HEADERS

Use this flag to add extra headers to the request.


  • --silent

Use this flag to silence responses.

  • --biospassword=BIOSPASSWORD

Select this flag to input a BIOS password. Include this flag if second-level BIOS authentication is needed for the command to execute.

  • --service

Use this flag to enable service mode and increase the function speed.

The following parameters can be included to login to a server in the same line as the command is run.

  • --url=URL

If you are not logged in yet, use the provided iLO URL along with the user and password flags to login to the server in the same command.

  • -u User, --user=USER

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the password and URL flags to login to a server in the same command.

  • -p Password, --password=PASSWORD

If you are not logged in yet, use this flag along with the user and URL flags to login. Use the provided iLO password corresponding to the username you gave to login.

  • --logout

Optionally include the logout flag to log out of the server after this command is completed. Using this flag when not logged in will have no effect.


Input the file containing the JSON information you wish to use for the HTTP RESTful PUT command.


Advanced Options

Filtering Option

This section covers some advanced features and options available with the RESTful Interface Tool (iLOREST).

Selecting the EthernetInterface. type reveals many instances. To return a single instance we can filter by a property value. In this case we are filtering by

iLOrest > select EthernetInterface. iLOrest > list  iLOrest > list Id --filter "" Id=1        

By default, filter will attempt to match the property and value case insensitively, but exactly. If no matches are found iLOrest will return an error.

iLOrest > list Id --filter "" Unable to locate instance for 'ethernetinterface.' and filter ''        

Partial string matching is supported with the * character.

iLOrest > list Id          --filter "*" Id=1 Id=2        

Filter is also useful for setting properties to specific instances.

iLOrest >          set FullDuplex=True --filter ""          iLOrest > status Current changes found: EthernetInterface.v1_4_1(/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/2/) (Currently selected)         FullDuplex=True        


If there is more than one instance of a type on the system, when you select it, the filter option can be used to narrow down the results. With this narrowed result, you can set specific instance properties, list specific instance properties, or get specific instance properties.

Path Option

To start type collection from a specific path include the --path option followed by the path to start from. This can limit or add new types depending on the path specified.

iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password          --path /redfish/v1/systems/1/bios/          Discovering data......Done iLOrest > types Type options: #Bios.v1_0_0.Bios #HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0.HpeBaseConfigs #HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0.HpeBiosMapping #HpeScalablePmem.v1_0_0.HpeScalablePmem #HpeServerBootSettings.v2_0_0.HpeServerBootSettings #HpeTlsConfig.v1_0_0.HpeTlsConfig #HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator.v2_0_0.HpeiSCSISoftwareInitiator  iLOrest > login xx.xx.xx.xx -u username -p password Discovering data...Done iLOrest > types Type options: AccountService.v1_3_0 Bios.v1_0_0 CertificateCollection Chassis.v1_6_0 ChassisCollection ComputerSystem.v1_4_0 ComputerSystemCollection EthernetInterface.v1_4_1 EthernetInterfaceCollection EventDestinationCollection EventService.v1_0_8 HostInterface.v1_1_1 HostInterfaceCollection HpeBaseConfigs.v2_0_0 HpeBaseNetworkAdapter.v2_0_0 HpeBaseNetworkAdapterCollection HpeBiosMapping.v2_0_0 HpeCertAuth.v1_1_0 HpeCertificate.v1_0_0 HpeCertificateCollection HpeComponent.v1_0_1 HpeComponentCollection HpeComponentInstallSet.v1_0_3 HpeComponentInstallSetCollection HpeComponentUpdateTaskQueueCollection HpeDirectoryTest.v1_0_0 HpeESKM.v2_0_0 ...        

--path [URI]

The path option can set a different URI as the starting point for type discovery. The default path is /redfish/v1/. This option is useful if you wish to view specific types, which are not available by default or if you wish to lower the time it takes to login. It is not recommended to use this flag on systems with a resource directory.

Use Case Examples and Macro Commands

This section outlines ready to use example commands, as well as some general use scenarios for obtaining and configuring iLO 4 (iLO 4 2.00+) and iLO 5 systems through Redfish. Legacy modes are supported for older HPRest iLO 4 systems.

Quick Reference Table: Available scripts for Linux and Windows

Name Description
Aborts the directory test on iLO 5.
Adds a Federation group membership and grant associated privileges on iLO4 and iLO5.
Adds an HPE SIM Single Sign-On (SSO) server record to the end of the database on iLO4 or iLO5.
Adds an iLO account to the server either locally or remotely using the RESTful Interface Tool.
Sets the default Administrator account password using iLOREST.EXE.
Mounts the SPP media image, reboot the system, and boot to it.
Gets a certificate signing request from iLO4 and iLO5.
Change a user's password in the database of local users on iLO4 and iLO5.
Clears AHS data.
Clears the event log on iLO4 and iLO5.
Clears the server IML log from iLO4 and iLO5.
Configures Computer Lock settings on iLO5.
Deletes a Federation group membership on iLO4 and iLO5.
Deletes an HPE SIM Single Sign-On (SSO) server record by index.
Deletes a user from the database of local users on iLO4 and iLO5.
Deletes an HPE SIM Single Sign-On (SSO) server record by index.
Ejects virtual media.
Starts director test on iLO4 and iLO5.
Retrieves current ERS settings
Sets the Lights-Out device to factory default settings.
Provides the status of AHS being enabled or disabled.
Reads all read all languages that are supported on iLO.
Obtains the license information
Returns all user's account information in the local user database.
Obtains the asset tag.
Obtains the pending boot mode.
Obtains the current boot mode.
Obtains directory test results.
Retrieves the health information of the server.
Retrieves the health information of the server.
Returns the current encryption settings.
Retrieves a list of all federation group memberships and granted privileges.
Retrieves the privileges granted to a specified federation group.
Retrieves the current federation multicast options.
Returns the current FIPs mode.
Returns the version number of the current firmware.
Returns the current global settings.
Obtains the automatic power on and power on delay settings of the server.
Returns the current power state for the host server.
Returns the current power state for the host server.
Obtains the remote console hot keys.
Retrieves the Integrated Management Log.
Obtains the LDAP CA certificate status on iLO4 and iLO5
Reads the default language on iLO.
Returns the current network settings.
Returns the enclosure data for c-Class blade infrastructure.
Retrieves the current state of the One Time Boot.
Retrieves power supply information from the server.
Retrieves the current state of the boot order.
Obtains the persistent mouse and keyboard status.
Returns the power cap setting on the host server.
Obtains the server power on time.
Obtains the power readings from the server.
Obtains the product name.
Obtains the power alert threshold.
Returns the enclosure data for c-Class blade infrastructure.
Provides information as to whether an SD card is connected to the server. Possible return values are "PRESENT", "Absent", and "UNKNOWN".
Returns current SNMP and HPE Insight Manager security settings.
Retrieves the HPE SIM Single Sign-On (SSO) settings.
Retrieves the current security text message set in the iLO login banner.
Obtains the fully qualified domain name from the host server.
Obtains the host server name.
Obtains the supported boot modes.
Returns the status of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Returns the current state of the Unit ID LED of the host server.
Returns data about the user account named in the GET_USER command.
Obtains the status of the virtual media devices.
Retrieves the event log.
Configures a set of remote console hot keys for iLO.
Imports a signed certificate into iLO.
Imports an LDAP CA certificate on iLO 4 and iLO 5.
Inserts a virtual media image.
Applies the license key for the Integrated Lights-Out Advanced Pack.
Configures the encryption settings for iLO.
Modifies a federation group membership and associated privileges on iLO.
Script not available for Windows
Configures the network settings for iLO.
Configures the SNMP and HPE Insight Manager integration settings.
Configures HPE SIM Single Sign-ON (SSO) settings on iLO.
Modifies an existing password and privileges in the database of iLO users.
Configures the iLO Shared Network Port with a user-defined VLAN ID.
Configures the virtual media port functionality on iLO.
Configures the management processor RBSU to display the IP address during POST
Resets (reboots) the iLO.
Power cycles (off and then on) the host server in which the iLO is operating.
Sends a test SNMP trap to the alert destinations configured for the iLO.
Enables or disables AHS logging.
Sets the asset tag, which is limited to 32 characters.
Sets the pending boot mode.
Enables or disables brownout support.
Enables FIPs mode.
Sets the federation multicast options.
Sets the automatic power on and power on delays settings of the server.
Toggles the power of the host server in which iLO 4 or iLO5 is executing.
Sets the Power Regulator feature on the host server in iLO.
Sets the default language on iLO.
Sets a one-time boot order.
Sets a persistent boot order.
Sets the persistent mouse and keyboard.
Sets the Power Cap feature on the host server.
Sets the power alert threshold for iLO.
Configures a security text message in the iLO login banner.
Sets the host server name.
Simulates a physical press of the server power button or simulates the physical press and hold of the server power button for a cold boot or warm boot.
Configures the iLO device to pass network traffic on the shared host network port.
Validates the configured directory settings. The directory test results are reset when directory settings are saved or when the directory tests are started.
Toggles the UID on the host server.
Updates the iLO firmware.
Updates the language pack of iLO4 or iLO5.

BIOS Attributes Examples

BIOS Attributes are configurable selections for the system BIOS. Configured attributes in iLO are transferred by the BIOS provider and staged for implementation upon the next system reboot.

Get System Asset Tag

>./Get_Asset_Tag.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          ServerAssetTag="MySystem"          Logging session out.        

Retrieve a system's asset tag.

Linux Windows Get_Asset_Tag.bat

Set System Asset Tag

> ./Set_Asset_Tag.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.          Logging session out.        

Configure a system's asset tag.

Linux Windows Set_Asset_Tag.bat

Set Server Name

>./Set_Server_Name.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.          Logging session out.        

Configure server name.

Linux Windows Set_Server_Name.bat

Changing BIOS Administrator Password

This example shows how the set password command on a Gen9 system is just a few set commands.

The Bios type has two properties that both need to be used to change the administrator password, AdminPassword and OldAdminPassword. AdminPassword is the new password you want to change to, and OldAdminPassword is the current password you have.

BIOS Password Example 1

If you perform a get command to find the current AdminPassword and OldAdminPassword values, you will notice that their values are listed as None, regardless of what their actual values are, as seen above.

BIOS Password Example 2

In order to change the administrator password, you need to set the AdminPassword (the new value you want) and the OldAdminPassword (what the admin password was before), as well as include the –biospassword flag if the system is iLO 4.

BIOS Password Example 3

After you've set the values for AdminPassword and OldAdminPassword, you need to commit your changes and reboot your server:

BIOS Password Example 4

Then when you log into the server again, the BIOS password will have been updated to the new value. However, you cannot see the values for AdminPassword or OldAdminPassword.

BIOS Boot Settings and Control

The following examples demonstrate methods to alter the boot configuration of the system.

Get Current Boot Mode

>./Get_Boot_Mode.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          BootMode=Uefi          Logging session out.        

Obtain current boot mode setting.

Linux Windows Get_Boot_Mode.bat Get_Current_Boot_Mode.bat

Get Default Boot Order

>./Get_Persistent_Boot_Order.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done PersistentBootConfigOrder=HD.SD.1.2                            HD.EmbRAID.1.3                            CD.RearUSB.4.2                            Generic.USB.1.1                            HD.EmbRAID.1.2                            NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.Httpv4                            NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.IPv4                            NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.Httpv6                            NIC.FlexLOM.1.1.IPv6 Logging session out.        

Get persistent boot selection.

Linux Windows Get_Persistent_Boot_Order.bat

Set Default Boot Order

>./Set_Persistent_Boot_Order.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Committing changes... One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.          Logging session out.        

Configure persistent boot selection.

Linux Windows Set_Persistent_Boot_Order.bat

Set One Time Boot

>./Set_One_Time_Boot_Order.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Committing changes...          The operation completed successfully.          Logging session out.        

Configure one time boot selection. A subsequent system reboot will return the boot settings to normal (property is automatically altered following POST by the BIOS provider)

Linux Windows Set_One_Time_Boot_Order.bat

Get Supported Boot Mode

>./Get_Supported_Boot_Mode.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done NAME     BootMode   DISPLAY NAME     Boot Mode   HELP TEXT     Use this option to select the boot mode of the system. Selecting     UEFI Mode configures the system to boot Unified Extensible     Firmware Interface (UEFI) compatible operating systems. Selecting     Legacy BIOS Mode configures the system to boot traditional     operating systems in Legacy BIOS compatibility mode. The operating     system can only boot in the mode in which it is installed. The     following options require booting in UEFI Mode: Secure Boot, IPv6     PXE Boot, boot > 2.2 TB Disks in AHCI SATA Mode, and Smart Array     SW RAID.   ************************************************  WARNING     Boot Mode changes require a system reboot in order to take effect.     Changing the Boot Mode can impact the ability of the server to     boot the installed operating system. An operating system is     installed in the same mode as the platform during the     installation. If the Boot Mode does not match the operating system     installation, the system cannot boot. The following features     require that the server be configured for UEFI Mode: Secure Boot,     IPv6 PXE Boot, Boot > 2.2 TB Disks in AHCI SATA Mode, and Smart     Array SW RAID.   **********************************************   TYPE     Enumeration   READ-ONLY     False   POSSIBLE VALUES     Uefi     LegacyBios  Logging session out.        

Retrieve Supported System Boot Modes

Linux Windows Get_Supported_Boot_Mode.bat

Set Boot Mode

.\Set_Boot_Mode.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done Committing changes...          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.          Logging session out.        

Configure system boot mode.

Linux Windows

BootOrder Command Examples

The bootorder command is made up of a list of select, get, and set commands. In order to demonstrate the order of these events, the bootorder command is manually stepped through one step at a time to show that it only uses other provided commands to perform its task.

Bootorder Example 1

First the server is logged into, and the select and get commands are performed on the Bios type and the BootMode property, respectively.

Bootorder Example 2

Next the select and get commands are used to retrieve the BootSourceOverrideSupported property of the ComputerSystem type.

Bootorder Example 3

If the bootmode retrieved earlier is UEFI, then the UefiTargetBootSourceOverrideSupported property (one time boot settings) is retrieved with the get command. If the bootmode is not UEFI, then the one time boot settings would have been set to None.

Bootorder Example 4

If this is not a one time boot or a continuous boot, and the disable boot flag has not been set, then the HpServerBootSettings type is selected with the select command, and the PersistentBootConfigOrder property is retrieved with the get command.

Bootorder Example 5

Then, using this information along with the specified boot order provided in the command, the new boot order is updated using the set command.

Bootorder Example 6

After making all the changes to the boot order, the changes are finally committed with the commit command.

All of the commands shown here are executed the same way in the actual bootorder command, and are called in the same order to execute the bootorder command. You can write your own scripts to combine commands just like bootorder did, to use the provided commands in the RESTful Interface Tool for higher-level functionality.


Configure iLO licensing, set unit identification lamp, hotkey configuration, obtaining system power metrics, and configuring the iLO's time zone.

iLO Licensing

> ./License.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          The resource has been created successfully.          Logging session out.        

Configure iLO's licensing key.

Linux Windows Licesnse.bat

UID Control

>./UID_Control.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Committing changes...          The operation completed successfully.          Logging session out.  >ilorest get IndicatorLED --selector=ComputerSystem. iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------          IndicatorLED=Lit        

iLO 4 and iLO 5 systems utilize a unit identification lamp which can be controlled to easily and uniquely identify a physical device. This script will alter the UID light state.

Linux Windows UID_Control.bat

Hotkey Configuration

./Hotkey_Config.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

Set Hotkey configuration.

Linux Windows Hotkey_Config.bat

Setting iLO Timezone

In setting the iLO Timezone, we will be using both rawpost and commands.

Timezone Example 1

First we login and select the HpeiLODateTime. type. If using Gen9, select the HpiLODateTime type instead. We then list the TimeZoneList.

Now scroll around looking for the timezone that is wanted. In the case of the example, we will be using US/Hawaii. Take note of the index associated with the Name.(2 in the case of US/Hawaii)

Timezone Example 2

Finally, we set the Index to 2. Check the status to make sure the change is queued and finally make sure to commit to finalize the changes.

Getting Powermetric Average

First login to the server.

Power Example 1

Next select the Power. type. Finally list powercontrol. The powermetric average is represented by the AverageConsumedWatts value.

Getting Encryption Settings

To get the encryption settings, first login to the server

Encryption Setting Example 1

Then select the HpeSmartStorageArrayControllerCollection type. If on a Gen9 server select HpSmartStorageArrayControllerCollection instead.

In the provided example, many of the resources for the encryption setting are not available. If available there will be values of Name, Model, SerialNumber, EncryptionBootPasswordSet, EncryptionCryptoOfficerPasswordSet, EncrpytionLocalKeyCacheEnabled, EncryptionMixedVolumesEnabled,EncryptionPhyiscalDriveCount,EncryptionRecoveryParamsSet,EncryptionStandaloneModeEnabled, and/or EncryptionUserPasswordSet.

Resetting iLO

>./Reset_RIB.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          After iLO resets the session will be terminated. Please wait for iLO to initialize completely before logging in again. This process may take up to 3 minutes.          A management processor reset is in progress.        

Reset iLO.

Linux Windows RIB.bat

Reboot the Server

> ./Reset_Server.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          After the server is rebooted the session will be terminated. Please wait for the server to boot completely to login again. Rebooting server in 3 seconds... The operation completed successfully.          Logging session out.        

Initiate a server reboot.

Linux Windows Reset_Server.bat

Logging Examples

iLO Logs consist of Active Health System (AHS), Integrated Event Log (IEL), and an Integrated Management Log (IML). Logs can be retrieved for analysis or cleared to wipe the slate.

Set AHS Status

./Set_AHS_Status.bat 100.100..100.101 administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.          Logging session out.        

Set AHS Status.

Linux Windows Set_AHS_Status.bat

Clear AHS Log

> ./Clear_AHS_Data.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until the device is reset and system is rebooted          Logging session out.        

Clear Active Health System log.

Linux Windows Clear_AHS_Data.bat

Clear IML Log

> ./Clear_IML.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Event log cleared successfully.          Logging session out.        

Clear iLO's Integrated Management Log

Linux Windows Clear_IML.bat

Clear IEL Log

> ./Clear_EventLog.bat administrator password word iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Event log cleared successfully.          Logging session out.        

Clear iLO's Integrated Event Log

Linux Windows Clear_EventLog.bat

Directory Command Examples

iLO 4 and 5 systems can be linked to domain controllers, usage of the the directory command can perform modification and tests against Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory information services and Microsoft based active directory (AD) domain network controllers. The following examples are of interest:

Get LDAP CA Certificate State

> ./Get_LDAP_CA_Cert_Status.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Oem=      Hpe=           Sessions=                     LDAPAuthLicenced=True          Logging session out.        

Obtain Certificate Authority for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

Start Directory Test

>./Start_Directory_Test.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done The operation completed successfully.          Starting the directory test. Monitor results with command: directory viewresults          The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

Starts tests against LDAP servers or AD domain network controllers based on the settings provided.

Linux Windows Start_Directory_Test.bat

ilorest directory test start

Directory Test Abort

> ./Abort_Directory_Test.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Stopping the directory test.          The operation completed successfully. Logging session out.        

Stops tests against LDAP servers or AD domain network controllers.

Linux Windows Abort_Directory_Test.bat

ilorest directory test stop

Directory Test Results

>./Get_Directory_Test_Results.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done The operation completed successfully.  Test: Directory Server DNS Name ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes: Unable to resolve host name  Test: Ping Directory Server ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes:  Test: Connect to Directory Server ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes: Unable to connect to the directory server LDAP port within timeout. Verify directory server address.  Test: Connect using SSL ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes: Unable to connect to directory server within timeout.  Test: Bind to Directory Server ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: Directory Administrator login ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: User Authentication ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: User Authorization ------------------------ Status: Failed Notes:  Test: Directory User Contexts ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Test: LOM Object exists ------------------------ Status: NotRun Notes:  Logging session out.        

Retrieve the results of the directory tests.

Linux Windows Get_Directory_Test_Results.bat

ilorest directory test results

iLO User Management Examples

iLO Management Account Users are able to perform a range of operations on a system based on permissions levels (or in iLO 5, based on Redfish predefined roles). This can vary from administrative level system changes to monitoring/read-only get requests, as well as a number.

Privileges Table (iLO 4 and iLO 5)

Privileges Description iLO Support
LoginPriv Login iLO5
RemoteConsolePriv Remote Console iLO4, iLO5
VirtualPowerandResetPriv Virtual Power and Reset iLO4, iLO5
VirtualMediaPriv Virtual Media iLO4, iLO5
HostBIOSConfigPriv Host Bios iLO5
iLOConfigPriv Configure iLO Settings iLO4, iLO5
UserConfigPriv Administer User Accounts iLO4, iLO5
HostNICConfigPriv Host NIC iLO5
HostStorageConfigPriv Host Storage iLO5
SystemRecoveryConfigPriv System Recovery Set iLO5

Predefined Roles Table (iLO 5 Only)

Predefined Roles Privileges
Administrator LoginPriv, RemoteConsolePriv, VirtualMediaPriv,
VirtualPowerandResetPriv, HostBIOSConfigPriv,
iLOConfigPriv, UserConfigPriv, HostNICConfigPriv,
HostStorageConfigPriv, SystemRecoveryConfigPriv
Operator HostBIOSConfigPriv, HostNICConfigPriv, LoginPriv,
HostStorageConfigPriv, RemoteConsolePriv,
VirtualMediaPriv, VirtualPowerandResetPriv
ReadOnly LoginPriv

Add User

>./Add_User.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done The operation completed successfully.  ilorest iloaccounts  iLO Account info: [Id] UserName (LoginName): Privileges ----------------- [1] Administrator (Administrator): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=True RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=True UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=True VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=True  [2] admin (admin): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=True HostStorageConfigPriv=True RemoteConsolePriv=True iLOConfigPriv=True VirtualMediaPriv=True UserConfigPriv=True HostBIOSConfigPriv=True VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  [3] testUser (testAccount): ServiceAccount=False HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  Logging session out.        

Add a new iLO management user account. By default only the login privilege is provided (equivalent to read-only predefined role). Additional privileges (and roleIDs for iLO 5 systems) can be configured.

iloaccounts add

Linux Windows Add_User.bat

Modify User Password

> ./Administrator_reset_pw.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          The account was modified successfully.          Logging session out.        

Reset an iLO management account password. The first example is specifically for the default Administrator account, the second for any subsequently created account.

iloaccounts modify

Linux Windows Administrator_reset_pw.bat Change_password.bat

Get All User Info

>./Get_User.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done  Oem=      Hpe=           Privileges=                       HostNICConfigPriv=True                       HostStorageConfigPriv=True                       RemoteConsolePriv=True                       iLOConfigPriv=True                       VirtualMediaPriv=True                       UserConfigPriv=True                       HostBIOSConfigPriv=True                       VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True                       LoginPriv=True                       SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=True Logging session out.        

Get all iLO management account user privileges.

iloaccounts OR iloaccounts default

Linux Windows Get_User.bat

Delete User

>./Delete_User.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          The account was removed successfully.          Logging session out.        

Completely remove an iLO management account.

iloaccounts delete

Linux Windows Delete_User.bat

Federation Group Examples

iLO Federation allows management of a collection of servers from a single iLO.

Add Federation Group

>./Add_Federation_Group.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          [200] The operation completed successfully.          The resource has been created successfully.          Logging session out.  iLOrest > ilofederation default          [200] The operation completed successfully.          iLO Federation Id list with Privileges:  Name=DEFAULT: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=True SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False  Name=newfedname: HostNICConfigPriv=False HostStorageConfigPriv=False RemoteConsolePriv=False iLOConfigPriv=False VirtualMediaPriv=False UserConfigPriv=False HostBIOSConfigPriv=False VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False LoginPriv=False SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False        

Add a new federation group by defining a federation name, key and associated privileges for the group.

Linux Windows Add_Federation_Group.bat

Get Federation Group

>./Get_Federation_Group.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done  Privileges=             HostNICConfigPriv=False             HostStorageConfigPriv=False             RemoteConsolePriv=False             iLOConfigPriv=False             VirtualMediaPriv=False             UserConfigPriv=False             HostBIOSConfigPriv=False             VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=False             LoginPriv=True             SystemRecoveryConfigPriv=False Logging session out.        

Obtain Federation Group Privileges.

Linux Windows Get_Federation_All_Groups_Info.bat

Get Federation Multicast Options

> ./Get_Federation_Multicast_Options.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done  Oem=      Hpe=           FederationConfig=                             MulticastDiscovery=Enabled                             IPv6MulticastScope=Site                             MulticastAnnouncementInterval=600                             MulticastTimeToLive=5                             iLOFederationManagement=Enabled Logging session out.        

Obtain Federation Group Multicast Settings. Settings are used in broadcast for iLO collective control.

Linux Windows Get_Federation_Multicast_Options.bat

Delete a Federation Group

>./Delete_Federation_Group.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          [200] The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully.          Logging session out.        

Deletion of a Federation Group

Linux Windows Delete_Federation_Group.bat

iLO provides a method to boot from virtualized media by providing a remote URL. This can include bootable virtualized USB, Floppy disk, CD/DVD ISO media.

Mount Virtual Media

Mount Virtual Media (To Be Updated)

Linux Windows Mount_Virtual_Media.bat

Eject Virtual Media

>./Eject_Virtual_Media.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          The operation completed successfully.          Logging session out.        

Eject virtual media from the system.

Linux Windows Eject_Virtual_Media.bat

Configuring iLO Management Network Interfaces

iLO's management networking interfaces can be customized to allow for connectivity for physical, dedicated connections, shared networking (single physical adapter contains internal VLAN capabilities) and virtual networking interfaces for connectivity to the host operating system (iLO 5 1.45 and later).

Get Networking

.\Get_Network.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done HTTP=       ProtocolEnabled=True       Port=80 HTTPS=        ProtocolEnabled=True        Port=443 HostName=ilocn771200w0 IPMI=       ProtocolEnabled=False       Port=623 KVMIP=        ProtocolEnabled=True        Port=17990 Oem=      Hpe=           RemoteSyslogServer=""           VirtualMediaEncryptionEnabled=True           AlertMailSMTPAuthPw=None           FederationEnabled=True           RemoteSyslogPort=514           RemoteSyslogEnabled=False           ConfigurationSettings=Current           SerialOverLanLogging=False           SNMPTrapPort=162           AlertMailSMTPSecureEnabled=True           XMLResponseEnabled=True           AlertMailSMTPAuthEnabled=False           AlertMailEnabled=False           AlertMailSMTPAuthUser=""           AlertMailEmail=""           AlertMailSenderDomain=""           AlertMailSMTPPort=25           FederationSupported=True           AlertMailSMTPServer="" SNMP=       ProtocolEnabled=True       Port=161 SSDP=       ProtocolEnabled=True       NotifyMulticastIntervalSeconds=600       NotifyTTL=5       Port=1900       NotifyIPv6Scope=Site SSH=      ProtocolEnabled=True      Port=22 Status=         State=Enabled VirtualMedia=               ProtocolEnabled=True               Port=17988 Logging session out.        

Retrieve networking parameters, enablements and data ports.

Linux Windows Get_Network.bat

Shared Network Port

>./Shared_Network_Port.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done          Committing changes...          One or more properties were changed, but these changes will not take effect until the management processor is reset.          Logging session out.        

Configure iLO shared networking port.

Linux Windows

Finding iLO MAC address

Finding the iLO MAC address is not implemented in the RESTful Interface Tool, but is easily reached by a set of select and list commands

MAC Address Example 1

First login to the server. Then select the EthernetInterfaces. type.

MAC Address Example 2

Now using the list command, list the name, macaddress, and status values with the filter of the value Name starting with Manager.

Setting Active iLO NIC

Use for gen10 servers.

                          {                                          "path"              :                                          "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1"              ,                                          "body"              :                                          {                                          "Oem"              :                                          {                                          "Hpe"              :                                          {                                          "NICEnabled"              :                                          true                                          }                                          }                                          }                                          }                                                  

Use for gen9 servers.

                          {                                          "path"              :                                          "/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1"              ,                                          "body"              :                                          {                                          "Oem"              :                                          {                                          "Hp"              :                                          {                                          "NICEnabled"              :                                          true                                          }                                          }                                          }                                          }                                                  

To set the iLO NIC, First login to the server. Then use a rawpatch command

NIC Example 1

To set the NIC, first login to the server. Then we will be using a rawpatch command

Updating Firmware

Firmware updates can be submitted to iLO for self update or can be utilized for component level updates. On iLO 5 systems with integrated flash storage, these updates can be uploaded and staged for later use or stored, for recovery purposes (recovery install set).

Update Component

./Update_Language.bat administrator password iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovering data...Done A component with the same name (PICGen10_1.0.7s.fwpkg) has been found. Would you like to upload and overwrite this file? (y/n)y The operation completed successfully. Component PICGen10_1.0.7s.fwpkg uploaded successfully Waiting for iLO UpdateService to finish processing the component 0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 18 second(s) Logging session out.        

Update a language pack component.

Linux Windows Update_Language.bat

Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

Disabling the TPM

TPM Example

Above: When the server is rebooted, the TpmState is changed from PresentEnabled to PresentDisabled.

If you need to disable TPM on a group of servers, you can use a set of commands in RESTful Interface Tool. For example, if you are installing SPPs and OSs on bare-metal servers, and you need to disable TPM prior to starting installation.

Enabling the TPM

TPM Example

To enable the TPM, you can set the TpmState to PresentEnabled. See side example.

RAW Commands Examples

Updating the HPE iLO license key

                          {                                          "path"              :                                          "/rest/v1/Managers/1/LicenseService"              ,                                          "body"              :                                          {                                          "LicenseKey"              :                                          "license key"                                          }                                          }                                                  

To update an iLO license key, use the rawpost command. For more information, see RawPost command.

The following is an example of the JSON to include when using the rawpost command.

To delete an iLO license, use the rawdelete command. For more information, see RawDelete command. The following is an example of the JSON to include when using the rawdelete command:

rawdelete /rest/v1/Managers/1/LicenseService

Deploying a Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP)

                          {                                          "path"              :                                          "/rest/v1/Managers/1/VirtualMedia/2"              ,                                          "body"              :                                          {                                          "Action"              :                                          "InsertVirtualMedia"              ,                                          "Target"              :                                          "/OEM/Hp"              ,                                          "Image"              :                                          ""                                          }                                          }                                                  

To deploy a SPP, use the rawpost command. For more information, see RawPost command.

ilorest -v --nologo rawpost virtualmedia.json --user=Admin --password=password

The following is an example of the JSON to include when using the rawpost command.

General Script Examples

Selecting and getting properties from a type.

            :: selectget.bat [URI] [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] @echo off  set argC=0 for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1 if %argC% LSS 3 goto :failCondition goto :main  :failCondition @echo Usage: @echo selectget.bat [URI] [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] goto :EOF  :main @echo ***************************************** @echo ************* Logging in... ************* @echo ***************************************** ilorest.exe login %1 -u %2 -p %3 @echo ***************************************** @echo ******* selecting Bios type... ******** @echo ***************************************** ilorest.exe select Bios. @echo ***************************************** @echo ********** getting BootMode... ********** @echo ***************************************** ilorest.exe get pause                      

This is a batch file that logs into a remote server, selects the Bios type, and gets the BootMode value.

Saving and Loading a File Using File-Based Editing Mode

            :: saveload.bat [SELECTOR] [FILENAME] :: Specify a type with the SELECTOR tag, and :: save to a file called FILENAME @echo off set argC=0 for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1 if %argC% LSS 2 goto :failCondition goto :main  :failCondition @echo Usage: @echo saveload.bat [SELECTOR] [FILENAME] @echo specify a type with the SELECTOR tag, and @echo save to a file called FILENAME goto :EOF  :main ilorest.exe login ilorest.exe save --selector=%1 --json -f %2 @echo Edit the file, then: pause ilorest.exe load -f %2                      

This is a file-based edit mode helper for RESTful Interface Tool.

  1. Run to download selected type to a file called ilorest.json.

  2. Edit the ilorest.json file to make changes.

  3. Press any key running batch program to continue with program, uploading the newly edited program to the server.

When Things Go Wrong

This section provides debug information to help when things go wrong. If this section does not solve your issue please contact support or submit a github issue to our open source project here.

I need return codes to script, but I'm not seeing any in the output.

You can see return codes and other information with the verbose flag.

ilorest          -v          iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.0 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iLOrest > login Discovering data...Done Monolith build process time: 0.259999990463          iLOrest return code: 0        

I am unable to see return codes in the output.

The verbose global flag (-v,--verbose) is not being used.

Use the verbose global flag (-v,--verbose), which will output more information including return codes.

How can I see exactly what iLOrest is sending to iLO?

You can see full payloads with debug mode. The response is truncated for space.

ilorest          -d          login iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version 3.0 Copyright (c) 2014, 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO    : Not using CA certificate. INFO    : Initializing no proxy. DEBUG   : HTTP REQUEST: GET         PATH: /redfish/v1/         HEADERS: {'OData-Version': '4.0'}         BODY: None DEBUG   : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): XX.XX.XX.XXX DEBUG   : https://XX.XX.XX.XXX:443 "GET /redfish/v1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None INFO    : Response Time to /redfish/v1/: 0.536000013351 seconds. DEBUG   : HTTP RESPONSE for /redfish/v1/: Code:200 OK Headers:         Transfer-Encoding: chunked         ETag: W/"9E4419FB"         Link: </redfish/v1/SchemaStore/en/ServiceRoot.json/>; rel=describedby         Allow: GET, HEAD         Cache-Control: no-cache         Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 00:29:30 GMT         OData-Version: 4.0         X-Frame-Options: sameorigin         Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8  Body Response of /redfish/v1/: {"@odata.con...        

I am unable to see what iLOrest is sending to iLO.

The debug global flag (-d, --debug) is not being used.

Use the debug global flag (-d, --debug), which will provide the payloads that are sent and received from iLO. It is printed to console and to the iLOrest.log file. Debug mode will show information, such as X-Auth-Token headers. For this reason, it's highly encouraged to use only the debug flag for debugging issues and not for production scripts.

In this example the selector returns both the instance and the collection type. Modifying the selector to limit the selection solves this problem. The easiest way to do that is to add a period to ensure you are only selecting one type.

iLOrest > select          ComputerSystem          Selected option(s): #ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection, #ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem iLOrest return code: 0 iLOrest > select          ComputerSystem.          Selected option(s): #ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem iLOrest return code: 0        

I am getting more data than what I would like.

You are not using a selector that is exclusive to the type you want and/or the type that you have selected has more than one instance.

  1. Use a selector that is exclusive to the type you want.

  2. Verify that the type you have selected, does not have more than one instance. In this case, the filter option can help you limit the results to the instance you want.

This example shows that we are selecting only 1 type, but multiple instances are available for that type. We only want to modify or view 1 instance! We can use the --filter option to limit to 1 instance only.

iLOrest > select          EthernetInterface.          Selected option(s): #EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface iLOrest return code: 0 iLOrest > list iLOrest return code: 0 iLOrest > list          --filter=Id=3          Selected option(s): #EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface iLOrest return code: 0        

I can set a property, but the commit is failing.

The commit is failing, even though I can set a property.

This issue can happen for multiple reasons. The API tries to catch issues with commits when the property is initially set, but not all possible issues can be caught.

  1. Run the status command to see what properties have failed to commit.

  2. To ensure you are sending data that will be accepted by the server, obtain schema information for the property that failed to commit with the info command.

  3. Some properties require other properties to be set first. You can view the iLO REST API Doc's resource definitions for the property you are trying to commit to see any additional information on modifying the property that is not in the schemas.

I think this property is an array, but I can't tell by the get/list output.

It's hard to tell where the array is in this output until you print the response in json format.

iLOrest > get Boot/BootOrder Boot/BootSourceOverrideTarget Selected option(s): #ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem Boot=       BootSourceOverrideTarget=None       BootOrder=Boot0014                  Boot0015                  Boot0016                  Boot000A                  Boot000B                  Boot000C                  Boot000D                  Boot000E                  Boot000F                  Boot0010                  Boot0012                  Boot0013                  Boot0011 iLOrest return code: 0 iLOrest > get Boot/BootOrder Boot/BootSourceOverrideTarget          --json          Selected option(s): #ComputerSystem.v1_4_0.ComputerSystem {   "Boot": {     "BootOrder": [       "Boot0014",       "Boot0015",       "Boot0016",       "Boot000A",       "Boot000B",       "Boot000C",       "Boot000D",       "Boot000E",       "Boot000F",       "Boot0010",       "Boot0012",       "Boot0013",       "Boot0011"     ],     "BootSourceOverrideTarget": "None"   } } iLOrest return code: 0        

It is difficult to tell the difference between arrays and nested JSON objects from the get/list output.

The get/list output does not distinguish between nested JSON objects and arrays. They both look similar in the output.

Use the -j,--json flags to distinguish between arrays and nested JSON objects.

I need to change a property, but it's an array... How can I modify that?

In this example we are only flipping the first two boot order items in the array, but we need to send the whole array, not just the modified section. You can see with the status command that we are changing specific array values.

iLOrest > set Boot/BootOrder=[Boot0015,Boot0014,Boot0016,Boot000A,Boot000B,Boot000C,Boot000D,Boot000E,Boot000F,Boot0010,Boot0012,Boot0013,Boot0011]          iLOrest > status Current changes found: ComputerSystem.v1_4_0(/redfish/v1/Systems/1/) (Currently selected)         Boot/BootOrder/0=Boot0015         Boot/BootOrder/1=Boot0014 iLOrest > commit Committing changes... The operation completed successfully.        

I am unable to change a property for an array.

Array types must be set as a whole modified array inside brackets. [ ]

Set array types as a whole modified array inside brackets. [ ]

You can also modify lists using the save and load commands.

Will this command reboot/reset my system?

Some commands will reboot the system.

Some commands will reboot the system because the reboot is required to complete the process. Other commands will tell you to reboot the system using the --reboot flag.

This list describes any reboot or reset behavior for commands:

  • The following commands will reboot your system:
    • Reboot
    • OneButtonErase
    • Serverclone
    • iLOclone
  • The following commands can reboot your system if you specify the option:
    • BiosDefaults
    • BootOrder
    • IscsiConfig
    • SetPassword
    • Commit
    • Load
    • Set
    • VirtualMedia
  • The following commands will reset iLO:
    • OneButtonErase
    • Serverclone
    • iLOclone
    • iLOreset
    • Uploadcomp - Can reset iLO if the firmware requires an iLO reset to finish flashing and you are directly flashing
    • flashfwpkg - Can reset iLO if the firmware requires an iLO reset to finish flashing
  • The following commands will factory reset your iLO:
    • iLOclone
    • factoryreset

Firmware uploading/flash issues

This section describes known issues flashing certain versions or any intermediate steps required to flash certain firmware.

Unable to flash or upload firmware

You are unable to flash or upload iLO 5 firmware v2.10 or later to a system running an iLO firmware version earlier than iLO 5 v1.40.

The target system must be running iLO 5 firmware v1.40 or later before you attempt to flash or upload iLO 5 firmware v2.10 or later to the system.

  1. Flash or upload to iLO 5 firmware v1.40x.
  2. Flash or upload to iLO 5 firmware v2.10 or later on the system.

Support and other resources

Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support

  • For live assistance, go to the Contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Worldwide website.

  • To access documentation and support services, go to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support Center website.

Information to collect

  • Technical support registration number (if applicable)

  • Product name, model or version, and serial number

  • Operating system name and version

  • Firmware version

  • Error messages

  • Product-specific reports and logs

  • Add-on products or components

  • Third-party products or components

Accessing updates

  • Some software products provide a mechanism for accessing software updates through the product interface. Review your product documentation to identify the recommended software update method.

  • To download product updates, go to either of the following:

    • Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support Center Get connected with updates page:
    • Software Depot website:
  • To view and update your entitlements and to link your contracts and warranties with your profile, go to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support Center More Information on the Access to Support Materials page.

Websites and documents

Tutorial Videos

Creating iLO REST Extensions

An Introduction to the RESTful Interface Tool

Benefits of RESTful Interface Tool vs. CONREP


Website Link
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Information Library
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support Center
Contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Worldwide
Subscription Service/Support Alerts
Software Depot
Customer Self Repair
Insight Remote Support
Serviceguard Solutions for HP-UX
Single Point of Connectivity Knowledge (SPOCK) Storage compatibility matrix
Storage white papers and analyst reports
HPE ProLiant Gen9 Server Management
HPE Intelligent Provisioning
UEFI System Utilities
Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP)
HPE iLO University videos
HPE Systems Insight Manager
U.S. Authorized Resellers


  • Transition to the RESTful Interface Tool (iLORest)
  • iLO RESTful API Data Model Reference (iLO 4)
  • HPE iLO 4 Scripting and Command Line Guide
  • HPE iLO 4 Release Notes
  • HPE ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide
  • HPE UEFI System Utilities User Guide
  • HPE Intelligent Provisioning User Guide for HPE ProLiant Gen9 Servers
  • Scripting Toolkit for Linux User Guide
  • Scripting Toolkit for Windows User Guide
  • Smart Update Manager User Guide
  • Service Pack for ProLiant User Guide
  • HPE BladeSystem Onboard Administrator User Guide
  • HPE iLO Federation User Guide

Customer self-repair

Hewlett Packard Enterprise customer self repair (CSR) programs allow you to repair your product. If a CSR part needs to be replaced, it will be shipped directly to you so that you can install it at your convenience. Some parts do not qualify for CSR. Your Hewlett Packard Enterprise authorized service provider will determine whether a repair can be accomplished by CSR.

For more information about CSR, contact your local service provider or go to the CSR website.

Remote Support

Remote support is available with supported devices as part of your warranty or contractual support agreement. It provides intelligent event diagnosis, and automatic, secure submission of hardware event notifications to Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which will initiate a fast and accurate resolution based on your product's service level. Hewlett Packard Enterprise strongly recommends that you register your device for remote support.

For more information and device support details, go to the following website.

Documentation feedback

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. To help us improve the documentation, send any errors, suggestions, or comments to Documentation Feedback, When submitting your feedback, include the document title, part number, edition, and publication date located on the front cover of the document. For online help content, include the product name, product version, help edition, and publication date located on the legal notices page.

Known Issues

The following are known issues present in the current release of ilorest. If available, a link to the relevant CA has been included:

Issue CA Issue Description Workaround
Chif login error out in SLES 12 SP4. SID7946. Logging into iLO in SLES 12SP4 may error out. Use remote or vnic login.
--proxy global login option does not work. NA --proxy global option does not work. Configure and use system proxy at OS level.
Certificate login in ESXi 7.0 does not work. NA On ESXi 7.0 server, user certificate login does not work. Use remote login or user credentials login.
Updating recovery set on SLES 12 SP5 may fail with iLOInitialError. SID7996. On SLES 12 SP5, iLOInitialError may occur when trying to update recovery set FW. Use remote or vnic login or GUI to update the recovery set.
Serverclone load error when input file is encrypted. NA Serverclone load command errors when input configuration file is encrypted. Use unencrypted input file for serverclone load.
Directory group clone does not work with serverclone command. NA Serverclone save, create a directory grp, serverclone load to old config and directory group is not erased. Directory Groups need to be manually created/erased.
UnifiedCertificate may error out when generating certificate. NA UnifiedCertificate command is future replacement for certificate command. Use Certificate command instead to generate certificate and get certificate.
iscsiconfig --list may error out with 'Name' not found NA This may happen due to iscsi is added as second attempt onwards. Use rawget command to list the iscsi attempts.

Error Codes

The RESTful Interface Tool uses the following error codes:

Error Code Error Name Description Resolution
1 CONFIGURATION_FILE_ERROR An error occurred while reading the iLOREST configuration file. Verify 'redfish.conf' is valid and located in the path for ilorest or referenceable by environment variables.
2 COMMAND_NOT_ENABLED_ERROR Error occurred when user tried to invoke a command that isn't enabled. Some commands may not be available on certain platforms. If the error is not clear in scriptable mode, try 'ilorest' in interactive mode to view disabled commands (just below the logo section).
3 INVALID_COMMAND_LINE_ERROR Invalid iLOREST command line syntax. Use the -h optional argument for a complete list of command line positional and optional arguments per command.
4 INVALID_FILE_FORMATTING_ERROR The input JSON file is invalid. Evaluate the JSON file is properly delimited or validate with a JSON 'linting' utility.
5 USER_NOT_ADMIN Command Console does not have administrative level privileges. Validate UAC privileges on Windows. Root level permissions must be used on Linux when executing iLORest commands.
6 NO_CONTENTS_FOUND_FOR_OPERATION Data was not returned for the specified GET operation. Normal in some use cases; some types may not contain populated data fields. Otherwise, report this issue for further review.
7 INVALID_FILE_INPUT_ERROR Invalid file input error. Check the file path is valid and read/write permissions are relevant for the associated iLOREST operation.
8 NO_CHANGES_MADE_OR_FOUND No changes were made (POST, PATCH). Verify system state. Utilize '-v or -vv' to review response information from iLO for the command in question.
9 NO_VALID_INFO_ERROR Information for the selected type and queried property is not valid. Schema may be invalid or missing for the relevant property. Verify the property name is correct, otherwise report this issue for further review.
10 UI_CLI_ERROR_EXCEPTION An error occurred while parsing command line user input. See the error message for further details. Use '-v, -vv and/or '-d' to clarify.
11 UI_CLI_WARN_EXCEPTION Warning occurred while parsing command line user input. See the error message for further details. Use '-v, -vv and/or '-d' to clarify.
12 UI_CLI_USAGE_EXCEPTION (see INVALID_COMMAND_LINE_ERROR) Invalid command usage. Use the -h optional argument for a complete list of command line positional and optional arguments per command.
13 UI_CLI_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION (see COMMAND_NOT_ENABLED_ERROR) An error occurred when the user tries to invoke a command that doesn't exist. Some commands may not be available on certain platforms. If the error is not clear in scriptable mode, try 'ilorest' in interactive mode to view disabled commands (just below the logo section).
21 RIS_UNDEFINED_CLIENT_ERROR Occurs when there are no clients active (usually when user hasn't logged in). Verify a valid iLO system login.
22 RIS_CURRENTLY_LOGGED_IN_ERROR Error occurred when attempting to operate on another instance while logged in. Log out on the current system and log in on the new system. Two systems can not share the same cache.
23 RIS_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR An error occurred when attempting to select an instance that does not exist. Verify the type intended for selection is available on the platform. Use the command 'Types' to list all available types on the iLO platform.
24 RIS_NOTHING_SELECTED_ERROR Error occurred when attempting to access an object type without first selecting it. Verify a type has been selected. Use the command 'Types' to list all available types identified on the iLO platform.
25 RIS_NOTHING_SELECTED_FILTER_ERROR (see RIS_NOTHING_SELECTED_ERROR) An error occurred when attempting to access an object type without first selecting it while using filters. Verify a type has been selected. Use the command 'Types' to list all available types identified on the iLO platform. Verify the command's optional argument filter is properly isolating the relevant data (if applicable). Use the -h optional argument for usage of the filter (if applicable).
26 RIS_NOTHING_SELECTED_SET_ERROR (see RIS_NOTHING_SELECTED_ERROR) An error occurred when attempting to set an object type without first selecting it. Verify a type has been selected when using the set command. Use the command 'Types' to list all available types identified on the iLO platform.
27 RIS_INVALID_SELECTION_ERROR (see RIS_NOTHING_SELECTED_ERROR) Error occurs when selection argument fails to match a valid type. Verify the type intended for selection is available on the platform. Use the command 'Types' to list all available types on the iLO platform.
28 RIS_VALIDATION_ERROR Error occurs when validating user input against schema files. Verify properties to be configured are valid for the system's defined schema using the iLOREST 'INFO' command. Report this issue for further review.
29 RIS_MISSING_ID_TOKEN Missing ID token. Report this issue for further review.
30 RIS_SESSION_EXPIRED Session expired. iLO session is no longer valid; perform a logout and login.
31 V1_RETRIES_EXHAUSTED_ERROR (see V1_SERVER_DOWN_OR_UNREACHABLE_ERROR) Error occurs when retry attempts to reach the selected server have been exhausted. Verify the server's IPv4, IPv6 are reachable or the FQDN is resolvable.
32 V1_INVALID_CREDENTIALS_ERROR Occurs when invalid iLO credentials have been provided. Verify user account credentials are valid for iLO.
33 V1_SERVER_DOWN_OR_UNREACHABLE_ERROR Error occurs when incorrect credentials have been provided and server is unresponsive. Server is unreachable.
34 V1_CHIF_DRIVER_MISSING_ERROR Channel interface driver is missing. Verify the location of chif.dll on Windows and on Linux (normally installed by iLOREST). The CHIF driver will need to be manually installed on Windows versions which did not include the HPE Service ProLiant Pack. While most common distributions of Linux will include the driver, some may need to be manually installed.
35 REST_ILOREST_CHIF_DLL_MISSING_ERROR CHIF missing DLL. Verify the location of chif.dll on Windows. The CHIF driver will need to be manually installed on Windows versions which did not include the HPE Service ProLiant Pack.
36 REST_ILOREST_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE_ERROR (see REST_ILOREST_ILO_ERROR) An error occurred due to an unexpected response. Utilize '-v or -vv' to review response information from iLO for the command in question. Reset iLO, logout and retry after login. Report this issue for further review.
37 REST_ILOREST_ILO_ERROR An iLO error occurred. Utilize '-v or -vv' to review response information from iLO for the command in question. Reset iLO, logout and retry after login. Report this issue for further review.
38 REST_ILOREST_CREATE_BLOB_ERROR An error occurred while trying to create Blobstore handle in CHIF. Reset iLO, logout and retry after login. Report this issue for further review.
39 REST_ILOREST_READ_BLOB_ERROR An error occurred while trying to read Blobstore data from CHIF. Reset iLO, logout and retry after login. Report this issue for further review.
40 SAME_SETTINGS_ERROR Same settings error. The settings intended to be applied to iLO and are presently configured are one in the same. If this is not the case, it is suggested to perform a 'get --refresh'. This error may occur from a cache concurrency issue; please report the problem for further review if repeated attempts come to the same conclusion.
41 FIRMARE_UPDATE_ERROR A firmware update error occurred. See details of the error including usage of '-v or -vv' to review detailed response information from iLO. Verify firmware compatibility.
42 BOOT_ORDER_ENTRY_ERROR A boot order entry error occurred. An invalid boot order entry has occurred. Verify the set or load applied to the boot object property is consistent with the iLO schema. Check '-v or -vv' for details in the iLO error response codes.
43 NIC_MISSING_OR_INVALID_ERROR NIC missing or invalid error. An invalid property or collection of properties has been provided to iLO which are not consistent with the defined schema. Check '-v or -vv' for details in the iLO error response codes.
44 NO_CURRENT_SESSION_ESTABLISHED No current session established. Verify iLO system login and current valid session.
45 FAILURE_DURING_COMMIT_OPERATION A failure occurred during a commit operation. Retry the commit, refresh cache and attempt to set/commit data again.
46 USERNAME_PASSWORD_REQUIRED_ERROR Login failure where username and password missing Retry login by providing username and password.
51 MULTIPLE_SERVER_CONFIG_FAIL Multiple server configuration failure. Verify current session is only for a single targeted server. Separate cache directories must be used or '--no-cache' should be added to eliminate cache use.
52 MULTIPLE_SERVER_INPUT_FILE_ERROR Multiple server input file error. Verify current session is only for a single targeted server. Separate cache directories must be used or '--no-cache' should be added to eliminate cache use.
53 LOAD_SKIP_SETTING_ERROR A load skip setting error occurred. Certain properties are considered read-only or are not to be modified. Those properties should be removed during a save; however, this error may occur if referenced during a load. Report this issue for further review.
54 INCOMPATIBLE_ILO_VERSION_ERROR Incompatible iLO version error. Occurs when attempting to access or modify a system with incompatible settings. Generally iLO 4 2.00 and greater, all iLO 5 releases are compatible; however, some anomalies may occur on HPE Apollo and HPE Edgeline products. Report these issues for further review if the iLO version and platform is expected to be supported.
55 INVALID_CLIST_FILE_ERROR Invalid command list file error. Report this issue to the developers.
56 UNABLE_TO_MOUNT_BB_ERROR Unable to mount BB error. Black box is unable to be mounted. Verify Absaroka storage space is available for mounting.
57 BIRTHCERT_PARSE_ERROR Birth certificate parse error. Invalid server birth certificate.
58 INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_TYPE Incompatible server type. The command(s) may not be supported on the server type. Verify with developers if the command should be supported on the target system.
59 ILO_LICENSE_ERROR iLO license error. Verify a valid iLO license has been provided. See details of the error including usage of '-v or -vv' to review detailed response information from iLO.
60 RESOURCE_EXISTS_ERROR Account exists error. iLO Management account or iLO Federation Account already exists on the target platform.
61 RIS_VALUE_CHANGED_ERROR Error occurred when trying to change a value. A value has changed due to a dependency or an ETag has been otherwise updated, indicating a difference from the cached value.
62 RIS_REF_PATH_NOT_FOUND Reference path not found error. Verify the Redfish API endpoint for the resource is available.
63 RIS_iLO_RESPONSE_ERROR An iLO response error occurred. See details of the error including usage of '-v or -vv' to review detailed response information from iLO.
64 RIS_ILO_INIT_ERROR Unable to open a channel with iLO. Verify the location of chif.dll on Windows and on Linux (normally installed by iLOREST). The CHIF driver will need to be manually installed on Windows versions which did not include the HPE Service ProLiant Pack. While most common distributions of Linux will include the driver, some may need to be manually installed.
65 RIS_SCHEMA_PARSE_ERROR An error occurred parsing the type schema. Try running with the "--latestschema flag". Report this issue for further review.
66 RIS_ILO_CHIF_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR An access denied error occurred during chif communication. Try running with the "-d" option. Report this issue for further review.
67 RIS_CREATE_AND_PREPARE_CHANNEL_ERROR A create channel error occurred during chif communication. Try running with the "-d" option. Report this issue for further review.
68 REST_ILOREST_BLOB_DELETE_ERROR Error occurred while trying to delete BLOB data. Blobstore is unavailable, blob can not be deleted or does not exist. Attempt to reset iLO as well as cycle logout and login operations. Review the ilorest.debug log using '-d'. Report this issue for further investigation.
69 RIS_ILO_CHIF_NO_DRIVER_ERROR No chif driver error during chif communication. Check that OS chif driver exist. Report this issue for further review.
70 REST_ILOREST_WRITE_BLOB_ERROR An error occurred while trying to write BLOB data. Blobstore may not be available or the size of the data may exceed 15KB. Attempt to reset iLO as well as cycle logout and login operations. Review the ilorest.debug log using '-d'. Report this issue for further investigation.
71 RIS_ILO_CHIF_PACKET_EXCHANGE_ERROR A packet exchage error occurred during chif communication. Try running with the "-d" option. Report this issue for further review.
72 REST_ILOREST_BLOB_FINALIZE_ERROR Error occurred while trying to finalize BLOB. Blobstore may not be available or the size of the data may exceed 15KB. Attempt to reset iLO as well as cycle logout and login operations. Review the ilorest.debug log using '-d'. Report this issue for further investigation.
73 REST_ILOREST_BLOB_NOT_FOUND_ERROR BLOB could not be found. Blobstore or Blob does not exist.
74 JSON_DECODE_ERROR JSON decoder error. JSON data could not be decoded. Review the ilorest.debug log using '-d'. Report this issue for further investigation.
75 V1_SECURITY_STATE_ERROR Security state error. Verify iLO security state.
76 REST_ILOREST_BLOB_OVERRIDE_ERROR (see REST_ILOREST_WRITE_BLOB_ERROR) iLO RESTful API BLOB override error. Blobstore may not be available or the size of the data may exceed 15KB. Attempt to reset iLO as well as cycle logout and login operations. Review ilorest.debug log using '-d'. Report this issue for further investigation.
77 REST_BLOB_RETRIES_EXHAUSTED_ERROR Error occurred during the blob operation after maximum retries. Blobstore may not be available or the size of the data may exceed 15KB if writing. Attempt to reset iLO as well as cycle logout and login operations. Review ilorest.debug log using '-d'. Report this issue for further investigation. Check Absaroka flash status.
80 RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_ISSUES_ERROR An error occurred allocating resources for an object. See ilorest.debug log using '-d'.
81 ENCRYPTION_ERROR An error occured during encryption. Check file encodings.
82 DRIVE_MISSING_ERROR Drive missing error. Drive referenced in smart storage controller is missing or unavailable. Check smart array controller, drive power drive status.
83 PATH_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR The requested path is unavailable. The requested Redfish API endpoint does not exist on the target server.
84 ILO_RIS_CORRUPTION_ERROR RIS database seems corrupted The requested Redfish resource is corrupted and may need a reboot of the server.
100 RIS_RIS_BIOS_UNREGISTERED_ERROR BIOS provider is unregistered. Verify the HP/HPE BIOS firmware is validated and authentic. Report this issue for further investigation.
101 FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_COMPONENT Failed to download component error. Verify desired component is available in Absaroka with 'List Component Command'. Retry operation. Verify network connectivity and sufficient bandwidth.
102 UPDATE_SERVICE_BUSY Update service is busy. Verify iLO update service status. Try the operation after the current update service job has been completed.
103 TASKQUEUE_ERROR An error occurred executing one or more items of the current task queue. Verify the task queue parameters are correct. Retry the job.
104 FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_COMPONENT Failed to upload component. Verify the iLO update service status. Verify the component is of the correct type and is authentic (as per the settings of your system). Verify sufficient space is available on Absaroka for the component.
255 GENERAL_ERROR A general error occurred while manipulating server settings. See the error message for details. Retry the operation. Report this issue for further investigation.


Term Description
AD Active Directory (AD) is Microsoft's implementation of directory information services for Windows Domain networks.
Ansible Ansible is an open-source automation tool that lets you push scripts across servers. Ansible does not check the configuration of the server before you push the scripts.
Chef Chef is an open-source automation tool that lets you check for possible errors before deploying software across servers.
FIPS mode The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) mode is a requirement for US government employees and personnel, who must use FIPS encryption.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open-source protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services.
Puppet Puppet is an automation tool that lets you customize the deployment of software according to the configuration of the servers. Puppet works differently from Ansible and Chef in that a Puppet agent is installed on the nodes. The Puppet agent periodically contacts the centralized Puppet master to determine if its node has the latest configuration. The Puppet master can require different configurations across the nodes. Puppet has two versions: open source and Puppet Enterprise.

How To Install Os Through Ilo 5


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